Tuesday, April 16, 2024
HomeExclusiveAfter Breast Cancer Surgery Diet

After Breast Cancer Surgery Diet

Following A Large Group Of Survivors

Losing Weight After Breast Cancer Treatment

Both studies are led by nutritional epidemiologist Maryam Farvid, PhD, and pulled data from about a quarter of a million women who were part of two large observational studies. These Nurses Health studies had started in 1976 and 1989. The women were cancer-free and ages 55 or below when they joined the study. Each participant regularly answered questions about her dietary habits, along with family history, activity and other relevant risk factors.

Nutrition And Lifestyle After Breast Cancer

The diet that is recommended following a diagnosis of or treatment for breast cancer is the same as what is recommended for cancer prevention.

Obesity is a known risk factor for many cancers, including breast cancer. Emphasis is placed on consuming a healthy and balanced diet, more so than adhering to any particular dietary regimes. There are no specific foods that should be consumed or avoided.

A balanced diet refers to a diet that includes all nutrients necessary for your bodys normal function, and in adequate quantities to sustain a healthy weight or achieve weight loss. Adhering to a balanced diet means eating meals regularly throughout the day that consist of carbohydrates, protein and fats.

General Guidelines And Issues To Be Aware Of

Before your surgery, your stomach played many important roles in your digestive system. The stomach:

  • Held a liter or more of food
  • Ground food into a purée for digestion and absorption
  • Prepared food for absorption using digestive enzymes and stomach acid
  • Controlled the release of food into the small intestine
  • Sent signals to your brain when it was time to eat again

After total gastrectomy, your digestive system:

  • Holds a smaller quantity of food
  • Cannot grind food
  • Cannot digest and absorb every nutrient in food effectively
  • Will not send you the same signals to tell you to eat

To compensate for these effects, you will need to:

  • Eat smaller meals, having at least 6-8 small meals per day
  • Avoid drinking a lot of fluids with your meals
  • Chew your food very well to make it easier to digest and absorb food. Chewing your food well will also help avoid pain or discomfort after eating
  • Take the recommended vitamins every day to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need
  • See the section on vitamin supplements later in this packet
  • Also talk to your dietitian about your individual needs
  • Have small meals every few hours even when you dont feel hungry. It will take time to learn your bodys new hunger cues. These may include feeling tired, weak, dizzy or light-headed
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    Be Smart About Your Diet To Recover Well And You Could Help Prevent Recurrence Heres A Brief Guideline

    Getting the right diet for breast cancer recovery is a key part of your wellness plan. In most respects, the advice for breast cancer survivors is similar to that for all women who are interested in optimal nutrition. However, there are a few special considerations during and after breast cancer treatment.

    Easy Ways To Add Calories To Your Diet

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    If you are having a hard time getting enough calories in your diet after surgery, you may need to focus on choosing higher-calorie foods for a while.

    Here are a few ways to boost your calorie intake:

    • If you get full after a few bites, focus on eating the highest-calorie items on your plate first
    • Choose full-calorie options when eating prepared foods, such as frozen meals
    • Keep a full-calorie beverage nearby, and drink from it frequently
    • Add in a dietary supplement, such as Ensure or protein bars
    • Snack between meals

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    How To Add Exercise To Your Daily Routine

    Its important to find physical activities you enjoy. This way, youre more likely to do them regularly. Remember that any small increases in activity will help. Set small exercise or activity goals for yourself and slowly work your way up to doing more.

    Exercise can be broken up into 2 or 3 sessions. For example, if you dont have 1 whole hour to exercise, try walking for 30 minutes twice per day. Try the following ideas to increase your physical activity:

    The table below will help you determine how much exercise you need each week, depending on your goals.

    Goal Type and Amount of Exercise
    To gain important health benefits 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise , 75 minutes of vigorous exercise , or an equal combination of both
    For added health benefits More than 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, 150 minutes per week of vigorous exercise, or an equal combination of both

    Diet For Breast Cancer Recovery: Fruits Vegetables And Grains

    Most of the foods you choose when considering a diet for breast cancer recovery should come from plant sources. In general, this means eating at least five servings per day of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, a class of chemicals found in plants that may help prevent certain cancers or improve the prognosis of cancer survivors.

    There is strong evidence that these chemicals provide some protection against colorectal and lung cancer, and there is weaker evidence that they may help protect against breast cancer as well: so, theyre well worth integrating into your diet for breast cancer recovery.

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    Two New Studies Suggest Diet Can Help Breast Cancer Survivors Live Longer

    Mya Nelson

    Mya R. Nelson is a science writer for American Institute for Cancer Research.

    Can breast cancer survivors diets help them live longer? Two new studies both partially funded by AICR suggest yes. The research yields important insights into an area that has previously given inconclusive findings.

    Today, more women than ever before are surviving breast cancer and that has led to increased research into how diet may play a role in survival. Breast cancer survivors are at increased risk of developing another breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, which increases risk of mortality. In 2014, AICRs systematic review of the global evidence found there was not enough evidence to conclude that diet affected breast cancer survival.

