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HomePopularHow Many People Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Every Year

How Many People Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Every Year

How Many People Survive Breast Cancer

2,600 men diagnosed with breast cancer every year
  • Almost nine in ten of women survive breast cancer for five years or more.
  • Breast cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the past 40 years in the UK due to a combination of improvements in treatment and care, earlier detection through screening and a focus on targets, including faster diagnosis.
  • An estimated 600,000 people are alive in the UK after a diagnosis of breast cancer. This is predicted to rise to 1.2 million in 2030.

For many the overwhelming emotional and physical effects of the disease can be long-lasting.

Every year around 11,500women and 85 men die from breast cancer in the UK thats nearly 1,000 deaths each month, 31 each day or one every 45 minutes.

Breast cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the UK.

Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women under 50 in the UK.

Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented

There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer, but there are things all women can do that might reduce their risk and help increase the odds that if cancer does occur, it is found at an early, more treatable stage. You can lower your risk of breast cancer by changing those risk factors that are under your control. If you limit alcohol use, exercise regularly, and stay at a healthy weight, you are decreasing your risk of getting breast cancer. Women who choose to breastfeed for at least several months also may reduce their breast cancer risk. Not using post-menopausal hormone therapy also can help you avoid raising your risk.

Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Over Time

Breast cancer mortality rates in the U.S. increased slowly from 1975 through the 1980s .

From 1989-2018 , the breast cancer mortality rate decreased by 41 percent due to improved breast cancer treatment and early detection . Since 1989, about 403,200 breast cancer deaths in U.S. women have been avoided .

The breast cancer mortality rate in women decreased by about one percent per year from 2014-2018 . Different breast cancer mortality rate trends may have been seen in some groups of women.

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It Was Estimated That In :

  • 118,200 Canadian men would be diagnosed with cancer and 44,600 men would die from cancer.
  • 110,900 Canadian women would be diagnosed with cancer and 40,000 women would die from cancer.
  • On average, 628 Canadians would be diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 232 Canadians would die from cancer every day.
  • Lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer are the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer in Canada .
  • These 4 cancers account for 46% of all new cancer cases.
  • Prostate cancer accounts for one-fifth of all new cancer cases in men.
  • Lung cancer accounts for 13% of all new cases of cancer.
  • Breast cancer accounts for one-quarter of all new cancer cases in women
  • Colorectal cancer accounts for 11% of all new cancer cases

Incidence Rate For All Invasive Breast Cancer *

The Health Website : Breast cancer
  • For all invasive BC: Declined from 1999-2003 stable since 2003
  • Rates increased rapidly between 1980-87 due largely to greater use of mammography screening, leading to increased detection of breast cancers too small to be felt. This inflates the incidence rate because tumors are being detected 1 to 3 years earlier.
  • Rates stabilized/slowed in 1990s.
  • There was a sharp decrease in 2002-2003 due to decreased use of menopausal hormones.
  • Since 2003 rates have been stable. However, the population has been increasing.
  • For non invasive DCIS rates rose rapidly during 80s and 90s, due to mammography screening. Since 1999 incidence of in situ cases have stabilized among women 50 and older, but continue to increase in young women.

* includes initial diagnosis of Stage IV only, not metastatic recurrences

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Breast Cancer Is An Issue That Affects Us All

  • Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in Canada and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in Canadian women.
  • An estimated 26,300 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year in Canada, and 5,000 women will die from it.
  • In Quebec, an estimated 6,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer yearly, and 1,350 women die from it.
  • Women aged 50 to 69 have the highest rate of breast cancer. Among the women between the ages of 20 and 49 that ave been diagnosed with cancer, 18% of them have breast cancer. It is actually the leading cause of cancer deaths in this age group.

In Canada, it is also estimated that 210 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer each year and 60 will die from it. Learn more about male breast cancer here.

These statistics indicate that if these trends continue:

  • 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
  • 1 in 31 women will die of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Facts & Figures

The National Breast Cancer Coalition is a grassroots organization dedicated to ending breast cancer through action and advocacy. The following are a few statistics that speak to the need to end this deadly disease.

You can also download a PDF of the 2021 Facts & Figures here.

In 2020 there were 684,996 deaths from breast cancer globally. .

In 2021, it is estimated that 43,600 women and 530 men will die of breast cancer. .

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Benefits Of Breast Screening

Breast cancers found by screening are generally at an early stage. Very early breast cancers are usually easier to treat, may need less treatment, and are more likely to be cured.

The current evidence suggests that breast screening reduces the number of deaths from breast cancer by about 1,300 a year in the UK.

