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HomeCauseDoes Breast Cancer Cause High Blood Pressure

Does Breast Cancer Cause High Blood Pressure

Risk Of Publication Bias

This Synthetic Vitamin is Linked to Causing Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Risk & Osteoporosis

The results of the Beggs funnel plot and Eggers regression test, showed no evidence of potential publication bias in articles reporting the use of BBs , CCBs , diuretics , or RASIs in relation to the risk of breast cancer risk . In addition, a potential publication bias was observed in studies on the use of antihypertensive medication with recurrence , but not in other studies on prognosis .

Know Your Heart Risks

Before having radiation for breast cancer, a woman should have a discussion with her oncologistas well as her cardiologist. Ask the oncologist what dose of radiation youll be getting, and how your heart will be protected during treatment. Talk to your cardiologist about your existing heart risks, and how to reduce them.

Its especially important to consider your heart if youre also having chemotherapy, which is well known for its cardiotoxicity. We cant avoid the heart risks with chemotherapy, but with radiation we could lower them using better technology and better understanding, Dr. Taghian says.

Though you may not be able to fully protect your heart from cancer treatment, there are other lifestyle-based heart disease risks you can control. In the JAMA research letter, women who were least likely to develop heart disease were those who were already at low risk based on their cholesterol, blood pressure, and C-reactive protein levels. Make sure the blood pressure is under control, youre not smoking, you have a healthy lifestyle, and you control your cholesterol, Dr. Moslehi advises.

How Is Breast Cancer Treated

If the tests find cancer, you and your doctor will develop a treatment plan to eradicate the breast cancer, to reduce the chance of cancer returning in the breast, as well as to reduce the chance of the cancer traveling to a location outside of the breast. Treatment generally follows within a few weeks after the diagnosis.

The type of treatment recommended will depend on the size and location of the tumor in the breast, the results of lab tests done on the cancer cells, and the stage, or extent, of the disease. Your doctor will usually consider your age and general health as well as your feelings about the treatment options.

Breast cancer treatments are local or systemic. Local treatments are used to remove, destroy, or control the cancer cells in a specific area, such as the breast. Surgery and radiation treatment are local treatments. Systemic treatments are used to destroy or control cancer cells all over the body. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy are systemic treatments. A patient may have just one form of treatment or a combination, depending on her individual diagnosis.

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High Blood Platelet Count ‘as Good A Cancer Predictor As A Lump In The Breast’

Common blood tests could help diagnose cancer early even in patients that show no other symptoms, study finds

A common blood test could help diagnose cancer earlier, according to research suggesting a high platelet count is strongly associated with the disease.

Platelets are tiny blood cells that circulate in the body, helping wounds to clot. But in some individuals too many platelets are produced a condition known as thrombocytosis, thought to affect about half a million people in the UK over the age of 40.

Researchers say that raised platelet counts are as good a predictor of getting any cancer as a lump in the breast is for breast cancer.

This is a clue which can be used in practice by GPs to help them select patients for further investigation most excitingly in some patients who may not already have other symptoms of cancer to achieve earlier diagnosis, said Sarah Bailey, co-author of the research from the University of Exeter.

Previous studies have suggested a link between thrombocytosis and various cancers, with recent guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence advising high platelet counts could be a sign of cancer of the oesophageal, stomach, lung or uterus.

But it remained unclear whether the condition could signal an increased risk of all cancers, and how it ties in with factors such as age and sex.

If Youre Getting Radiation Therapy To The Brain

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People with brain tumors often get stereotactic radiosurgery if the cancer is in only one or a few sites in the brain. Side effects depend on where the radiation is aimed. Some side effects might show up quickly, but others might not show up until 1 to 2 years after treatment. Talk with your radiation oncologist about what to watch for and when to call your doctor.

If the cancer is in many areas, sometimes the whole brain is treated with radiation. The side effects of whole brain radiation therapy may not be noticeable until a few weeks after treatment begins.

Radiation to the brain can cause these short-term side effects:

  • Headaches
  • Trouble with memory and speech
  • Seizures

Some of these side effects can happen because radiation has caused the brain to swell. Medicines are usually given to prevent brain swelling, but its important to let your cancer care team know about headaches or any other symptoms. Treatment can affect each person differently, and you may not have these particular side effects.

Radiation to the brain can also have side effects that show up later usually from 6 months to many years after treatment ends. These delayed effects can include serious problems such as memory loss, stroke-like symptoms, and poor brain function. You may also have an increased risk of having another tumor in the area, although this is not common.

Talk with your cancer care team about what to expect from your specific treatment plan.

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Widely Used Bp Meds May Raise Skin Cancer Risk

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, April 12, 2021 — Most people are familiar with common sun-protection advice, from wearing and reapplying sunscreen to putting on a hat.

