Tuesday, April 23, 2024
HomeCauseCan Breast Cancer Cause Diarrhea

Can Breast Cancer Cause Diarrhea

When To Do If You Have Unexplained Weight Loss

Diarrhea Management in HER2+ Breast Cancer

It is generally a good idea to contact your doctor if you have lost 5 percent of your usual weight within six months without any changes to your diet or exercise routine. In the initial investigation, your doctor will try to assess whether any of the symptoms indicate a specific illness.

Questions can include:

  • Do consume alcohol and, if so, how much?
  • What other symptoms do you have?

It is important to make your doctor aware of any diseases or conditions may have, as well as all medications, prescriptions or otherwise, that you may be taking.

After the initial consultation, you will then likely be given a few routine blood tests, such as a complete blood count and chem 7 panel. Some of the tests, like the erythrocyte sedimentation rate , are able to detect an underlying inflammation indicative of an infection, autoimmune disorder, or even cancer. These sorts of insights provide doctors the means to narrow their search based on what the tests tell them.

Fatigue Affects Breast Cancer Patients Even Before First Chemotherapy Treatment According To Study

University Of Nebraska
A new study has found that even before women with breast cancer undergo chemotherapy, they experience fatigue and disruptions in sleep and activity levels.

A University of Nebraska Medical Center study has found that even before women with breast cancer undergo chemotherapy, they experience fatigue and disruptions in sleep and activity levels. Researchers say their findings suggest health professionals should address fatigue following breast cancer surgery.

Researchers say controlling fatigue after surgery before starting chemotherapy is important because fatigue typically increases during chemotherapy. Between 70 to 95 percent of breast cancer patients experience fatigue while undergoing chemotherapy.

The study was published in the current issue of the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Having studied 130 women with early stage breast cancer , it the largest study to document the prevalence of fatigue associated with altered sleep and activity patterns before chemotherapy treatment. The data confirms what was reported in a previous smaller study funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Researchers measured sleep and activity patterns during the 48 hours prior to the first chemotherapy treatment using wristwatch-sized activity monitors called actigraphs.

Dr. Berger said the findings provide an important benchmark to begin looking for interventions to reduce cancer-related fatigue.

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Breast Cancer Treatments: Surgery

Breast-conserving surgery removes the cancer and some healthy tissue around it, but not the breast. Some lymph nodes under the arms may be removed for biopsy. If the cancer is near the chest wall, part of it may be removed. Breast-conserving surgery is also known as breast-sparing surgery, lumpectomy, partial mastectomy, quadrantectomy, and segmental mastectomy.


Mastectomy is the removal of the entire breast and all the surrounding tissue and possibly nearby tissues. There are different mastectomy surgeries available, depending on how much additional tissue is removed.

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Is It Possible For Diarrhea To Be The Only Symptom Of Colon Cancer

You may be familiar with colon cancers classic signs such as abdominal pain, weakness, weight loss, blood in stools and ribbon-like stools and diarrhea and/or constipation.

I wondered, however, if colon cancer can cause just the symptom of diarrhea.

I posed this question to gastroenterologist Whitney Jones, MD, a national expert and frequent speaker on early-age onset colon cancer prevention, and Founder, Colon Cancer Prevention Project.

Dr. Jones says: Yes, diarrhea alone can be a symptom, particularly if this is a new and persistent change in habits.

Tumors in the lower colon or rectum cause a partial obstruction of the bowel, which compensates by liquefying the stool to get stool past any narrowed portion.

The tricky thing about this is that diarrhea is a symptom of tons of medical conditions, most of them benign.

This symptom is so common that you cant watch prime time TV without seeing a diarrhea commercial.

Millions of people have suffered a sudden onset or gradual onset of diarrhea without knowing the cause, at least initially.

I then asked Dr. Jones if theres a bowel obstruction, can we assume that once the obstruction starts creating enough blockage to cause diarrhea, that there will be no going back to formed stools?

Or can the tumor sometimes shift position and thus result in normal stools?

He responds, The process, like irritable bowel syndrome, can wax and wane in the short-run , but in general does not just stop and reverse to normal.

Efm Improved Diarrhea And Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Liver cancer Diarrhea

The average scores of the diarrhea symptom before EFM treatment were 12.97 ± 6.62 and 13.11 ± 7.53 in EG and CG groups , respectively. After 6-week therapy, the average scores of the diarrhea symptom before EFM treatment were 8.47 ± 4.62 and 14.29 ± 8.15 in EG and CG groups, respectively. The reduction in diarrhea symptoms was statistically significant in EG group when compared with CG group . After further 4-week follow-up, the average scores of the diarrhea symptom before EFM treatment were 9.25 ± 4.63 and 13.01 ± 6.24 in EG and CG groups, respectively. The reduction in diarrhea symptoms was still statistically significant . Similarly, the statistical difference for gastrointestinal symptoms was insignificant between EG and CG groups . After 6-week therapy and 4- week follow-up, the reduction in gastrointestinal symptoms was statistically significant in EG group when compared with CG group .

