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HomeCauseDoes Dairy Cause Breast Cancer

Does Dairy Cause Breast Cancer

What About The Risk Of Dairy And Cancer

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In terms of cancer risk, the current scientific evidence regarding dairy foods is inconclusive.

Milk probably decreases the risk of , and there is limited suggestive evidence suggesting that it can also reduce the risk of .

However, diets high in calcium are classed as a probable cause of , and in addition there is also limited suggestive evidence that a high intake of dairy products is also a cause of prostate cancer.

Breast Cancer Patients Who Eat Cheese Yogurts Or Ice Cream Could Halve Their Chances Of Survival

  • Eating one portion of a product containing full-fat milk each day could hinder survival chances
  • The hormone oestrogen found in milk and other dairy foods may encourage tumour growth, say researchers
  • This is the first study to show such a strong link between dairy products and breast cancer

16:39 EST, 14 March 2013 | Updated:

Breast cancer patients who regularly eat cheese, yoghurts or ice cream may be hindering their survival chances

One ice cream or yoghurt a day could hinder the survival of women with breast cancer, scientists say.

Those with the disease who eat a single portion daily of a product containing full-fat milk could be 50 per cent more likely to die.

US scientists suspect this is because milk and other dairy foods contain the hormone oestrogen, which encourages tumour growth.

There is already some evidence that diet plays a role in improving the chances of surviving cancer and preventing it returning. But this is the first study to show such a strong link between dairy products and breast cancer.

Around one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives and there are around 50,000 new cases a year.

Although survival chances are far better than other forms of the illness it still leads to 11,800 deaths annually.

Scientists from the Kaiser Permanente research centre in California looked at the records of 1,500 women diagnosed with breast cancer between 1997 and 2000.

Research Table: Dairy Products And Breast Cancer Risk

This summary table contains detailed information about research studies. Summary tables are a useful way to look at the science behind many breast cancer guidelines and recommendations. However, to get the most out of the tables, its important to understand some key concepts. Learn how to read a research table.

Introduction: Dairy products are under study as a factor that may:

  • Increase breast cancer risk

Some researchers have suggested the high fat content of many dairy products or traces of growth hormones in milk may increase breast cancer risk .

Other researchers have studied whether the calcium and vitamin D in dairy products may lower breast cancer risk .

A pooled analysis of data from more than 20 studies found no link between dairy product intake and breast cancer risk .

However, data from the Nurses Health Study II found women who ate 2 or more servings of high-fat dairy products per day had a higher risk of breast cancer before menopause than women who ate fewer servings .

Its unlikely eating or drinking dairy products is linked to breast cancer after menopause. However, more research is needed to draw solid conclusions about a possible link with breast cancer before menopause.

Study selection criteria: Prospective cohort studies with at least 450 breast cancer cases, pooled analyses and meta-analyses.

Table note: Relative risk above 1 indicates increased risk. Relative risk below 1 indicates decreased risk.

§ Median years of follow-up among the studies.

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Does Milk Cause Cancer

Ive seen conflicting articles about milk consumption and cancer. Does it raise or lower the risk?

Andrew Weil, M.D. | March 30, 2007

You raise an interesting question. Recently, a Harvard researcher gave a provocative talk on the association between cancer and cows milk and other milk products. The scientist, Ganmaa Davaasambuu, M.D., Ph.D., a native Mongolian, noted that ingestion of natural estrogens from cows in milk may be linked to breast, prostate, and testicular cancers in humans. All are hormone-dependent tumors, meaning that they need sex hormones to grow.

Dr. Davaasambuu cited a study comparing diet and cancer rates in 42 countries that showed a strong correlation between milk and cheese consumption and the incidence of testicular cancer among men age 20 to 39 rates were highest in high consuming countries such as Switzerland and Denmark and low in Algeria and other parts of the world where people eat less dairy. She also linked rising rates of dairy consumption to the increased death rates from prostate cancer and noted that breast cancer also appears to be linked to milk and cheese consumption.

Among women, milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer in both the Nurses Health Study and in a 2005 study from Swedens Karolinska Institute.

Andrew Weil, M.D.

Can Milk And Dairy Products Cause Cancer

Fact Check: Does milk cause breast cancer? What to know ...
  • There is not enough good evidence to prove that milk and dairy can cause cancer
  • Eating and drinking milk and dairy products can reduce the risk of bowel cancer
  • The NHS Eatwell Guide recommends having some dairy as part of a healthy, balanced diet

Eating and drinking milk and dairy can reduce the risk of bowel cancer. But there is no proof it increases or decreases the risk of any other cancer type.

This page is about dairy products and cancer risk for the general public. If youve had a cancer diagnosis, speak to your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your diet.

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Is Consumption Of Dairy Milk Important

We spoke to clinical nutritionist Rupali Datta about the said the study. This is an observational study, the researchers now have to take this hypothesis forward with a Randomised Controlled Trial or case controlled study to reach some conclusion, she explains.

