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Breast Pain And Breast Cancer

Breast Or Nipple Pain

What Can Cause Breast Pain?

Breast cancer can cause changes in skin cells that lead to feelings of pain, tenderness, and discomfort in the breast. If a lump is present, it is not painful.

Although breast cancer is often painless, it is important not to ignore any signs or symptoms that could be due to breast cancer.

Some people

may be a sign of breast cancer.

Although changes in the size of the breast can be a symptom of any type of breast cancer, the National Cancer Institute states that a rapid increase in breast size could be an indication of inflammatory breast cancer. This is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer.

If someone notices that either or both of their breasts have increased in size, they should consider contacting a doctor.

Is Pain In The Left Breast Serious

Pain in the left breast is a common symptom with many potential causes. Some of the reasons you may experience left breast pain are related to the breast itself, but some are independent of the breast itself. The first thing you might think of about left chest pain and breast pain may be a heart attack, but most of the time thats not the reason. However, learning what symptoms indicate what will help you predict the cause of your pain.

How Long Do Symptoms Last

For many people, pain or numbness goes away after chemotherapy ends. However, it may take weeks or months.

Six years after chemotherapy, as many as half of those who developed pain related to the chemotherapy still have symptoms . If you have lingering pain, let your health care provider know. This pain can be treated.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include swelling and redness that affect a third or more of the breast. The skin of the breast may also appear pink, reddish purple, or bruised. In addition, the skin may have ridges or appear pitted, like the skin of an orange . These symptoms are caused by the buildup of fluid in the skin of the breast. This fluid buildup occurs because cancer cells have blocked lymph vessels in the skin, preventing the normal flow of lymph through the tissue. Sometimes the breast may contain a solid tumor that can be felt during a physical exam, but more often a tumor cannot be felt.

Other symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include a rapid increase in breast size sensations of heaviness, burning, or tenderness in the breast or a nipple that is inverted . Swollen lymph nodes may also be present under the arm, near the collarbone, or both.

It is important to note that these symptoms may also be signs of other diseases or conditions, such as an infection, injury, or another type of breast cancer that is locally advanced. For this reason, women with inflammatory breast cancer often have a delayed diagnosis of their disease.

Variation In Diagnostic Intervals By Major Symptom Group

UVA Radiology and Medical Imaging

The vast majority of women belonged to one of four symptom groups: lump only non-lump only both lump and non-lump and non-breast symptoms . There was no difference in frequency of symptom groups by age group of ethnicity .

Venn diagram depicting the four largest symptom groups in 2316 breast cancer patients. The three shaded groups in red were not investigated due to small numbers: breast lump and non-breast symptoms , non-lump breast symptoms and non-breast symptoms , and breast lump, non-lump breast symptoms, and non-breast symptoms . The full symptom taxonomy is presented in Fig. A.2. in the Supplementary material

As most of the variation in interval length between different symptom groups was concentrated at the long right tail of the distribution, we hereafter describe the 90th centile values in addition to the median value. Overall, the patient interval was substantially longer than the primary care interval .

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Is Breast Pain A Sign Of Cancer

While its understandable for a woman to be concerned that she has breast cancer after feeling pain in that area, its unlikely that pain is an indicator of the condition.

Kazuaki Takabe, MD, PhD, FACS, Clinical Chief of Breast Surgery at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, says only a very small percentage of women, around 1%, will be diagnosed with breast cancer after feeling pain in their breast. It is more common for women who have been diagnosed with cancer to report feeling pain in their breast tissue as they go through treatment, at a rate of about 15% of patients.

What To Do If You Have Pain After Surgery

Degrees of pain or discomfort after surgery is to be expected. During surgery, the surgeon may inject a pain medicine into your surgical area to help decrease the amount of post-operative pain you experience. Your doctor may also give you a prescription for opioid pain relievers to take for severe pain.

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Inflammatory Breast Cancer Symptoms

A rare type of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer can have different symptoms to other types.

Your whole breast might look red and inflamed and feel sore. The breast might feel hard and the skin might look like orange peel.

See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

Relationships With Friends And Family


It’s not always easy to talk about cancer, either for you or your family and friends. You may sense that some people feel awkward around you or avoid you.

Being open about how you feel and what your family and friends can do to help may put them at ease. However, don’t be afraid to tell them that you need some time to yourself, if that’s what you need.

Read further information:

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If You Experience Pain Along With Any Of The Following Symptoms You Should Contact Your Physician

  • Bloody or clear discharge from your nipple
  • A new lump with the onset of the pain lump does not go away after your menstrual period
  • Persistent, unexplained breast pain
  • Signs of a breast infection, including local redness, pus, or fever
  • Redness of the skin of the breast that may appear as a rash, with dilated pores, and possibly skin thickening.