FIGURE 3. Therapeutic effects of Extracts of Fructus mume on breast cancer patients with diarrhea. diarrhea scores before therapy. Diarrhea scores after 6-week therapy. Diarrhea scores after 4-week follow-up. The effects of EFM on gastrointestinal symptoms. The effects of EFM on SF-36 scores. The effects of EFM on HADS scores. EG, the patients received EFM treatment. CG, the patients received placebo treatment. n = 104 for each group.

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Mammography Can Rupture Tumors And Spread Malignant Cells

Mammography involves compressing the breasts between two plates in order to spread out the breast tissue for imaging. Todays mammogram equipment applies 42 pounds of pressure to the breasts. Not surprisingly, this can cause significant pain. However, there is also a serious health risk associated with the compression applied to the breasts. Only 22 pounds of pressure is needed to rupture the encapsulation of a cancerous tumor . The amount of pressure involved in a mammography procedure therefore has the potential to rupture existing tumors and spread malignant cells into the bloodstream .

Also Check: What Chemo Drugs Are Used For Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Hair And Skin Changes

Chemotherapy, or chemo, can make your hair fall out, not only on your head but also all over your body. Chemo also can turn your skin dry, itchy, and flaky. Radiation might cause your skin to look and feel like sunburn around the treatment spot.

These effects may change how you feel about yourself. Some people might react visibly. Consider telling your loved ones and others beforehand about what youre going through. Sometimes it may help to talk to a mental health counselor.

The good news is that after treatment, your skin returns to normal and your hair usually grows back. Its possible that your hair could grow back with a slightly different feel and texture.

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Pain And Skin Changes

During and just after treatment, your treated breast may be sore. Talk with your health care provider about using mild pain relievers such as ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen to ease breast tenderness.

The treated breast may also be rough to the touch, red , swollen and itchy. Sometimes the skin may peel, as if sunburned. Your provider may suggest special creams to ease this discomfort.

Sometimes the skin peels further and the area becomes tender and sensitive. This is called a moist reaction. Its most common in the skin folds and the underside of the breast.

If a moist reaction occurs, let your radiation team know. They can give you creams and pads to make the area more comfortable until it heals.

Fatigue is common during radiation therapy and may last for several weeks after treatment ends.

Fatigue is mainly a short-term problem, but for some, it can persist .

You may feel like you dont have any energy and may feel tired all of the time. Resting may not help.

Regular exercise, even just walking for 20 minutes every day, may help reduce fatigue . Getting a good nights sleep is also important.

Talk with your health care provider if you are fatigued or have problems sleeping .

Learn more about fatigue and insomnia.

Breast Cancer Treatments: Chemotherapy

Can bioidentical hormones cause breast cancer?

Chemotherapy drugs are given to kill cancer cells that are located anywhere in the body. It can be administered by a slow IV infusion, by pill, or by a brief IV injection, depending upon the drug. Sometimes chemotherapy is given after surgery to help prevent the cancer from recurring . Side effects of chemotherapy can include an increased risk of infection, nausea, fatigue, and hair loss.

Adjuvant Chemotherapy

If all visible cancer has been removed, there is still the possibility that cancer cells have broken off or are left behind. Adjunct chemotherapy is given to assure that these small amounts of cells are killed. Since some women have a very low risk of recurrence even without chemotherapy, it is not given in all cases.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is given before surgery. There is no correlation between neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival, but there are advantages to see if the cancer responds to the chemotherapy before surgical removal. This can also reduce the size of the cancer and allow for a less extensive surgery in some patients.

Chemotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy can be used if the cancer has metastasized to distant sites in the body. In this case, doctors will determine the most appropriate treatment.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

  • Fatigue
  • Permanent damage to the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, or reproductive system

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Palliative Care And Pain Control

The side effects from treatments and the cancer itself can affect quality of life.

Controlling pain and other symptoms should be part of standard care for everyone with breast cancer. Its especially important for those with metastatic breast cancer.

Treatment may include pain medications and may target specific parts of the body.

Carcinoid Tumor Of The Breast

A carcinoid tumor is a slow-growing type of neuroendocrine tumor that originates in the cells that function as part of the neuroendocrine system.

A carcinoid tumor that occurs as a primary breast lesion is extremely rare. Normally, a carcinoid tumor presenting in the breast will represent metastasis from another area of the body.

A carcinoid tumor is most likely to start in the hormone-producing cells. This is why they are more likely to occur in the:-

  • stomach
  • pancreas
  • ovaries

This page is getting a little bit old. However, I have a newer version of this page with more up-to-date information about Carcinoid Breast Tumors. Dont get me wrong, this page is still great, so stay and have a read.

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Putting The Study Results Into Perspective

While this study might lead some to conclude that having excess thyroid hormone promotes the development of breast cancer, experts caution that this study does not prove cause and effect. While there may be an association, it is not clear that an overactive thyroid actually causes breast cancer to develop.

Some critics wonder whether women at risk for hyperthyroidism may also be at risk for breast cancer, or whether the treatment for hyperthyroidism may be to blame for increased cancer risk. Another theory is that women with an overactive thyroid see their doctors more often and therefore are more likely to get screened for other problems like breast cancer.

