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Breast Cancer Education And Awareness

How Can You Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness: Mammography

As a woman, over the course of your lifetime there are many factors that can influence your risk of breast cancer. While some of the most important of these risk factors, such as being a woman, getting older or having a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer and genetic factors, cannot be changed, you can still aim to reduce risk of breast cancer through making healthy lifestyle choices and other risk-reducing strategies.

You can also improve your chance of better outcomes by being breast aware and knowing what to do about finding breast cancer early.

When It Comes To Being Educated And Empowered About Your Own Body It Pays To Start Young

At So Brave, we believe that bringing breast cancer awareness to youth and young women is vital in order to save lives.

Which is why we offer our Breast Aware for Life Education Program at high schools and universities.

Aside from providing practical information about breast cancer and its warning signs, we also teach the next generation to be body positive, and empowered when it comes to advocating for their own health.

We have collaborated with educators and student leaders in developing our program, to ensure that its effective, relevant, and engaging. Were proud to equip young women with the knowledge they need to understand their breast health and take control over their own futures.

I liked how you expressed your stories, it made it seem more real and we could understand it more.

Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It is also one of the most preventable cancers. There are many risk factors for breast cancer, and knowing them can help you reduce your chances of developing the disease. Here are some of the most common:

1) age: women over 50 are at a higher risk for breast cancer than women under 30 2) family history: if a woman has a family history of breast cancer, she is more likely to develop the disease herself 3) obesity: being overweight or obese increases your risk for developing breast cancer, especially if you have a personal history of obesity or type 2 diabetes 4) hormone therapy: taking hormones like estrogen or progestin may increase your risk for developing breast cancer 5) radiation therapy: radiation therapy treatments used to treat other cancers can also cause breast cancer in women 6) chemical exposures: exposure to certain chemicals, including those found in plastics and pesticides, may increase your risk for developing breast cancer 7) alcohol use: excessive drinking may increase your risk for developing breast cancer 8) physical activity: regular exercise can help reduce your risk for developing both types

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Knowledge On Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Table shows the performance on 7 questions regarding the signs and symptoms of breast cancer . Breast cancer presenting as a lump, and nipple discharge were answered correctly in the pre-education test 83.1, and 71.6%. These also saw significant improvement to 97.4 and 85.1% in the post-education test . A total of 66.9% correct answers were provided for sore/rash on the breast as a sign/symptom for breast cancer in the pre-education test which improved non-significantly to 68.3% in the post-education test . However, responses to the presence of a lump in the armpit, severe pain, change in direction of the nipple and swelling of the breast were poorly answered with correct answers in only 13.6, 4.6, 38.5 and 9.6% respectively. For these questions, although the percentage of correct answers also increased significantly post-education scores were still inadequate 29.9, 9.1, 49.4 and 21.0% respectively.

Table 2 Knowledge on features of breast cancer

Breast Cancer Awareness And The Pfd

Pin by Megen Rosado

In addition to keeping the citizens of the greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area safe, the Philadelphia Fire Department also works hard to educate the public about safety and prevention. Their partner, the Philadelphia Fire Department Foundation, a 501 whose sole mission is to support the Philadelphia Fire Department, runs t-shirt fundraisers through Custom Ink to raise money by selling t-shirts and awareness by providing supporters with a walking billboard to inform others. In the past two years, the department has raised more than $75,000.

Two longtime supporters, Mary and Julie, sporting the new gear for this year.

As they state on their Custom Ink Fundraising collections page, Our mission is to raise funds needed to promote the fire prevention and life safety education programs helping the PFD better protect the citizens of Philadelphia. We promote and seek to implement new ideas that continue to support fire prevention initiatives. We are committed to expanding beyond our present scope, increasing funds available for technology and equipment which will enhance the Philadelphia Fire Departments reputation as a model for others to emulate. We are motivated to work collaboratively with all PFD sister organizations. We strive for excellence in serving the needs of the Philadelphia Fire Department and the many men and women who protect the City of Philadelphia every day.

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What Are The Symptoms

There are different symptoms of breast cancer, and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include

  • Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
  • Pain in any area of the breast.
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk .
  • A new lump in the breast or underarm.

If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.

General Knowledge On Breast Cancer

Table shows the performance on 5 basic general knowledge questions on breast cancer . In the pre-education test only 28.8, 18.6 and 11.4% of respondents answered correctly when asked whether breast cancer was curable, could occur in men or usually started with pain, respectively. In answer to the same questions the post-education correct answers were significantly higher : 37.9, 81.4 and 34.7% respectively. Pre-education knowledge on women developing breast cancer below age 30years and during pregnancy was already adequate but correct answers also improved significantly from 76.9 and 78.5% to 91.6 and 84.5% post-education respectively .