On being asked if milk consumption is important for kids and adults, she asserts that it is especially essential for healthy growth of kids. Until the said study is further taken for trials, adults can have half a litre of milk every day, she tells DoctorNDTV.

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal says that while some studies have raised concerns about dairy milk being linked to breast cancer risk, a conclusive link has not been found. It is still under research and it is quite early to confirm this claim of the link between dairy milk and breast cancer, she says.

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Is Dairy Linked To A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer

The U.S. dietary guidelines recommend women consume 3 cups of dairy daily . The dairy group includes calcium-fortified soymilk, along with milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt.

Current nutrition guidelines for dairy milk consumption could be viewed with some caution. There is limited evidence suggesting that higher intakes of dairy milk were associated with greater risk of breast cancer. The recent study suggests drinking dairy milk increases the risk of breast cancer. The link was clearest with milk calorie intake, with a 50 percent increased risk of women among the top 10 percent of milk drinkers compared to those among the bottom 10 percent. Risk was similar for both full-fat and low-fat versions and pre-menopausal and post-menopausal cases.

However, experts say to consider the research previous to this study before skipping out completely on milk or dairy products. Previous to this study, the American Institute for Cancer Research found no evidence linking dairy or dairy milk to breast cancer risk.

Dairy is a good source of calcium, which is important for building bones and teeth along with helping to maintain bone density, and a good source of protein which helps to build or repair muscle. Dairy foods also contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and phosphorus. Nearly all milk is fortified with vitamin D, which helps promote absorption of calcium.

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Milk And Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer for men. It is also the second leading cause of cancer-related death, and affects over 10 million men worldwide. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men due to diet-related factors. Prostate cancer risk is high in men with high dairy intake. Whereas eating more plant-based foods is shown to protect prostate health. According to research published in the journal Epidemiological Reviews, the risk of prostate cancer is doubled in men with high dairy intake, whereas eating more plant-based foods can lower prostate cancer risk and its recurrence.

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder in men. Its primary function is to produce prostate fluid, part of semen. Milk is a complex fluid containing a huge variety of bioactive compounds. Some may protect against cancer, while others may have adverse effects.

It is hard to measure how much dairy people eat over a long period. And there could be other factors that are different in people who eat and drink a lot of dairy products. It is unclear whether dairy increases the risk of prostate cancer in current studies.

And remember, eating or drinking some dairy has health benefits also. NHS Eatwell guide recommends having it as part of a healthy, balanced diet. It recommends to pick dairy or dairy alternative products that are low in fat and sugar.

Does Dairy Cause Or Prevent Cancer An Objective Look

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Cancer risk is strongly affected by diet.

Many studies have examined the relationship between dairy consumption and cancer.

Some studies indicate that dairy may protect against cancer, while others suggest that dairy may increase cancer risk.

The most commonly consumed dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt, cream and butter.

This article reviews the evidence linking dairy products with cancer, looking at both sides of the argument.

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Will Eating Dairy Increase My Risk Of Getting Breast Cancer

The evidence around dairy and breast cancer does not consistently show a link and more often, shows milk and other dairy foods are not associated with increased risk of breast cancer or are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recognise that including dairy foods as part of a balanced diet has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and the metabolic syndrome. There are also additional benefits of consuming dairy for bone health and dental health.

When it comes to breast cancer, the National Breast Cancer Foundation advises that including certain types of food in your diet may help to minimise breast cancer risk. This includes dairy-rich foods and vegetables high in carotenoids like carrots, sweet potato, leafy greens and tomatoes.

Some research has claimed to observe a link between breast cancer and consumption of dairy milk. However, observational studies cannot determine a cause-effect relationship and the body of evidence does not support this. In fact, dairy foods contain a range of nutrients with anti-cancer properties. Some studies suggest that increased dairy consumption is associated with a slightly lower risk of breast cancer.

To add to this, levels of IGF-1, oestrogen, and progesterone, which have been proposed to increase breast cancer risk, are very low in milk and the association is weak.


How Much Dairy Should I Eat Or Drink

Milk and dairy are good sources of calcium and protein. The NHS Eatwell Guide recommends having some dairy or dairy alternatives as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

The amount of fat , salt and sugar in dairy products can vary. Where possible choose low-sugar and reduced-fat products as they are healthier dairy options.

Examples include:

  • 1% fat milk
  • Reduced-fat cheese
  • Lower-fat spreads
  • Plain, low-fat yoghurt

Not everyone can eat dairy and some people choose not to. Dairy alternatives are also good sources of calcium. For example, unsweetened, calcium-fortified soya versions of milk, cheese and yoghurt.

The British Dietetic Association recommends you aim for 3 portions of dairy foods a day.

Examples of adult portions of dairy include:

  • A glass of 1% fat milk
  • A 150g pot of plain, low-fat yogurt
  • A matchbox-size piece of cheese

Remember, when it comes to cancer risk, your overall diet is much more important than individual foods.