The effect of thyroid hormone on breast cancer risk clearly requires further study. In the meantime, women with an overactive thyroid should stay in close communication with their doctors and follow routine breast cancer screening recommendations.

Genetics And Family History

Embarrassing Chemo Side Effects

A genetic mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. The result is that one or more of the body’s processes may not work in the way they should.

There are a number of genetic mutations known to increase your risk of developing breast cancer. The most significant mutation identified is known as the BRCA2 mutation. Faulty genes are believed to be the cause of male breast cancer in around 1 or 2 in every 10 cases.

There’s also evidence that breast cancer can run in families, especially in men who have a first-degree relative who has developed breast cancer, such as a mother or sister.

Routine testing for the faulty genes that cause breast cancer in men isn’t usually carried out on the NHS, unless specifically requested by a specialist. However, some private clinics may offer gene testing. Tests can be expensive, with prices ranging from around £2,000 to £3,000.

Read Also: Hr Positive Her2 Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer

If Youre Getting Radiation Therapy To The Breast

If you have radiation to the breast, it can affect your heart or lungs as well causing other side effects.

Short-term side effects

Radiation to the breast can cause:

  • Skin irritation, dryness, and color changes
  • Breast soreness
  • Breast swelling from fluid build-up

To avoid irritating the skin around the breast, women should try to go without wearing a bra whenever they can. If this isnt possible, wear a soft cotton bra without underwires.

If your shoulders feel stiff, ask your cancer care team about exercises to keep your shoulder moving freely.

Breast soreness, color changes, and fluid build-up will most likely go away a month or 2 after you finish radiation therapy. If fluid build-up continues to be a problem, ask your cancer care team what steps you can take. See Lymphedema for more information.

Long-term changes to the breast

Radiation therapy may cause long-term changes in the breast. Your skin may be slightly darker, and pores may be larger and more noticeable. The skin may be more or less sensitive and feel thicker and firmer than it was before treatment. Sometimes the size of your breast changes it may become larger because of fluid build-up or smaller because of scar tissue. These side effects may last long after treatment.

After about a year, you shouldnt have any new changes. If you do see changes in breast size, shape, appearance, or texture after this time, tell your cancer care team about them right away.

Less common side effects in nearby areas

Association Between Breast Cancer And Thyroid Cancer: A Study Based On 13 978 Patients With Breast Cancer

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Radiation Oncology, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Clinical Statistics, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China

Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China



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Isolated Gastrointestinal Metastasis Of Breast Carcinoma: A Case Report

M. A. Titi

1Department of Surgery, Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, Scotland KA2 0BE, UK

2Unity Hospital, 1555 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14626, USA


Purpose. Gastrointestinal tract is one of the rare locations for breast cancer metastasis. This paper shows such metastasis may occur even in the absence of breast metastasis in other more common locations. Case Report. A 64-year old female was admitted to the hospital with abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. She had breast carcinoma treated 7 years previously with normal follow-up since. Colonoscopy showed hepatic flexure thickening that was confirmed to be breast metastasis. Staging investigations showed upper and lower gastrointestinal tract metastasis with negative findings elsewhere. . Although more common causes for gastrointestinal symptoms should be excluded, however, a high index of suspicion of metastatic breast cancer is needed when such patients develop gastrointestinal symptoms.

1. Introduction

Breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy in women and is a leading cause for cancer-related mortality . Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common histological subtype , followed by invasive lobular carcinoma . Approximately 50% of the patients with breast cancer will develop distant metastases during their lifetime. However, autopsy data reports even a higher incidence of subclinical distant metastases . The most common metastatic sites are lymph nodes, bones, lungs, and the liver .

2. Case Report

How Is Diarrhea Treated

Chemotherapy: What can I do if I start having diarrhea? | Norton Cancer Institute

The treatment for diarrhea depends on how severe it is. If its very mild, just changing your diet may stop it. More serious diarrhea requires medication and, sometimes, intravenous fluids to replace the fluid you have lost. Your doctor may adjust your cancer treatment if it is causing your diarrhea.

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Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Presenting As Metastatic Disease To The Breast

Ernesto Martinez Duarte

1Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA


Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a neuroendocrine tumor that is derived from C cells of the thyroid gland. It is a rare aggressive tumor, known to metastasize to lymph nodes, liver, bones, and lungs. A 41-year-old female, who presented with a breast mass, was initially diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. She was also found to have a thyroid mass which was later diagnosed as MTC. On a rereview of the breast pathology, the morphologic features were strikingly similar to the MTC. Further investigation revealed that this was in fact a very rare case of MTC that had metastasized to the breast. We have identified 20 cases of MTC metastasizing to the breast in the literature that supports its occurrence as a real possibility. Albeit rare, medullary thyroid carcinoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a breast mass.

1. Introduction

Histologically, MTCs are made up of nests of neoplastic C cells that can be oval, round, or spindle shaped. These nests are separated by varying amounts of fibrovascular stroma. The tumor cells stain positively for calcitonin and CEA.

2. Case Presentation

The authors declare there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.


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