Almost all women diagnosed with breast cancer at the earliest possible stage survive for at least 5 years after diagnosis and are likely to be cured.

Preventable Risk Factors And Cdcs Response

Thousands of young women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year | USA TODAY


Smoking and Secondhand Smoke Exposure

Smoking and secondhand smoke cause about 90% of lung cancer deaths in the United States. Smoking also causes cancer of the voice box , mouth and throat, esophagus, urinary bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, colon, rectum, liver, and stomach, as well as a type of blood cancer called acute myeloid leukemia. About 34 million US adults smoke cigarettes, and every day, about 1,600 young people under age 18 try their first cigarette.

Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work have a 20% to 30% higher risk of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke causes more than 7,300 lung cancer deaths among US nonsmokers each year. In the United States, 58 million nonsmokers are exposed to secondhand smoke every year.

CDCs Response

CDCs Office on Smoking and Health is at the forefront of the nations efforts to reduce deaths and prevent chronic diseases, including cancer, that result from smoking. CDC and its partners promote efforts to prevent young people from starting to smoke, create smokefree worksites and public spaces, help smokers quit, and reduce health disparities for groups with higher rates of chronic diseases caused by smoking.


Exposure to Sun and Tanning Beds

CDCs Response

In the United States:


Overweight and Obesity

CDCs Response


Excessive Alcohol Use

CDCs Response


Infectious Diseases

Recommended Reading: Breast Cancer Stage 1 Grade 3

Breast Cancer Deaths Per Year

It is estimated that 41,760 women will die from breast cancer this year, in the United States.

For most of these women, cancer, which originated from the breast tissue, has spread throughout the body, thus affecting numerous other organs. In cases like these, treatment is more difficult as performing surgery in multiple areas is dangerous, whereas other treatment plans arent as effective as they are in early detection cases.

National Breast Cancer

In the UK, 1,000 women die because of breast cancer monthly.

As such, we can use these stats on breast cancer to determine that roughly 12,000 women die on a yearly basis because of breast cancer in the UK. The same source also showcases that every month in Scotland 80 women die for similar reasons.

Breast Cancer Now Organization

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women, after lung cancer.

This statistic is relevant for the United States, yet it has its applicability in many other areas of the world. As such, at this time, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women, and the second most deadly. It is important to notice that since 1989, the number of British women dying from breast cancer has decreased annually.

Cancer Net

Health Disparities In Young African Americans

In addition to these unique issues, research has shown that young African American women face even greater challenges.

  • African American women under age 35 have rates of breast cancer two times higher than caucasian women under age 35.14
  • African Americans under age 35 die from breast cancer three times as often as caucasian women of the same age.14
  • Researchers believe that access to healthcare and the quality of healthcare available may explain these disparities. But scientists continue to investigate.
  • Research also shows that young African Americans are more likely to get aggressive forms of breast cancer than anyone else.14

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What Screening Tests Are Available

The early detection programme of the statutory health insurance offers women 30 years of age and over an annual palpation examination by a physician. Women between the ages of 50 and 69 years are invited to an X-ray examination of the breast every two years as part of the mammography screening programme.

What Does It Mean To Have A Genetic Predisposition To Breast Cancer

How Many People Die From Cancer A Year

Genes that contain the hereditary information passed down from parent to child serve as the blueprint for many human features and characteristics. The most common cause of hereditary breast cancer is an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In normal cells, these genes help prevent cancer by making proteins that help keep the cells from growing abnormally. If you have inherited a mutated copy of either gene from a parent, you have a high risk of developing breast cancer during your lifetime.

These cancers tend to occur in younger women and are more often bilateral than cancers in women who are not born with one of these gene mutations. Women with these inherited mutations also have an increased risk for developing other cancers, particularly ovarian cancer.

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The Surveillance Epidemiology And End Results Program

NCIs Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program collects and publishes cancer incidence and survival data from population-based cancer registries that cover approximately 35% of the US population. The SEER program website has more detailed cancer statistics, including population statistics for common types of cancer, customizable graphs and tables, and interactive tools.

The Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer provides an annual update of cancer incidence, mortality, and trends in the United States. This report is jointly authored by experts from NCI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Cancer Society, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.

Related Resources

Screening For Women At Higher Risk

You can have screening from a younger age if you have a higher than average risk of breast cancer. This might be due to a family history or an inherited faulty gene.

Speak to your GP if you think you might be at increased risk. They can refer you to a genetic specialist, who can assess your risk. Not everyone with a family history of cancer is at increased risk themselves.

