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HomeCauseEmotional Causes Of Breast Cancer

Emotional Causes Of Breast Cancer

Phase 3 Stress Causes Cell Glucose Levels To Rise

Meet Ashley FernandezThe Emotional Impact of Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

High stress hormone cortisol levels cause adrenaline to become depleted in the body. This causes glucose levels to rise within normal cells. The main purpose of adrenaline is to remove and convert glucose from cells for energy for the body, just as it is the main purpose of insulin to transport glucose into cells. When the adrenaline reserves are depleted, glucose levels increase sharply within the cells leaving little room for oxygen. Many cancer patients are weak and lethargic because they have little or no adrenaline to convert the glucose in their cells into energy for the body. Their cells subsequently have very little room left to accept oxygen from the blood.

Association Between Depression And Breast Cancer Risk

Twenty studies examined the association between depression and breast cancer risk. Only five studies reported a statistically significant association, among females: Gallo et al. Hung et al. Jacobs and Bovasso Montazeri et al. and Ollonen et al. . The depression measured in these five studies was clinically defined, except for Montazeri et al. who differentiated depressive symptoms and hopelessness .

Dealing With Your Emotions

Theres no right or wrong way to feel after a diagnosis of breast cancer.

Youll probably go through many emotions, from fear, shock and anger to disbelief, sadness and numbness.

Your emotions may change day to day or even hour to hour. Its usual to have times when you feel very low followed by times when things seem more positive.

The days and weeks immediately after a diagnosis can be particularly emotional and feel overwhelming.

Many people start to feel a bit calmer or less anxious once they have been told about their treatment plan.

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Phase 1 Emotional Trauma

Emotional trauma affects deep sleep and the production of melatonin within the body. Melatonin is necessary for inhibiting cancer cell growth and is the primary hormone responsible for regulating the immune system. During this phase a part of the emotional reflex center in the brain slowly breaks down due to the emotional trauma.

What Is Breast Cancer

Pin on Breast Cancer Facts

Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in females worldwide. It is also the second main cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.

The vast majority of breast cancer cases occur in women. Breast cancer rates are higher in first world nations compared to developing countries.

Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in females worldwide

The breast, like any other part of the body, consists of billions of microscopic cells. Normal cells multiply as they should, and new cells replace the ones that died. Cancer cells multiply in an unusual way and create more cells than needed.

Standard cancer treatments like chemo, radiation, and surgery cause women unnecessary suffering. Chemo and radiation may also cause more cancer.

Breast cancer either begins in the cells of the breast glands or the milk ducts. So lets talk about what causes breast cancer. One of the primary causes of breast cancer is stress.

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Phase 4 Fungus Enter Cells To Feed On Glucose

Subsequently, pathogenic microbes that have established themselves in a weakened part of the body, enter normal cells to feed on this excess glucose. This fermentation of glucose causes mycotoxins to be released, which reduces energy in the following ways:

  • It breaks the Krebs Cycle of the cell a process that uses oxygen as part of cellular respiration.
  • It breaks the electron transport chain of the cell, meaning the number of ATP molecules drops dramatically.
  • Lack of oxygen and cell energy causes normal cells to mutate during the dividing process creating new cancer cells. The body becomes highly acidic due to the waste by-products caused by these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. Over-acidification of the body also occurs due to fermentation of excess stress hormones in the body, poor diet , and lack of exercise. Viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in a low pH acidic environment.

    How Can I Help Make My Treatments Work

    How can you use this information about the mind-body connection in your own care? First, you must be wondering what you can really believe. This is understandable it was mentioned earlier that there are believers and nonbelievers in the mind-body connection. People vary in how much store they place in any psychological research. Nonbelievers consider such research touchy-feely believers care less about data because they feel certain that the connection exists. What we have tried to present here is a balanced view of this most controversial aspect concerning psychological issues in cancer.

    The best advice for patients right now, is to take a rational and reasoned approach, one with balance. Take news reports regarding new studies with a wait-and-see, grain-of-salt attitude. Dont rush to change your general approach to coping with cancer if it is working for you. Good attitudes and good access to support, including groups, definitely help.

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    Recent Research Into Cancer Causation

    One of the most recent studies on psychosomatic cancer therapy comes from Germany. Over the past ten years, medical doctor and surgeon Ryke-Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Hamer wondered why cancer never seems to systematically spread directly from one organ to the surrounding tissue. For example, he never found cancer of the cervix AND cancer of the uterus in the same woman. He also noticed that all his cancer patients seemed to have something in common: there had been some kind of psycho-emotional conflict prior to the onset of their disease usually a few years before a conflict that had never been fully resolved.