    Some research conducted in recent years has hinted that a healthy diet can improve survival, such as these papers AICR has written about here and here. However, there is a critical need for more and better research, says Nigel Brockton, PhD., AICRs Vice President of Research.

    Many of the estimated 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US are eager for reliable dietary advice that can help them live longer, healthier lives, said Brockton. AICR funded this research to help provide some of those answers.

    Breast Cancer Surgery: Prostheses Or Reconstruction

    Tips to Reduce Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery

    Undergoing breast reconstruction surgery or being fitted with a prosthesis can help you look and feel whole again.

    Breast prostheses come in many shapes, forms, and sizes. Typically, youll want lightweight, foam-filled breast prosthesis during the initial recovery period. It wont put unnecessary pressure on your wound.

    After your wound heals, youll probably want to switch to a silicone model. They weigh and feel much like natural breasts.

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    Include Fiber In Your Diet

    Fiber is a part of plants that you can eat but cant be digested by your body. Fiber is good for your health and can help you:

    • Keep your blood sugar at the right levels.
    • Lower your cholesterol levels.
    • Have regular bowel movements and prevent constipation .
    • Feel more full and satisfied after a meal.

    Most people should eat at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day. You can do this by eating about 2 ½ cups of vegetables or legumes, 2 cups of fruit, and 3 servings of whole grains every day.

    Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet over a short period of time can cause gas and bloating. Add sources of fiber to your diet slowly and drink lots of water. This will help your body get used to the change.

    Foods with fiber

    High-fiber foods usually have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains are usually high in fiber. They also have many vitamins and minerals. Whole grains include the entire grain seed. Theyre better for you than refined grains. Examples of whole grains are:

    • Brown rice, black rice, and wild rice

    Read the labels on your foods to find those that are high in fiber. Labels that list the word whole or whole grain before the first ingredient are good fiber sources. For example, look for whole wheat flour as the first ingredient in bread, not just wheat flour.

    The table below lists some good food sources of fiber. For more information and a full list of fiber-rich foods, read the resource Food Sources of Fiber.

    Eating For Breast Cancer Reduced Risk And Improved Survival

    These studies are observational and both have limitations, such as recurrence or another disease may have affected what the women ate. The majority of the participants were also white, so the findings may not be applicable to other racial/ethnic groups.

    Taken together, the research suggests that women diagnosed with breast cancer may benefit from eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables and eating less rapidly-digested foods sources, such as whole grains and non-starchy vegetables, says Brockton. This advice is consistent with AICRs 10 Cancer Prevention Recommendations that apply to cancer survivors too.

    AICRs Breast Cancer Survivorship CUP Report also found indications that being physically active after a breast cancer diagnosis improved survival. The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report found evidence that physical activity both before and after a cancer diagnosis improved survival among people diagnosed with breast and several other cancers.

    To lower risk of developing breast cancer, AICR research shows that avoiding alcohol, staying a healthy weight and being physically active can all lower risk. Although research is unclear if these habits prevent recurrence. These lifestyle habits also lower the risk of heart disease.

    Here is where you can read more about the research on breast cancer survival.

    AICR Impact

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    Planning Your Cancer Treatment Diet

    Registered dietitians have specialized training in the nutritional needs of people with specific diseases. Your dietitian can help you plan meals that give you the right number of calories and nutrients.

    Its also important to build an eating plan thats practical for you, says Rajagopal. If youre busy in the evenings and dont have the time or energy to cook, try to select healthy takeout options. If youre on a budget, adding inexpensive, nutritious foods like beans or frozen fruit or vegetables to simple meals can go a long way.

    If The Cancer Comes Back

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    If cancer does return, your treatment options will depend on where it comes back, what treatments you’ve had before, and your current health and preferences. For more information, see Treatment of Recurrent Breast Cancer.

    Its important to know that women who have had breast cancer can also still get other types of cancer, so its important to follow the American Cancer Society guidelines for the early detection of cancer, such as those for colorectal cancer and cervical cancer.

    Women who have had breast cancer are actually at higher risk for certain other cancers. To learn more about the risks of second cancers, see Second Cancers After Breast Cancer.

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    Sugar Inflammation And Soy: How Does Nutrition Influence Breast Cancer Risk

    Many factors increase the chance of developing breast cancer. Some we cant change, such as getting older or inheriting genetic mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. But we can control or at least modify a few risk factors including our diet.

    Study after study shows that healthy eating lowers not only your risk of developing breast cancer but also other health problems, such as heart disease. This is due in part to the connection between nutrition and obesity, which is in turn linked to inflammation.

    Obesity and being overweight are associated with a higher risk of developing 13 types of cancer, including breast cancer. In fact, 18% of cancers in the U.S. can be linked to excess body weight, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, or poor nutrition.

