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HomeCauseDoes Zantac Cause Breast Cancer

Does Zantac Cause Breast Cancer

Is Ndma A Carcinogen

Billion-Dollar Cancer Verdict Lawyer Discusses Zantac (Ranitidine) Link to Cancer

NDMA is a known carcinogen and a genotoxic substance, meaning it enters cellular DNA where it can immediately cause cancerous growth. Ranitidine, the main ingredient in Zantac and other similar antacid medications, creates NDMA after ingestion, putting unwitting consumers at risk. One of these risks, as shown in the 2008 study, is a heightened risk of breast cancer ductal carcinoma.

What Is The Connection Between Zantac And Breast Cancer

On Behalf of John Murphy | Oct 21, 2020 | Zantac Recall

One connection gaining media attention: the use of the popular acid-reducing and heartburn drug Zantac and an increased risk of breast cancer.

How does Zantac use increase the risk of breast cancer?

Concern over a possible connection between Zantac and similar medications began in 2019. At this time, researchers with a pharmacy that specializes in testing medications for purity found a contaminant in Zantac that is a known carcinogen. After further research, the group found that all medications that use the primary ingredient in Zantac, called ranitidine, had this same cancer-causing contaminant.

As such, use of the medication, used to treat heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease and ulcers, could increase the likelihood a patient would develop breast cancer. Those who are currently taking these medications are wise to reach out to their medical provider and discuss alternative options.

Are there remedies for those who develop this disease?

What Is Ndma In Zantac

N-Nitrosodimethylamine is a water-soluble organic chemical and appears as a yellow liquid with little or no obvious taste or odor. NDMA was once used to make rocket fuel, but today is made only for researchpurposes. It can also be produced as a byproduct of manufacturing processes. Humans can be exposed to NDMA in relatively small amounts through various products, including tobacco, foods , shampoos, cleansers, and pesticides.

NDMA is carcinogenic even in minimal doses. The FDAs acceptable daily intake of NDMA is 96 nanograms , or 96 billionths of a gram. Studies show that NDMA exposure as little as179 ng per 100 grams per day is associated with elevated cancer risks.

The International Agency for Cancer Research , the most recognized cancer research institution in the world, studied over 200 research papers on NDMA and the NDMA cancer risk. IARC placed the chemical in the Group 2A category, meaning substances that are probably carcinogenic to humans. The agency found that NDMA is carcinogenic in all animal species tested and noted that the metabolism of NDMA by humans and animals is similar.

NDMA caused malignant tumor growth in several organs, in multiple species, via numerous routes of exposure , injections), with dose-response relationships appearing in several studies. Scientists are also gaining detailed knowledge of the body’s biochemical mechanisms to repair NDMA DNA damage and how those mechanisms play a role in the progression towards cancer.

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Common Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 225,000 women and 2,300 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the United States. This condition is the second-most common cancer in women and the second-leading cause of cancer death.

Breast cancer symptoms usually involve a change in the breast. Some of the most common signs of this condition include the following.

  • A lump or thick tissue in your breast
  • A nipple that suddenly becomes inverted
  • Redness or pitting of the breast skin, similar to an orange
  • Changes to the skin over the breast or the areola, such as peeling, crusting, dimpling, or flaking
  • Any change in the breasts shape, size, or appearance

If you notice anything unusual in your breast, such as a lump or a change in texture, contact a medical professional as soon as possible. The sooner that a doctor detects breast cancer, the sooner that you can receive treatment.

What Class Action Lawsuits Are There Against Sanofi

Lawsuit Against Zantac: Are You Eligible?

In September of 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Sanofi, the manufacturer of Zantac. The plaintiffs accused the company of intentionally misleading patients about the safety of Zantac and concealing the risk of exposure to NDMA, which is a known carcinogen, or cancer-causing substance. The lawsuit alleges that Sanofis record sales of Zantac, which was the first drug to reach $1 billion in sales, were only possible because of this deception and that Sanofi valued profits over the lives and health of patients.

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Zantac And Ndma Injuries And Side Effects

Like all medications, Zantac can cause several side effects in patients. Common Zantac side effects include the following.

  • Issues with your skin or hair
  • Easy bruising or bleeding

In addition to these listed side effects, Zantac may increase patients risk for cancer. In September 2019, online pharmaceutical company Valisure discovered NDMA, a chemical that researchers use to induce tumors in laboratory animals, is a probable human carcinogen, in some batches of Zantac.

Rocket fuel manufacturers used to rely on NDMA to produce its products, but ceased use after unusually high levels of this chemical appeared in the air, water, and soil around a manufacturing plant. NDMA may contribute to a higher risk of certain types of cancer among Zantac patients, which may include the following.

  • Pancreatic cancer

Attorneys representing Zantac cancer victims are accepting cases involving many types of cancer. If you developed any form of cancer after taking Zantac, speak to a lawyer at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC.