Medically Reviewed on April 15, 2020

What Is The Prognosis Of Patients With Inflammatory Breast Cancer

The prognosis, or likely outcome, for a patient diagnosed with cancer is often viewed as the chance that the cancer will be treated successfully and that the patient will recover completely. Many factors can influence a cancer patients prognosis, including the type and location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, the patients age and overall general health, and the extent to which the patients disease responds to treatment.

Because inflammatory breast cancer usually develops quickly and spreads aggressively to other parts of the body, women diagnosed with this disease, in general, do not survive as long as women diagnosed with other types of breast cancer.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that survival statistics are based on large numbers of patients and that an individual womans prognosis could be better or worse, depending on her tumor characteristics and medical history. Women who have inflammatory breast cancer are encouraged to talk with their doctor about their prognosis, given their particular situation.

Ongoing research, especially at the molecular level, will increase our understanding of how inflammatory breast cancer begins and progresses. This knowledge should enable the development of new treatments and more accurate prognoses for women diagnosed with this disease. It is important, therefore, that women who are diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer talk with their doctor about the option of participating in a clinical trial.

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Symptoms Of Angiosarcoma Of The Breast

Another rare form of breast cancer, angiosarcoma forms inside the lymph and blood vessels. Only a biopsy may definitively diagnose this type of cancer. Angiosarcoma can cause changes to the skin of your breast, such as the development of purple-colored nodules that resemble a bruise. These nodules, if bumped or scratched, may bleed. Over time, these discolored areas may expand, making your skin appear swollen in that area. You may or may not have breast lumps with angiosarcoma. If you also have lymphedema, which is swelling caused by a buildup of lymphatic fluid, angiosarcoma may occur in the affected arm. Cancer treatment sometimes damages the lymph vessels, which may lead to lymphedema.

Seeing A Palliative Care Or Anesthesia Pain Specialist

Breast cancer symptom. Warning signs and danger, unusual changes and ...

Sometimes a palliative care specialist or an anesthesia pain specialist is part of your treatment team. If not, be sure to ask your oncologist for a referral to a specialist if:

  • Your pain is not controlled
  • You have side effects from the pain medications
  • You would like to discuss more options to manage your pain

Your oncologist can usually follow the specialists recommendations. If the treatment is effective, you wont need to see the specialist again.

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What Should You Know About Pain Management For Breast Cancer

It is important that you always tell your doctor or other healthcare provider if you are having pain. Do not wait for them to ask you about pain.

Managing pain from breast cancer surgery

Breast cancer treatment often includes surgical procedures such as lumpectomy, breast removal, or breast reconstruction. Your doctor may remove one or more lymph nodes from your axillary area, which tends to be painful. The cuts from surgery may cause pain in the skin, breast nerves, or muscle. Degrees of pain or discomfort after surgery is to be expected. During surgery, the surgeon may inject a pain medicine into your surgical area to help decrease the amount of post-operative pain you experience.

Your doctor may also give you a prescription for opioid pain relievers to take for severe pain. He or she will suggest over-the-counter pain medicines such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen to take as a first measure. They will also discuss applying ice to the surgical area for comfort. Make sure that you check with your healthcare provider before taking any kind of medicine, even non-prescription items.

Post-operatively, wearing a soft bra that fastens in the front is comforting. After lymph node surgery, keeping the arm elevated on a pillow when sitting and placing a small lap pillow between your upper arm and lateral chest wall will help with arm pain and healing.

Managing pain from radiation therapy for breast cancer

Managing pain from chemotherapy for breast cancer

Can Breast Pain Be Caused By A Period

But before you call the oncologist in a panic, slow your roll. That discomfort you feel is a) likely not cancer and b) could be caused by something fleeting or harmless. The reality is, breast pain can be caused by so many factorsyour period, a bra thats too small or too big, even the type of medication youre takingand the good news is most of them are generally nothing to worry about.

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Breast Pain Not Linked To Periods

Its often unclear what causes non-cyclical breast pain.

It can be related to:

  • a benign breast condition
  • previous surgery to the breast
  • injury to the breast
  • having larger breasts
  • a side effect from a drug treatment, such as certain antidepressant drugs and some herbal remedies such as ginseng

Stress and anxiety can also be linked to breast pain.

Non-cyclical breast pain may be continuous or it may come and go. It can affect women before and after the menopause.

The pain can be in one or both breasts and can affect the whole breast or a specific area. It may be a burning, prickling or stabbing pain, or a feeling of tightness.

Non-cyclical breast pain often goes away by itself over time. This happens in about half the women who experience it.