    No diet is guaranteed to prevent cancer. However, making healthy lifestyle choices can improve your general health and potentially reduce your risk of getting breast cancer.

    Foods To Keep In Your Diet Before And After A Mastectomy

    During cancer treatment, a nutritious and well-rounded diet can help you cope with side effects of chemotherapy, maintain energy and support the immune system. If you are preparing for a mastectomy or other major surgery, a healthy diet will also provide nutrients to help optimize healing time.

    Most patients who undergo a mastectomy can return to regular eating habits two weeks after the surgery, but nutritionists recommend a healthy diet to be ideally implemented before the procedure to help you heal and set up long-term healthy eating habits. There are several foods we suggest make it to your plate both before and after the procedure:

    • Phytonutrient-rich fruits and vegetables Phytonutrients are essentially the immune system for fruits and vegetables, but they can help humans as well. Fruits and vegetables with rich color are filled with phytonutrients. Try vegetables like beets, squash or kale, and fruits like cranberries, peaches or kiwi. Fruits and vegetables also provide carbohydrates, which can help provide energy and prevent fatigue during recovery. Braised Greens with Vinegar and Sesame Seedsand Cranberry Spinach Salad are two phytonutrient-rich dishes you can try.
    • Whole grains Whole grain items like brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal contain zinc, which is an important mineral for healing and your immune system. A traditional Irish Oatmeal recipe will give you the zinc you need.

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    Side Effects To Expect After Total Gastrectomy

    • Weight loss: Your calorie and protein needs are higher right after your surgery to help you heal, but your body will not be able to absorb everything you eat. You will also feel full quickly and may forget to eat without your usual hunger cues. For these reasons, weight loss is expected after total gastrectomy.
    • Weight loss is fastest the first month after surgery. You can then expect gradual weight loss for 6-12 months after gastrectomy. This weight loss includes loss of both fat tissue and muscle mass.
    • Speak with your dietitian to get specific recommendations to help you avoid losing weight too quickly, to avoid losing too much weight or too much muscle mass and to maintain a healthy weight long-term after gastrectomy. Note that it is harder to regain weight after a total gastrectomy.
    • Early satiety, or feeling full quickly. Right after surgery, you will feel full after only a few bites of food, approximately 1-2 ounces of food at a time .
    • To get enough nutrition despite early satiety, you will need to eat high-calorie and high-protein foods every 1-2 hours until you are able to eat larger amounts.
    • You can find guidance on your meal plan in “Diet and Nutrition After Gastrectomy: Your Plan.”
  • As your body adapts after surgery, you will gradually be able to increase portion sizes to child-size meals. This usually happens between 6-12 months after surgery.
  • To counter the effects of anorexia:
  • Eat on a schedule, rather than waiting until you feel hungry.
  • To avoid bile reflux:
  • Breast Cancer Risk Factors

    Breast cancer survivors discuss plant-based diets

    Some things can make a person more likely to get breast cancer. These things are called risk factors. Some risk factors are in your control, and some arent.

    Here are some examples of risk factors you cant change:

    • Getting your first period at a younger age
    • Having a family history of breast cancer
    • Having certain types of genes that increase your risk for breast cancer

    Here are some examples of risk factors you can change:

    • Being overweight or obese . This is especially true for people who have gone through menopause .
    • Not being physically active

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    Breast Cancer Food Guide

    There is no specific diet that is recommended for people with breast cancer. Your nutrient needs may vary depending on many factors that include other medical diagnoses, your body weight, nutrient deficiencies, medications, and any symptoms that youre currently experiencing.

    Your healthcare team, including a registered dietitian who specializes in oncology nutrition, can help you come up with an appropriate eating plan specific to your needs and overall health. The following foods are based on general recommendations to maintain overall health while living with breast cancer:

    • whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, protein sources like chicken and turkey, fatty fish like trout or salmon, and plant-based proteins sources like lentils and nuts
    • foods high in healthy fats and protein. If you need to maintain or gain weight, incorporate sources of healthy fat like nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive oil as well as protein sources like eggs, chicken, lentils, and fish. Protein-rich foods are especially important for maintaining muscle mass.
    • blended liquids such as milkshakes, smoothies, juices, or soups for those times when you dont feel like eating solid foods
    • high fiber foods like whole grains, flax seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruits to treat constipation

    What Foods Should You Avoid During Cancer Treatment

    Be aware of whats going into your body during cancer treatment. Read nutrition labels and prepare as much of your own food as you can. Its best to stay away from highly refined, processed food. You should also avoid fried foods that contain a lot of hydrogenated oils, which can increase inflammation.

    Since people with cancer often have compromised immune systems, consider skipping foods that carry the risk of foodborne illnesses, including:

    • Lightly cooked or raw fish, such as sushi
    • Soft-cooked eggs or foods that contain raw eggs, such as homemade mayonnaise
    • Unpasteurized cheeses and dairy products
    • Unwashed fruits or vegetables

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