But a new Canadian study finds that for people who take certain blood pressure medications, that advice becomes even more critical because those drugs can increase their sensitivity to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

The researchers reviewed data for nearly 303,000 adults in Ontario over 65 who were prescribed medications for high blood pressure. The study then compared their skin cancer histories with those of more then 605,000 adults who weren’t taking antihypertensive drugs.

The findings showed that certain types of high blood pressure drugs â known as thiazide diuretics â were associated with higher rates of keratinocyte skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, advanced keratinocyte carcinoma and melanoma.

“Our finding is not meant to rule out thiazide diuretics for patients,” stressed study author Dr. Aaron Drucker. He’s a clinical investigator in the dermatology department at Brown University’s Alpert Medical School, in Providence, R.I.

“Overall, it’s more a potential flag for someone who might be at increased risk of skin cancer, that has had one in the past or they have really fair skin and a lot of sun damage, that this might predispose them further to more skin cancer. Then, yes, someone like that might consider an alternative,” Drucker said.

Blood Pressure Changes After Radiation

Asked bycwassom on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Blood Pressure Changes after radiation

I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. I had 24 chemo treatments, a double mastectomy and then just completed 33 radiation treatments, in that order. My normal blood pressure has always been low.. i.e 80/59, 85/60, etc. However, during radiation treatments my blood pressure has been high, 170/110, 175/118 etc. Can radiation cause high blood pressure??

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High Blood Pressure And High Cholesterol

Letrozole can cause high blood pressure in some people. Your GP will be able to monitor and treat this if necessary.

It may also cause the level of cholesterol in the blood to rise, although this doesnt usually need treatment. If you have a history of high cholesterol you may want to discuss this with your specialist or GP.

Association Between Antihypertensive Medication Use And Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review And Meta

Mold/fungus causes lactic acidosis, high blood pressure, cancer, food allergies,and more.
  • 1Department of Breast Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
  • 2Cancer Center, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
  • 3Department of Oncology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China

Background: The prevalence rate of hypertension and breast cancer increases with advancing age. Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors , -blockers , calcium channel blockers , and diuretics are widely used to treat patients with hypertension. Although, the association between the use of antihypertensive medication and breast cancer has been highly debated, recent evidence supporting this association remains controversial.

Objective: To evaluate the association between the use of antihypertensive medication and the risk of breast cancer and its prognosis.

Methods: This study was conducted using data from the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases retrieved for the period from January 2000 to April 2021. Articles and their references were checked and summary effects were calculated using random- and fixed-effects models. Heterogeneity test and sensitivity analysis were also performed.

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Association Of Antihypertensive Medication Use With Breast Cancer Prognosis Breast Cancer

Twenty-nine independent studies examined the association between antihypertensive medication use and breast cancer-specific mortality, with a pooled HR of 1.04 . When HRs for the individual antihypertensive medication were calculated in subgroup analyses, no significant results were observed . However, a significant association was observed in diuretic users .

FIGURE 3. Forest plot of studies among the prognosis of breast cancer patients with antihypertensive medications use. Legends .

Treatment For Breast Cancer

There are various forms of treatment for breast cancer. The most suitable one for you will depend on:

  • The size of the tumour and how far it has spread
  • Any other medical condition you have for example if you have diabetes
  • Whether you have been through menopause or not

After taking into account these factors, your healthcare team will discuss with you which treatments are most suitable and recommend one or a combination of the following:

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Controlling High Blood Pressure During And After Cancer Treatment

The good news is that your blood pressure can normally be controlled with common antihypertensive medications which people have been taking routinely for years. These medications will likely allow you to continue your anti-cancer therapy with limited or no interruption.

Once you complete your cancer treatment, you should continue to follow up with your cardio-oncologist to determine if you need to continue your blood pressure medication or if you may be able to slowly reduce the dose.

What Are The Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

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Like many conditions, risk factors for breast cancer fall into the categories of things you can control and things that you cannot control. Risk factors affect your chances of getting a disease, but having a risk factor does not mean that you are guaranteed to get a certain disease.

Controllable risk factors for breast cancer

  • Alcohol consumption. The risk of breast cancer increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. For instance, women who consume two or three alcoholic beverages daily have an approximately 20% higher risk of getting breast cancer than women who do not drink at all.
  • Body weight. Being obese is a risk factor for breast cancer. It is important to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
  • Breast implants. Having silicone breast implants and resulting scar tissue make it harder to distinguish problems on regular mammograms. It is best to have a few more images to improve the examination. There is also a rare cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma that is associated with the implants.
  • Choosing not to breastfeed. Not breastfeeding can raise the risk.
  • Using hormone-based prescriptions. This includes using hormone replacement therapy during menopause for more than five years and taking certain types of birth control pills.

Non-controllable risk factors for breast cancer

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How Is Diabetes Linked To Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has been shown to be more common in women with type 2 diabetes , particularly among older patients who have gone through menopause, with research showing that diabetic women are up to 20% more likely to develop postmenopausal breast cancer than older, non-diabetic women.