Table 1 General knowledge on breast cancer

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Breast Cancer: Knowledge Summaries For Health Professionals

Breast cancer is among the most common cancer in women in the Americas, where approximately 408,000 women were diagnosed and 92,000 women died from breast cancer in 2012.

Breast cancer can be detected early and treated effectively. Breast health awareness programs can increase women’s understanding of their risks and of the signs and symptoms that need prompt medical attention. Organized breast cancer screening programs can detect cancers at earlier stage. Most women diagnosed with early stage disease have a good prognosis, with overall 5-year survival rates of 80-90%.

Do you have feedback on the Knowledge Summaries? Your input will help us improve this resource.

Prevention: Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention

Learn more about the preventive approaches to breast cancer control. This summary provides information on prophylactic medications, prophylactic surgery and lifestyle modifications for breast cancer prevention. Information on health professional training and individual risk assessments and counseling is also provided.

Early Detection: Breast Health Awareness and Early Detection Strategies

Detecting breast cancer early improves survival, lowers morbidity and reduces the cost of care. Learn about the major breast cancer early detection strategies in this knowledge summary, including breast cancer education and awareness, and breast self-detection and clinical breast exams .

Early Detection: Breast Physiology and the Clinical Breast Exam

Knowledge On Risk Factors For Developing Breast Cancer

Cancer Awareness: Breast Cancer

Knowledge on risk factors for breast cancer is represented in Table . With the exception of the question on parity less than 50% correctly identified family history, breastfeeding, alcohol and lack of exercise as risk factors in the pre-education test. Knowledge of these risk factors did increase significantly post-education . As many as 94% consistently inaccurately believe handkerchiefs/mobile phones placed in a brasier is a risk for developing breast cancer both before and after the intervention.

Table 3 Knowledge on factors increasing risk of getting breast cancer

Read Also: Breast Cancer Prognosis By Stage

Breast Cancer Risk Reduction

  • Healthy Living and Breast Cancer View PDF
  • Risk Lowering Options for Women at Higher Risk of Breast Cancer View PDF

Regular screening tests can reduce your chance of dying from breast cancer. Screening tests can find breast cancer early when the chances of survival are highest.

Breast cancer is often first suspected when a lump or a change in the breast is found. Or perhaps, an abnormal area was seen on your mammogram. Most of the time, these findings dont turn out to be cancer. But the only way to know for sure is through follow-up tests. We offer several materials to help guide you through the journey ahead.

Why Are Breast Cancer Self Exams Important

Performing a breast cancer self exam is essential to detecting early symptoms of breast cancer and beginning treatment as soon as possible – according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 40% of diagnosed breast cancers were detected when women felt a lump. Self exams can also help you familiarize yourself with how your body naturally looks and feels, making it easier to tell when something is wrong. Self exams should be performed at least once a month if youre wondering how to do a self breast exam, check out the steps on this helpful chart. Important note: not every lump you may find in your breast is undoubtedly cancer. Many of these masses are benign and can be easily removed, making clinical breast exams an essential next step after detection.

Don’t Miss: What To Say To Someone Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Ethics Approval And Consent To Participate

This research was carried out in accordance with the guidelines and regulations for human research . Institutional ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital for Medical Research . . Permission was given by the heads of the schools for the schools to participate in this project. Written informed consent was given by each participant and legal guardian after the procedure had been explained and option given to withdraw at any stage. Those who opted out of the pre-test were not excluded from participating in the educational intervention.

Sample Size And Sampling Procedure

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

A study in low socioeconomic setting in Delhi found that 53% of women between 14 and 74 years of age were aware about BC. Assuming 53% prevalence, 5% level of significance and 20% non-response rate during the follow-up, our sample size for baseline was approximately 480 for estimating baseline prevalence objective. For intervention part, assuming 10% increase in knowledge of BC at 5% level of significance, 80% power and 10% lost to follow-up, the sample of 446 women were needed. Hence, 480 women fulfilled both the objectives of the study. The response rate for endline survey was 85.4% excluding locked house, unavailability for long time and non-response. The study area was catered by 16 CHVs/ASHAs at the health post and each section constitutes around 1000â1400 households. Thirty participants were selected from each section using systematic random sampling procedure from a list of eligible women which was obtained through mapping and house listing of the selected area/community.

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Tips For Coping With Breast Cancer

There are a few things you can do to help deal with the stress of breast cancer, both during and after treatment. Here are some tips:

-Talk to someone about what youre feeling. Talking to a friend or family member can help you process your feelings and find support.

-Get out and do something fun. Being active can help take your mind off of things, and its good for your body too!

-Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. These habits will help keep you energized and positive throughout your treatment journey.

Free Breast Health Guides

NBCF is dedicated to delivering comprehensive, educational information on breast health and healthy living. From understanding the importance of early detection, to knowing how to prepare for a mammogram, NBCFs online resources and guides aim to empower women and men with useful information.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Check For Male Breast Cancer

And From The Young Women Themselves

I learnt that both for myself and women I know, need to take the step of checking ourselves monthly, and becoming more aware of breast cancer.

