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Rare Form Of Breast Cancer

What Increases Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

8-Year-Old Diagnosed with Rare Form of Breast Cancer

Factors that can elevate risk breast cancer risk include:

  • A personal or family history of breast cancer, including DCIS and LCIS
  • Inherited genetic predispositions, most commonly with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations
  • Elevated lifetime estrogen exposure, including:
  • Early onset of menstruation
  • Late-onset of menopause
  • Older age of first childbirth or never having given birth
  • Taking estrogen and progesterone after menopause
  • Having dense breast tissue
  • Metaplastic Breast Cancer Diagnosis

    Metaplastic breast cancer is a rare form of breast cancer, accounting for fewer than 1% of all breast cancers. It differs from the more common kinds of breast cancer in both its makeup and in the way it behaves.

    Like invasive ductal cancer, metaplastic breast cancer begins in the milk duct of the breast before spreading to the tissue around the duct. What makes a metaplastic tumor different is the kinds of cells that make up the tumor.

    When the cells of an invasive ductal tumor are examined under a microscope, they appear abnormal, but still look like ductal cells. Metaplastic tumors may contain some of these breast cells, too, but they also contain cells that look like the soft tissue and connective tissue in the breast. It is thought that the ductal cells have undergone a change in form to become completely different cells, though it is not known exactly how or why this occurs.

    Metaplastic breast cancers can also behave more aggressively than other kinds of breast cancers.

    • Metaplastic tumors are often, though not always, triple-negative, which means that they test negative for estrogen and progesterone receptors, as well as for the HER2/neu protein.
    • Metaplastic tumor cells are often found to be high grade, which means that they look very different from normal cells and are dividing rapidly.
    • Metaplastic tumors are, on average, larger at diagnosis.

    What Is Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

    Ductal carcinoma in situ is a very early form of breast cancer. Its the most common type of noninvasive breast cancer.

    Its called ductal because its only in the milk ducts. Carcinoma means cancer that starts in the cells that line the inner or outer surfaces of tissues, including breast ducts. In situ are words in Latin that mean in its original place.

    DCIS is classified as low, intermediate, or high. Grades are based on what the cells look like under a microscope. A lower grade means DCIS looks more like normal breast cells. The higher the grade, the more it looks different from normal cells.

    DCIS sometimes involves the nipple, making it look red and scaly. This is a rare form of cancer called Pagets disease of the breast .

    DCIS may not become invasive cancer, but researchers are still trying to learn how often that happens. They want to know if people can avoid treatment if its unlikely DCIS will become invasive cancer.

    For now, the standard treatment for DCIS includes surgery, often a lumpectomy. For most people with DCIS, surgery is the only way to tell for sure if you also have invasive cancer.

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    Stage 4 Breast Cancer

    Stage 4 breast cancer can have a tumor of any size. Its cancer cells have spread to nearby and distant lymph nodes as well as distant organs.

    The testing your doctor does will determine the stage of your breast cancer, which will affect your treatment.

    Although they generally have less of it, men have breast tissue just like women do. Men can develop breast cancer too, but its much rarer.

    According to the ACS , breast cancer is 70 times less common in Black men than in Black women. Its 100 times less common in white men than in white women.

    That said, the breast cancer that men develop is just as serious as the breast cancer that women develop. It also has the same symptoms. If youre a man, follow the same monitoring instructions as women and report any changes to breast tissue or new lumps to your doctor.

    What Is Male Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer in men is more likely to be cured if its found early. Many people assigned male at birth dont know they can get breast cancer. Often, they dont talk with their healthcare provider when they find a mass or lump in their breast. The most common symptom of male breast cancer is a lump that can be felt in the breast. MSK has more information about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of male breast cancer.

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    What Is Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

    Invasive lobular carcinoma starts in the breasts lobules. These are small round sacs that make breast milk. This cancer spreads to nearby tissue. ILC is the second most common type of invasive breast cancer, after invasive ductal carcinoma. Out of every 100 cases of breast cancer, 10 to 15 are ILC.

    People who have ILC may notice a thick or full area that does not feel like the rest of the breast. ILC doesnt always form a lump.

    How Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer Diagnosed

    Inflammatory breast cancer can be difficult to diagnose. Often, there is no lump that can be felt during a physical exam or seen in a screening mammogram. In addition, most women diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer have dense breast tissue, which makes cancer detection in a screening mammogram more difficult. Also, because inflammatory breast cancer is so aggressive, it can arise between scheduled screening mammograms and progress quickly. The symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer may be mistaken for those of mastitis, which is an infection of the breast, or another form of locally advanced breast cancer.

    To help prevent delays in diagnosis and in choosing the best course of treatment, an international panel of experts published guidelines on how doctors can diagnose and stage inflammatory breast cancer correctly. Their recommendations are summarized below.

    Minimum criteria for a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer include the following:

    • A rapid onset of erythema , edema , and a peau d’orange appearance and/or abnormal breast warmth, with or without a lump that can be felt.
    • The above-mentioned symptoms have been present for less than 6 months.
    • The erythema covers at least a third of the breast.
    • Initial biopsy samples from the affected breast show invasive carcinoma.