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Where Can I Find Financial Help To Get A Mammogram

Partial or total costs of mammograms are covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private health plans. To find out what the law requires insurance carriers to provide, go to the Illinois Department of Insurances page .

The Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program provides free mammograms and Pap tests for women who qualify – women age 35 to 64 and are uninsured. Younger women may qualify if they have symptoms. To find a site near you that provides this free service, call the Womens Health-Line at 888-522-1282 .

What Is The Effect Of Mammography Screening

Screenings detecting breast cancer earlier, saving lives

Following the introduction of the mammography screening programme in Germany for women between the ages of 50 and 69 years , diagnosis rates in the corresponding age group initially rose sharply. Since 2009, however, they have been declining continuously and in 2016 were only slightly higher than before the screening programme. A recent publication shows that, in the screening age group, about 25 percent fewer women are diagnosed with advanced tumours than before the introduction of screening. Mammography screening also appears to have had an impact on breast cancer mortality: since around 2008 the mortality rate has developed much more favourably in the screening age group than in women under 50 or over 70.

Estimated age-standardised incidence rates of breast cancer in women eligible for mammography screening and other age groups , Germany 1999 – 2016, per 100,000

Progress in therapy has substantially improved the survival chances of people diagnosed with breast cancer, and this has led to a decrease in mortality rates as well. Within a few years time, it should be possible to assess the extent to which screening has brought about a further reduction.

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What Happens If I Have Breast Implants

A mammogram is still the best way to detect early breast cancer, even if you have breast implants. But a small amount of the breast tissue might be hidden by the implant.

This means that it is not as easy to see all the breast tissue, and you may have more x rays taken. This will help the doctor see as much of the breast tissue as possible.

It is useful to let the screening unit staff know that you have implants before your mammogram.

Breast Cancer Statistics Worldwide

Unlike the United States, breast cancer represents the most diagnosed form of the disease for women in the United Kingdom.

This means that women living in the UK are statistically less prone to catch skin cancer, as opposed to the women in the US, where it holds the number one spot. This is crucial for increasing awareness in countries that are more likely to be affected by this disease. Additionally, these latest worldwide breast cancer statistics also help prove that the occurrence of breast cancer in women is a global phenomenon.

Breast Cancer Now Organization

The vast majority of breast cancers in the UK are discovered as a result of women being breast-aware and regularly checking the shape, form, and size of their breasts.

A lack of breast awareness would normally lead to a higher number of breast cancer discovered later than optimal, thus negatively influencing survival rates. This is a breast cancer fact worth keeping in mind in the long-term.

Breast Cancer Now Organization

In 2020, the WHO estimates that 627,000 women have died because of breast cancer.

Half a million women yearly is still a huge number, despite being somewhat lower to death tolls of other forms of the disease, such as lung cancer. It has also been indicated that breast cancer is common in all regions, no matter how well-developed a country may be, according to the latest breast cancer statistics.

World Health Organization


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How Common Is Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States, except for skin cancers. It is about 30% of all new female cancers each year.

The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2021 are:

  • About 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.
  • About 49,290 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ will be diagnosed.
  • About 43,600 women will die from breast cancer.

Breast cancer mainly occurs in middle-aged and older women. The median age at the time of breast cancer diagnosis is 62. This means half of the women who developed breast cancer are 62 years of age or younger when they are diagnosed. A very small number of women diagnosed with breast cancer are younger than 45.

What Is Breast Screening

Annual UK cancer cases set to soar to half a million in ...

Cancer screening involves testing apparently healthy people for signs that could show that a cancer is developing.

Breast screening uses a test called mammography which involves taking x-rays of the breasts. Screening can help to find breast cancers early when they are too small to see or feel. These tiny breast cancers are usually easier to treat than larger ones.

It is important to remember that screening will not prevent you from getting breast cancer but aims to find early breast cancers.

Overall, the breast screening programme finds cancer in around 9 out of every 1,000 women having screening.

Read Also: What Is Er+ Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Incidence Rates Over Time

In the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of breast cancer incidence rose, largely due to increased mammography screening .

The rate of breast cancer incidence declined between 1999 and 2004 . This decline appears to be related to the drop in the use of menopausal hormone therapy after it was shown to increase the risk of breast cancer .

Mammography screening rates also fell somewhat in the early 2000s. However, studies show the decline in the rate of breast cancer incidence during this time was not likely due to the decline in screening rates .

From 2012-2016, the overall breast cancer incidence rate increased slightly . This may be due, in part, to an increase in body weight and a decline in the number of births among women in the U.S. over time .

Trends in incidence rates may be different among some groups of women.


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