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What Is A Normal Breast

Management and Treatment Options for Breast Pain

No breast is typical. What is normal for you may not be normal for another woman. Most women say their breasts feel lumpy or uneven. The way your breasts look and feel can be affected by getting your period, having children, losing or gaining weight, and taking certain medications. Breasts also tend to change as you age. For more information, see the National Cancer Institutes Breast Changes and Conditions.external icon

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Diet And Lifestyle Changes


Your GP may suggest some things you can try which might help reduce pain, but theres limited evidence to show these work. These include:

  • eating a low-fat diet
  • increasing the amount of fibre you eat
  • reducing caffeine and alcohol

Well-fitting bra

Wearing a supportive and well-fitting bra during the day, during any physical activity and at night can be helpful.

Relaxation and complementary therapies

Some women have found relaxation therapy useful in reducing their symptoms of cyclical breast pain, such as relaxation CDs or apps, or other complementary therapies such as acupuncture and aromatherapy.


If your pain started when you began taking a contraceptive pill, changing to a different pill may help. If the pain continues, you may want to try a non-hormone method of contraception such as condoms, a non-hormonal coil or a cap .


If your pain started or increased while taking HRT and doesnt settle after a short time, tell your GP.

Evening primrose or starflower oil

Theres evidence that having low levels of an essential fatty acid called GLA can contribute to cyclical breast pain. However, research has shown that taking additional GLA doesnt always help the pain. Despite this, your GP may suggest that you try evening primrose or starflower oil , as some women have found it helps them to feel better generally. Your GP will tell you how much to take and for how long.

Further Tests For Breast Cancer

If a diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed, more tests will be needed to determine the stage and grade of the cancer, and to work out the best method of treatment.

If your cancer was detected through the NHS Breast Screening Programme, you’ll have further tests in the screening centre before being referred for treatment.

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When To See A Doctor For Pain In The Left Breast

There are many reasons for pain in the left breast, some of which are more serious than others. A doctors checkup is the only way to find out what triggers your pain. You should perceive breast pain as a warning sign that something is wrong with your body. Dont ignore your pain and dont always assume its harmless.

You should also not neglect to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • If the pain lasts longer than two weeks
  • If its only in one spot of your breast
  • If there is swelling with breast pain after the menstrual period
  • If your breasts are red and swollen
  • If there is discharge or pus coming from the nipple

Grade Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer awareness month chest pain symptom Vector Image

The grade describes the appearance of the cancer cells.

  • low grade the cells, although abnormal, appear to be growing slowly
  • medium grade the cells look more abnormal than low-grade cells
  • high grade the cells look even more abnormal and are more likely to grow quickly

Read further information:

Read further information about secondary breast cancer

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Lobular Carcinoma In Situ Symptoms

Lobular carcinoma in situ does not cause symptoms and cannot be seen with a mammogram. This condition is usually found when a doctor is doing a breast biopsy for another reason, such as to investigate an unrelated breast lump. If a person has LCIS, the breast cells will appear abnormal under a microscope.

What Was Your First Breast Cancer Symptom

Changes in the color of your breasts, such as redness. A rapid change in the shape of your breast or an increase in breast size over a short period. Changes in the way your breasts feel when you touch them they may be hard, tender, or warm to the touch. Flaking or peeling or flaking of the nipple skin.

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Later Signs Of Breast Cancer

Later signs of breast cancer include:

  • retraction, or inward turning of the nipple
  • enlargement of one breast
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit
  • visible veins on the breast

Having one or more of these symptoms doesnt necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Nipple discharge, for example, can also be caused by an infection. See a doctor for a complete evaluation if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.

Breast Cancer Types And Symptoms

Early Signs of Breast Cancer

There are several kinds of breast cancer. Many of them share symptoms.

Symptoms of ductal carcinoma

This is the most common type of breast cancer. It begins in your ducts. About 1 in 5 new breast cancers are ductal carcinoma in situ . This means you have cancer in the cells that line your ducts, but it hasnât spread into nearby tissue.

You may not notice any symptoms of ductal carcinoma. It can also cause a breast lump or bloody discharge.

Symptoms of lobular carcinoma

This kind begins in the glands that make milk, called lobules. Itâs the second most common type of breast cancer. Symptoms include:

  • Fullness, thickening, or swelling in one area
  • Nipples that are flat or point inward

Symptoms of invasive breast cancer

Breast cancer thatâs spread from where it began into the tissues around it is called invasive or infiltrating. You may notice:

  • A lump in your breast or armpit. You might not be able to move it separately from your skin or move it at all.
  • One breast that looks different from the other
  • A rash or skin thatâs thick, red, or dimpled like an orange
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Muscle weakness

Symptoms of triple-negative breast cancer

Breast cancer is called triple-negative if it doesnât have receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone and doesnât make a lot of a protein called HER2. This kind tends to grow and spread faster than other types, and doctors treat it differently.

Symptoms of male breast cancer

Learn more about breast cancer in men.

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