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Measuring Your Breast Cancer Risk By The Cup

A recent study from Loma Linda University found that women who drink cows milk have a higher risk of breast cancer.

The study included dietary data from nearly 53,000 women, none of whom had cancer. When researchers followed up with these women eight years later, 1,057 of them had breast cancer. Heres what the women who developed breast cancer had in common

They received more calories from dairy products, specifically cows milk.

Women who drank two to three cups of milk per day had a 70 to 80 percent higher breast cancer risk. Women who drank one glass of milk per day had a 50 percent higher breast cancer risk. Even women who drank small amounts of milk 1/4 to 1/3 cup per day werent off the hook. They had a 30 percent higher risk of breast cancer.

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This information is alarming, to say the least. Researchers even said that the study is fairly strong evidence that either dairy milk or some other factor closely related to drinking dairy milk is a cause of breast cancer in women. But why?

Well, when I first read about this study, I had a hunch why cows milk might be driving breast cancer risk. And researchers had the same suspicions I did

Its hormones.

Scientific Review Published In Advances In Nutrition Examines The Link Between Breast Cancer Risk And 13 Food Groups

Drinking milk probably does not cause breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women as well as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. In 2018, for example, there were an estimated 2.1 million new breast cancer cases and an estimated 600,000 deaths due to breast cancer worldwide.

Unfortunately, our understanding of the causes of breast cancer is still limited however, researchers have identified a number of risk factors that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Some of these risk factors, such as a family history of cancer, cant be modified. Other risk factors, however, are modifiable.

Among the most important modifiable risk factors is diet. Several studies have been conducted to determine how individual foods and food groups as well as overall dietary patterns are associated with breast cancer risk. To date, these studies have found moderate evidence suggesting that dietary patterns higher in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and lower in animal-source foods and refined carbohydrates are associated with a decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. The evidence is not as strong concerning the link between diet and premenopausal cancer, as few studies have focused on this area.

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Dairy Products And Breast Cancer Risk: What To Know

  • New research from Loma Linda University School of Public Health concludes daily consumption of dairy milk can increase breast cancer risk.
  • The researchers said they didnt find any increased risk for cheese or yogurt.
  • Other experts point out that previous studies have arrived at different conclusions.
  • The experts say moderation is key when it comes to consuming dairy products.

Do dairy products, particularly milk, increase the risk of breast cancer?

It might depend on the research youre reading.

A new study suggests that drinking dairy milk daily, even in small amounts, can increase your risk of getting breast cancer as much as 80 percent.

The findings from a team of researchers at Loma Linda University School of Public Health in Southern California were recently published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

We found that at relatively low doses of dairy milk, less than a cup a day, there was a steep rise in the risk of breast cancer said Gary E. Fraser, MBChB, PhD, a professor in the School of Public Health and Medicine at Loma Linda University and the studys lead author.

At a cup a day, we were seeing more than a 50 percent increase in risk, Fraser told Healthline. At 2 to 3 cups per day, the risk increased 70 percent to 80 percent.

The researchers analyzed nearly 8 years of data from 52,795 women in North America.

Their median age was 57 and about a third of them were black women.

The women answered questionnaires about their food intake.

May Interact With Certain Medications

Consuming yogurt along with certain antibiotics will decrease their effectiveness. For example, yogurt may decrease the amount of the ciprofloxacin antibiotic our bodies absorb. The same applies to tetracyclines as the calcium in yogurt binds with tetracyclines in the intestine.

Consuming yogurt along with immunosuppressants may cause you to fall sick because these medications decrease our bodys immunity, making us susceptible to infections. Since yogurt mostly contains live bacteria and sometimes yeast, eating too much yogurt causes yeast infections.

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Analysis Of Publication Bias And Sensitivity

Beggs rank correlation and Eggers linear regression test were employed to estimate publication bias. Beggs rank correlation test and Eggers linear regression test results indicated the absence of publication bias among included articles . The sensitivity analysis suggested that the overall risk assessment was not substantially modified by any single study, revealing the stability of the above results.

What Is A Serve Of Dairy

Does Raw Milk Cause Cancer?

One serve of dairy equals:

  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup evaporated unsweetened milk
  • 200g yoghurt
  • 40g cheese .

Practical and healthy ways to consume dairy foods include:

  • a milkshake made with skim milk and fresh banana or berries
  • low fat vanilla yoghurt with some passionfruit or natural muesli
  • a low fat yoghurt dip with vegetable sticks as a snack
  • a fruit salad topped with some low fat natural yoghurt
  • bake potatoes in the oven and stuff them with vegetables and grated low-fat tasty cheese
  • low fat cream cheese as a spread on sandwiches instead of butter
  • low fat natural yoghurt with chopped mint or coriander as an accompaniment to lamb or Indian flavoured dishes
  • shaved parmesan cheese over the top of pasta dishes and risottos
  • a bean dip made by mashing baked beans and adding some chilli and grated low fat tasty cheese before heating to serve.

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