Zantac Mdl Issued Bellwether Trials To Begin Over Severe Health Complications

Zantac cancer lawyers have prepared for the first bellwether trial to hold Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, the drug manufacturer, financially accountable. The Zantac MDL litigation process is expected to move quickly now that the judge has issued a key ruling.

The Zantac plaintiffs lawyers filed civil lawsuits after their clients who took the drug were diagnosed with cancer. The first trial will serve as a precursor to other Zantac trials and help establish how the litigation process will move forward.

Our Zantac lawyers will post every lawsuit update here as more information is posted about:

  • Zantac lawsuit settlement amounts
  • Zantac MDL cases consolidated into a federal class action claim
  • Zantac MDL class-action case results

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Are All Forms Of Zantac Unsafe

At first, the FDA stated that not all medications in the U.S. marketed under the name ranitidine were necessarily toxic. Yet new information in April 2020 revealed that storing the medication improperly could lead to dangerously high levels of NDMA contaminants within the product.

At this time, all Zantac products containing ranitidine have been recalled by the FDA and are no longer allowed for marketed use.

If youve been taking Zantac over-the-counter or as prescribed by a doctor for a health condition, contact your prescribing doctor as soon as possible to discuss your options for continuing to take the drug or switching to a safe alternative.

Does Zantac Cause Gastric Cancer

Zantac Recall: Attorney Explains Cancer Risk

The answer depends on whos asked. Pharmaceutical companies and their legal teams would argue no. Thousands of stomach cancer patients who are former Zantac users would respond, yes. Consumer lawsuits have been filed in response to these claims.

There is evidence that backs the consumer. A 2020 study linked the use of ranitidine drugs and gastrointestinal cancer. Subjects who had used ranitidine drugs for more than a year were compared with others who had only used alternative acid indigestion medicines. Results showed a definite dark cloud above the bodies, stomachs in particular, of Zantac users.

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Have You Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer After Taking Zantac

IMPORTANT:Due to evolving criteria and developments in the ongoing litigation, we can unfortunately no longer accept Zantac cancer cases involving breast cancer.

For a FREE consultation with an experienced dangerous drugs attorney handling Zantac claims involving other qualifying cancers please call 1-800-525-7111.

There are no upfront costs and you wont pay any attorney fees unless we win your case and you receive financial compensation.

You may also qualify for a Zantac lawsuit if youve been diagnosed with any of the cancers listed above after taking brand-name Zantac for an extended period of time.

IMPORTANT: A federal judge recently ruled against lawsuits concerning generic Zantac. At this point, we can only accept cases concerning use of brand-name Zantac OR mixed use of brand-name Zantac and generic equivalents.

PLEASE NOTE: At this time, the federal MDL has limited the Zantac claims we can accept to bladder, esophageal, stomach, liver, and pancreatic cancers only. We understand that other cancers may be linked, but we are unfortunately unable to assist with these claims at this time due to evidence and recent court rulings.

Call 1-800-525-7111 today for a FREE, no-obligation consultation with a Zantac cancer lawyer about your claim related to another type of cancer.

If NDMA-contaminated Zantac or ranitidine caused your cancer, thats wrong and you deserve justice.

-Gene Riddle, managing partner and attorney, Riddle & Brantley

Justice Counts.

More About Cancers Linked To Zantac

Ranitidine-causing cancers include nearly every part of the body and have different symptoms and outlooks. The following survival odds are based on the five-year survival rate, meaning the percentage of patients still alive five years after their initial diagnosis. The rate only applies to localized cancer, which means the disease has not spread into the lymph nodes or other body parts.

If you have used Zantac and are concerned about cancer, see your healthcare provider right away. If youve used Zantac and contracted cancer or other health problems, you also may want to contact an attorney experienced in handling Zantac lawsuits. You may be able to recover damages, as Zantacs manufacturers are currently facing more than 100,000 Zantac lawsuits.

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Zantac Lawsuit Attorneys Serving The Us

If you have taken an over-the-counter or prescription form of Zantac and experienced damaging effects to your health as a result, youre not alone and you may be able to sue for compensation.

The award-winning legal team of Florin|Roebig can help. Our seasoned team of personal injury attorneys have extensive experience in expertly handling pharmaceutical lawsuits and possess the skills to build a strong case for a favorable outcome.

We currently have several offices spanning across the U.S. in the states of Florida, Texas, Minnesota, and Colorado.

The top-rated dangerous drug personal injury attorneys of Florin|Roebig include:

  • Wil H. Florin, B.C.S.

Heartburn Drug & Cancer: Does The Link Hold

breast cancer Archives

June 21, 2021 — In 2016, researchers had some very bad news for anyone taking antacids. They found that healthy men and women who took a normal dose of the heartburn medicine ranitidine, often known by the brand name Zantac, had extremely high levels of a chemical known as NDMA, a probable cancer-causing substance.

NDMA levels in their urine increased by 400-fold after taking a dose of the antacid, the researchers found. Their research and that of others set off a cascade of events that eventually led to the FDA requesting the recall of Zantac and its many generic versions in April 2020.