    Dr Hamer started including psychotherapy as an important part of the healing process and found that when the specific conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately stopped growing at a cellular level. The dark spot in the brain started to disappear. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing oedema around the damaged emotional centre as the brain tissue began to repair the afflicted point. There was once again normal communication between brain and body. A similar healing oedema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear and normal tissue would then again appear.

    Where Can I Get Help

    Julia Bradbury’s Emotional Interview Ahead Of ITV Documentary ‘Breast Cancer & Me’ | This Morning

    Depression is an illness. It is treatable and the earlier you seek help, the quicker your recovery will be. If you are feeling anxious, or think you may have depression, talk to your GP right away.

    Some GPs have specialist training and can provide psychological treatment. If not, your GP can refer you to a specialist such as a psychologist, social worker, counsellor or psychiatrist.

    Tip: Talk to your doctor about whether you are eligible for treatment under a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan. This will entitle you to up to 10 Medicare-subsidised appointments with a clinical psychologist, appropriately trained GP, social worker or clinical occupational therapist.

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    Depression And Anxiety Are Common But So Is Help

    Steven Gans, MD, is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    A diagnosis of breast cancer is one of the most devastating things a woman can hear. After such shocking news, it is normal to feel a range of emotions, from despair to rage. But for some patients, even once the initial confusion and grief have dissipated, a serious mental health issue may develop.

    Feelings That Can Come Up During Radiation Therapy

    Fatigue is common withradiation therapy and may affect your mood. As treatments continue, fatigue can increase. This fatigue is due to treatment itself, but it can also be related to having to go to radiation therapy appointments every day for several weeks. If you must travel far for treatment, you might feel more tired and drained than you normally would. Just the stress of daily travel and treatment can be exhausting.

    Treatment-related fatigue feels very different from regular tiredness. It can come on quickly and exhaust you. Even after a good nights sleep, you may not feel rested.

    Radiation therapy may cause changes in the shape, texture, and size of your breast or in the skin, and this can be distressing. Know that your radiation oncologist and oncology nurses can offer you treatments to help soothe skin irritation and prevent certain side effects. Treating them early may help you feel better physically and, in turn, emotionally.

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    Is Breast Cancer A Big Deal

    One out of every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her life. The good news is that most types of the disease are highly treatable if caught early. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. While skin cancer is much less common, it can still be deadly.

    Breast cancer usually starts as an abnormal cell in the breast that divides and grows rapidly. It may develop into a lump or a mass that may spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body. When it spreads, breast cancer can become very difficult to treat, but treatment can be successful and control the disease for years.

    Depending on the type of breast cancer, treatment can involve surgery or radiation. Surgical procedures often include radiation treatment to destroy cancer cells. The radiation is given through a catheter that is inserted into the breast. The doctor then inserts radioactive pellets into the catheter, which stays in place for several days.

    How Can You Avoid Getting Breast Cancer

    The Psychological Impact of Breast Cancer : A Psychologist

    While breast cancer is a major health concern, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk. Physical activity can help you stay fit and keep your weight in check, and it can also lower your risk of developing the disease. Most people should aim to do 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week. In addition, you should try to incorporate strength training at least twice a week. Breastfeeding has also been shown to reduce breast cancer risk. Interestingly, the longer a woman breastfeeds, the greater her protection.

    Knowing your familys history can help you identify your risk for developing breast cancer. Your family history should include information about both your mothers and fathers side of the family. If your father has a family history of breast cancer, you may want to consult with your physician about your own familys risk. You can also get a mammogram to find out if you have the disease, even if it is early-stage.

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    Who Is Most Likely To Get Breast Cancer

    The risks of developing breast cancer are higher in older women. As a result, more than three-quarters of women who develop the disease are over 50 years old. Asian and Hispanic women have lower risks of developing the disease than White women, and women of higher socioeconomic status are less likely to develop it.

    Although all women have an increased risk of breast cancer, the specific risk factor for each individual woman varies. Genetics, age, and family history are all factors that can increase your risk of developing the disease. Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity, can also increase your risk.

    The most important factors associated with breast cancer are age and sex. In general, Black women have a higher risk of developing the disease than White women. However, breast cancer is rare among women younger than 25 years old.

    Look At What You Can Control

    Some people say that putting their lives in order helps. Being involved in your health care, keeping your appointments, and making changes in your lifestyle are among the things you can control. Even setting a daily schedule can give you a sense of control. And while no one can control every thought, some say that they try not to dwell on the fearful ones, but instead do what they can to enjoy the positive parts of life.