Todays workshop taught me the importance of breast cancer and knowing my own body.

Very insightful, inspirational and important to be educated about. Made me more aware of how important it is to know your body.

I liked how you expressed your stories, it made it seem more real and we could understand it more.

Navigating Breast Cancer In The Workplace

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Women represent 47% of the current workforce, and 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. NBCF partners with corporations who are interested in strengthening their womens health education programs. Through our Navigating Breast Cancer in the Workplace presentations, NBCF educates employees on breast health principles and encourages leadership to improve quality of work environment for employees facing breast cancer.

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Shown Here: Introduced In Senate

Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act of 2009 or EARLY Act – Amends the Public Health Service Act to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services , acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , to conduct a national evidence-based education campaign: to increase public awareness regarding the threats posed by breast cancer to young women, including the particular risks faced by certain racial, ethnic and cultural groups and focusing on awareness of risk factors and achieving early detection through community-centered informational forums, public service advertisements, and media campaigns.

Directs the Secretary to award grants to entities to establish national multimedia campaigns that: will encourage young women to be aware of their personal risk factors, strategies and methods for increasing early detection and self awareness, genetic counseling and testing, imaging-based screening methods, evidence based preventative lifestyle changes, and other appropriate breast cancer early detection and risk reduction strategies will encourage young women of specific higher-risk populations to talk to their medical practitioners about those risks and methods for appropriate screening and surveillance and may include advertising through specified media.

Advisory Committee On Breast Cancer In Young Women

CDC has convened an Advisory Committee on Breast Cancer in Young Women , a federal advisory committee established by the Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act, section 10413 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . The EARLY Act authorizes CDC to develop initiatives to increase knowledge of breast health and breast cancer among women, particularly among those under the age of 40 and those at heightened risk for developing the disease.

The ACBCYW helps CDC develop evidence-based approaches to advance understanding and awareness of breast cancer among young women through prevention research, public and health professional education and awareness activities, and emerging prevention strategies.

For more information, please review the advisory committee charter , the list of members, and information about meetings.

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What Is Breast Cancer

As is the case for all cancers, breast cancer is a disease in which your bodys cells begin to grow abnormally and form a tumor, specifically in the breast. Different parts of the breast can become affected, causing different types of cancers with different symptoms. If left untreated, breast cancer can spread to other body parts.

Intervention For Health Workers

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Half-day training programme was organised for the healthcare providers on BSE, CBE on 31 July 2019 at the maternity home. Preventive oncology experts from the comprehensive tertiary cancer centre took the sessions on BSE and CBE for the paramedic staff and the medical officer. The sessions were arranged using audio-video presentations and interactions, followed by breast examination practices using MammaCare breast model . Twenty-one health workers participated in this training.

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Annette Lamers Making A Difference Award

Luella Williams is the recipient of the 2021 Annette Lamers Making a Difference Award. The award recognizes an outstanding volunteer whose dedicated service has made a significant difference in our community. A three-time breast cancer survivor, Lu is now celebrating 34 years as a survivor. She was first introduced to BCEA when she was asked to model in a fashion show and has been a dedicated volunteer ever since. She is one of the original Breast Cancer Champions, and currently serves as a mentor to new Champions. She plays a key role in BCEA community outreach programs and also volunteers with African American Breast Cancer Association and Sisters Standing Up to Breast Cancer. Lus dedication, caring and commitment have been instrumental in helping BCEA reach communities with unequal burdens of cancer. You will find Lu at nearly every BCEA- sponsored meeting or event, greeting everyone she meets with a smile, sharing her story, educating and encouraging women to take care of their health.

Breast Cancer Foundation Nz Delivers An Effective Breast Cancer And Breast Health Awareness Education Programme

The programme increases community awareness and understanding of breast cancer and breast health awareness and aims to:

  • increase the number of women over 40 who have mammograms
  • improve information about breast cancer
  • to increase breast health awareness and knowledge of risks and lifestyle choices
  • reach out to at risk communities Maori and Pacific Islanders/rural NZ
  • to increase knowledge of support/resources available through the Foundation.

Our National Educators are available for presentations within all sectors of the community: workplaces, community centres/houses, events, government and non-government organisations, sector groups, disability and mental health services as well as men’s and womens services.

These sessions can be tailored to the needs of individual workplaces/groups from 30 minutes to one hour.

For requests outside of the greater Auckland area several presentations may be coordinated in the same region in order to keep costs to a minimum. This may require some flexibility with times/dates.

For an inquiry/booking please email

Educators work alongside Maori and Pacific service providers to ensure the information provided for their women/men is accurate and appropriate. Our key focus is to work alongside at-risk communities to improve their breast cancer outcomes.

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