Now, however, the co-authors of that paper have asked the journal, Carcinogenesis, to retract that paper, and the journal has. In the retraction notice, the journal editors said that ”the authors have informed the journal that their NDMA measurements are not reliable.” The problem has to do with the method they used to measure the NDMA levels. They found levels of NDMA as high as 47,600 nanograms — much higher than the 96 ng the FDA says is an acceptable daily level of NDMA from a drug.

Could this new wrinkle mean a return of ranitidine, a best-selling drug since the FDA approved it as Zantac in 1983? Sales of Zantac topped $136 million in 2019, according to Statista. The drug works by reducing acid production in the stomach. Besides heartburn, it was used to treat ulcers and throat and stomach problems.

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What Happens To Breast Implants After 20 Years

On average, todays implants are designed to last more than a decade, with the chance of rupture increasing by one percent each year. So, the older your implants are, the greater your risk of rupture or other complications. In many cases, breast implants can remain in good shape for 20 years or more.

Do I Need To Provide Evidence In Support Of My Zantac Injury Claim

It is necessary to show that you have taken Zantac at some point before to filing a claim for compensation for Zantac cancer. In order to prove that you took Zantac, youll need to establish that you did so . You may simply establish that you took ranitidine by requesting a copy of your pharmacy records.

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Fda Recalled Zantac Over Cancer Link In 2020

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalled Zantac in April 2020 after the agency was notified about excessive levels of NDMA in the medication. In its press release, the FDA warned that higher levels of exposure may increase the risk of cancer in humans.

The agency is testing Zantac to determine if long storage time or high temperatures can also increase the amount of NDMA to dangerous levels. Currently, the FDA suggests that more than 96 nanograms per day is unacceptable and increases the risk of developing cancer.

An independent study uncovered more than 3,000,000 nanograms in one Zantac tablet.

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Zantac Class Action Lawsuits

Zantac Lawsuit | Cancer & Recall

Class action lawsuits are initiated by a single person who brings their case to an attorney capable of representing their interests in the lawsuit.

In contrast with individual lawsuits, class action lawsuits are filed with the purpose of demanding compensation for a group of people who have been unlawfully harmed by a product, service, or action.

Its important to note that the only compensation recoverable for class action lawsuits includes compensation for the money spent on the drug. Individuals who join class action lawsuits will most likely need to provide proof of receipts for their purchases and will only receive damages for what they spent, in total, on the drug.

The size of class action lawsuits can vary, ranging from just a few people joining together to sue a defendant, to thousands or potentially millions of people. Many recent class action drug lawsuits are closer to the latter, as far as the scope of the issue and the estimated number of people affected.

Individuals who join or opt into class actions are not necessarily required to take on an active role in the legal proceedings. Only one plaintiff, appointed to serve as the lead plaintiff, is required to play an active role in the class action to serve as the public face and primary decision-maker of the class.

The lead plaintiff in a class action has several responsibilities, including:

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Is Zantac Safe For Heartburn

For decades, Zantac was one of the most popular antacid drugs on the market. Many Americans took Zantac thinking it was a safe and effective solution for heartburn and a host of other digestive issues. But then, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that it contained dangerously high levels of a known carcinogen called N-Nitrosodimethylamine . This discovery resulted in a nationwide market withdrawal of all prescription, over-the-counter , and generic brands of Zantac in 2020.

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Florida Woman Alleges Zantac Caused Her To Develop Breast Cancer

Zantac, the brand name for Ranitidine, is a popular prescription medication used to treat indigestion, heartburn, and other gastric disorders. Many people take Zantac for months or even years to combat their symptoms. Yet there is a growing body of medical evidence that suggests regular use of Zantac may increase a persons risk of developing certain forms of cancer.

Late last year, one Florida woman sued the companies responsible for manufacturing and marketing Zantac, alleging the drug caused her to develop breast cancer. The lawsuit specifically argues that Zantac is a defective drug and that the defendants knew of the potential cancer risks yet failed to exercise reasonable care in warning patients or their doctors. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages under Florida law.

Lawsuit Cites 2008 Study Directly Linking Ranitidine to Cancer-Causing Agent

The main thrust of the lawsuit is that the Zantac defendants essentially ignored a 2008 study conducted by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in California. According to the lawsuit, the Hutchinson Center made clear there was a direct link between Zantac and breast cancer. This link was the presence of a known cancer-causing agent known as NDMA. As the lawsuit notes, the dangers that NDMA poses to human health have been known since the 1970s. Indeed, it is no longer produced or used in the United States, except to produce poison for research purposes.

Contact a Tennessee Dangerous Drugs Attorney Today

Can You Get Financial Compensation For Ductal Carcinoma


If you or a loved one was diagnosed with breast cancer ductal carcinoma after taking Zantac or another ranitidine medication for an extended period of time, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your damages. Rheingold Giuffra Ruffo & Plotkin LLP is here to help you with your claim and guide you through the legal process. We are currently representing plaintiffs in Zantac litigation, including claims involving injury and death caused by breast cancer in connection with prolonged Zantac use.

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