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    What Decides If Breast Cancer Grows In The Left Or Right Breast

    Whether you’re right- or left-handed will determine where the breast cancer will lodge. A right-handed woman will respond with the left breast if she has a conflict with her child or mother.

    For example, she can worry about her child’s health. The child might have been part of an accident or is taking drugs. Or she worries about her daughter’s divorce or her mother’s health problems.

    A right-handed woman will respond with the right breast if she has a partner conflict. Her partners include her lifes partner as in husband, a friend, brother, sister or father. Or it can also be her business partner.

    Whether you’re right- or left-handed will determine where the breast cancer will lodge

    The opposite will happen in a left-handed woman. So the left breast is a partner conflict, and the right breast is a child/mother conflict. Throughout the conflict, the nursing mother has more milk in the conflict-related breast.

    Cancer in the left breast

    Right-handed woman:
    Left-handed woman: Mother or child conflict

    A right-handed woman feeds her child on the left side so she can have her right arm free. So she associates her left breast with her child. And a left-handed person feeds her child on the right side.

    Men also have mammary glands. But the breasts remain undeveloped because of their higher testosterone level. In females, estrogen promotes the development of the breasts.

    However, if a man has a low testosterone level, he can suffer a nest-worry-conflict like a woman.

    The Five Stages Of 5 Stages Of Cancer

    EFT for Breast Cancer

    In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a combination of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed to the bodys cells becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and become cancerous.

    The five stages of how cancerous tumors are formed within the body are listed below:

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    Emotional Stages Of A Breast Cancer Diagnosis

    A breast cancer diagnosis can be traumatic, and can trigger a variety of emotions. At first, it may be hard to grasp the news and to believe or accept it. It may not feel real. Some people feel numb, blank, or stunned, as if they are watching someone elses life play out in front of them. Others feel frightened, sad, angry, or worried.

    Many people ask themselves, Is what Im feeling normal? or Is it all right to feel this feeling? Just asking those questions is normal. Each persons response to breast cancer is different, and it is possible to feel many different emotions at the same time.

    Some people realize that all they want to do is move forward. This may be a time when you put your feelings aside, sometimes without even knowing it, to focus on your treatment and other decisions.

    Know that however youre feeling, many people have felt the same way you do at this moment. Be patient with yourself. This is a significant part of the breast cancer coping journey, and it will help you take the next steps with your treatment.

    The feelings that come up after a breast cancer diagnosis can sometimes mirror the five stages of grief identified by psychiatristElisabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969. These may be familiar to you, and include denial, anger, bargaining, sadness and depression, and acceptance.

    Here, you can learn more about the stages of grief and how they sometimes play a role in emotionally processing a breast cancer diagnosis.

    Phase 5 Fungus And Cancer Form Symbiotic Relationship

    During this fifth phase viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus form a symbiotic relationship with newly created cancer cells. Yeast-like fungus is symbiotic in nature and feeds on the high levels of glucose for reproduction of new somatids. The yeast-like fungus provides a natural fermentation process. It ferments the glucose within the tumor, providing energy and a natural growth factor in return. The yeast-like fungus uses the cancer cells as a host or house for their rich reserves of glucose and stimulates these cancer cells to propagate more houses. The result is a tumor.

    Yeast-like fungus prevent cancer cells reverting back into normal healthy cells , as they continue to cause mycotoxins to be released , meaning cancer cells in a sense are held hostage to the yeast-like fungus that inhabit them.

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    How Important Is Support From Others

    An intriguing and increasingly important aspect of health is our sense of connection to other people, both at a personal level and at the level of feeling part of a community. At first glance, this subject might appear to have little relation to disease vulnerability or survival, but it is actually emerging as an important factor.

    First, it is clear that ties to others affect our health. Many studies have found that both men and women who have more social connections have a lower death rate, from all causes, than is expected for persons their age. But those who are isolated, with little connection to others, have the highest mortality from all diseases. Drs. Peggy Reynolds and George Kaplan, at the University of Michigan, found in a large study that having more social ties was associated with lower mortality, including mortality from cancer, but that being married did not have this affect. Marriage can be a plus or a minus, as todays divorce rate confirms.

    A study of specific aspects of social ties found that involvement in a range of social activities, as well as the quality of relationships and frequency of contacts , were the most important elements.

    The bottom line is this: Positive involvement with others appears important in helping you to maintain good health habits and living longer.


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