A more recent medical study conducted by scientists in California gave more insight as to why breast cancer is more common in people with type 2 diabetes

How To Measure Your Blood Pressure

A home blood pressure machine may be obtained at a local drug store or department store for around $20 $40. It is recommended that you sit in a resting mode for five minutes before taking the reading. Sit with both feet on the floor and do not cross your legs. Do not talk while the machine is inflating and taking the reading. The measurement should be taken at approximately the same day time each day, preferably in the morning before breakfast.

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How Sex Might Be Affected

With some types of radiation therapy involving the pelvis and/or sex organs, men and women may notice changes in their ability to enjoy sex or a decrease in their level of desire.

For women: During radiation treatment to the pelvis, some women are told not to have sex. Some women may find sex painful. Treatment can also cause vaginal itching, burning, and dryness. You most likely will be able to have sex within a few weeks after treatment ends, but check with your doctor first. Some types of treatment can have long-term effects, such as scar tissue that could affect the ability of the vagina to stretch during sex. Again, your cancer care team can offer ways to help if this happens to you. You can also get more information in Sex and Women With Cancer.

For men: Radiation may affect the nerves that allow a man to have erections. If erection problems do occur, they are usually gradual, over the course of many months or years. Talk with your doctor about treatment options if this is a concern for you. You can get more information in Sex and Men With Cancer.

If you get internal radiation therapy with seed implants, check with your cancer care team about safety precautions during sex

Carrots Help To Detoxify Estrogen When Your Liver Cant

Are you taking THIS blood pressure med? Breast cancer concerns

When your liver cant detoxify estrogen, as described above, your body excretes it into your bile in an attempt to flush it out through your digestive tract.

The only problem is that estrogen is often easily re-absorbed within the digestive tract and never leaves the body.

Raw carrot fiber is one the safest sources of fiber that can help absorb the estrogen within your digestive tract and prevent its re-absorption.

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How Much Do Anastrozole And Exemestane Lower The Risk Of Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that both anastrozole and exemestane can lower the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who are at increased risk of the disease.

In one large study, taking anastrozole for five years lowered the risk of developing estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer by 53 percent. In another study, taking exemestane for three years lowered the risk of developing estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer by 65 percent.

The most common side effects seen with anastrazole and exemestane are joint pains, decreased bone density, and symptoms of menopause .

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/31/2018.


Types Of Breast Cancer In Men

Breast cancer can be separated into several types based on the way the cancer cells look under the microscope. In some cases a single breast tumor can be a combination of these types or be a mixture of invasive and in situ cancer. And in some rarer types of breast cancer, the cancer cells may not form a tumor at all.

Breast cancer can also be classified based on proteins on or in the cancer cells, into groups like hormone receptor-positive and triple-negative.

Ductal carcinoma in situ

Ductal carcinoma in situ is considered non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer. In DCIS , cells that lined the ducts have changed to look like cancer cells. The difference between DCIS and invasive cancer is that the cells have not spread through the walls of the ducts into the surrounding tissue of the breast . DCIS is considered a pre-cancer because some cases can go on to become invasive cancers. Right now, though, there is no good way to know for certain which cases will go on to become invasive cancers and which ones wont. DCIS accounts for about 1 in 10 cases of breast cancer in men. It is almost always curable with surgery.

Infiltrating ductal carcinoma

Infiltrating lobular carcinoma

This type of breast cancer starts in the breast lobules and grows into the fatty tissue of the breast. ILC is very rare in men, accounting for only about 2% of male breast cancers. This is because men do not usually have much lobular tissue.

Paget disease of the nipple

Inflammatory breast cancer

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Description Of The Selected Studies

Our literature search identified 1143 articles and 1097 were excluded after review of title or abstract . Forty-six full-text articles were further reviewed. We excluded seventeen studies due to the following reasons: eight studies did not report RRs or 95% CI one was comment four reported exposure of interest as a continuous variable four reported duplicate population. One study was identified via hand searching and the study was included in our meta-analysis. Thus, the meta-analysis included 30 independent observational studies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, published between 1989 and 2016 with a total of 11643 breast cancer cases. The characteristics of the included studies were summarized in . Among these studies, eight were conducted in USA, six in Italy, three in China, two in Korea, two in Japan, two in Brazil and seven in other countries. According to the study design, eleven were cohort studies, one was nested case-control studies, and eighteen were case-control studies. Nine studies reported breast cancer patients with premenopausal status and thirteen studies reported breast cancer patients with postmenopausal status. About twenty-two of the included studies provided RRs that were adjusted for age, alcohol consumption, smoking, age at menarche, education, BMI or history of breast cancer. With regard to study quality, the NOS score ranged from 5 to 8.

Selection of studies for inclusion in this meta-analysis.


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