    Imaging and staging tests include the following:

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    What Is Pagets Disease

    Pagets disease of the breast. Pagets disease of the breast is a form of breast cancer that causes distinct skin changes on the nipple. A rare disease, accounting for fewer than 3 percent of all breast cancers, it is named for Sir James Paget, the English surgeon who first documented the condition in 1874.

    What Is Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer usually begins in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple, and can metastasize reach other parts of the body when the cancer cells get into the blood or lymph systems. Most of the time, cancer cells die at some point in the process of trying to spread. But, if conditions are favorable for the cancer cells, some of them are able to form new tumors in other parts of the body. Metastatic cancer cells can also remain inactive at a distant site for many years before they begin to grow again, if at all.

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    Which Is The Most Aggressive Form Of Breast Cancer

    The most aggressive breast cancers include: Triple-negative breast cancer: This type of breast cancer tests negative for the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and the protein HER2. Inflammatory breast cancer: This rare form of cancer is named because it causes breast swelling and redness.

    Triple-negative breast cancer accounts for about 10-15% of all breast cancers. The term triple-negative breast cancer refers to the fact that the cancer cells dont have estrogen or progesterone receptors and also dont make too much of the protein called HER2. Sep 20, 2019

    Moreover, What is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer?

    According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate for TNBC is 77 percent.

    Secondly, What form of breast cancer is the deadliest?

    Metastatic Breast Cancer The most serious and dangerous breast cancers wherever they arise or whatever their type are metastatic cancers. Metastasis means that the cancer has spread from the place where it started into other tissues distant from the original tumor site.

    Simply so, What is triple positive breast cancer?

    A type of breast cancer in which the tumor cells have estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and a larger than normal number of HER2 receptors on their surface. Knowing if breast cancer is triple positive may help plan the best treatment, which may include hormone therapy and drugs that target the HER2 receptor.

    Which cancer has worst survival rate?

    Types Of Breast Cancer We Treat

    At Stony Brook University Cancer Center, our team of experts specialize in breast cancer care. Breast cancer is not a single disease. There are many different forms of breast cancer, and each type may have multiple variations. We provide comprehensive diagnostics and multidisciplinary treatment for the following cancers:

    NONINVASIVE BREAST CANCERIf you are diagnosed with a noninvasive breast cancer, it means that your disease is confined to the milk ducts, where it started. A noninvasive cancer has not spread to anywhere else in the breast or to other parts of the body.

    Ductal Carcinoma in Situ This is the most common form of noninvasive breast cancer. Ductal refers to the milk ducts in the breast, and in situ means in its original place. DCIS is a stage 0 cancer, which is the earliest and generally the most treatable form of breast cancer. Although DCIS is noninvasive when its diagnosed, over time it can become invasive. This means that, for some women, the cancer may spread from its original site. Thats why treatment for DCIS is usually recommended. Treatment could include a lumpectomy, which is surgery that removes the cancer tumor while sparing the breast. Radiation may follow surgery, or hormone therapy may be recommended depending on your individual circumstances.

    There are six specific types of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , which all begin in the milk ducts and then spread into healthy breast tissue:


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    How Fast Does Aggressive Breast Cancer Grow

    Breast cancer has to divide 30 times before it can be felt. Up to the 28th cell division, neither you nor your doctor can detect it by hand. With most breast cancers, each division takes one to two months, so by the time you can feel a cancerous lump, the cancer has been in your body for two to five years.

    What Are The Early Signs Of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer symptoms can vary for each person. Possible signs of breast cancer include:

    • A change in the size, shape or contour of your breast.
    • A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea.
    • A lump or thickening in or near your breast or in your underarm that persists through your menstrual cycle.
    • A change in the look or feel of your skin on your breast or nipple .
    • Redness of your skin on your breast or nipple.
    • An area thats distinctly different from any other area on either breast.
    • A marble-like hardened area under your skin.
    • A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from your nipple.

    Some people dont notice any signs of breast cancer at all. Thats why routine mammograms and are so important.

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    Phyllodes Or Cystosarcoma Phyllodes

    Phyllodes is pronounced fill-oy-dees. This type of breast cancer makes up less than 1 in 100 breast cancers . Its also called cystosarcoma phyllodes. The first symptom is usually a lump in the breast.

    Phyllodes can be either cancerous or non cancerous . It tends to occur in middle aged women or older. If cancerous, it might spread into the lymph nodes but this is rare.

    Surgery is the main treatment. Sometimes you might also have radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

    Rare Forms Of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

    While invasive ductal carcinoma is generally common, below are four types of invasive ductal carcinoma that are less common:

    Medullary ductal carcinoma: This type of cancer is rare and accounts for 3 percent to 5 percent of breast cancers. It is called medullary because, under a microscope, it resembles part of the brain called the medulla. Medullary carcinoma may occur at any age, but it typically affects women in their late 40s and early 50s. Medullary carcinoma is more common in women who have a BRCA1 gene mutation. Medullary tumors are often triple-negative, which means they test negative for estrogen and progesterone receptors and for the HER2 protein. Medullary tumors are less likely to involve the lymph nodes, are more responsive to treatment, and may have a better prognosis than more common types of invasive ductal cancer.

    Surgery is typically the first-line treatment for medullary ductal carcinoma. A lumpectomy or mastectomy may be performed, depending on the location of the tumor. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for breast cancer may also be used.

    Surgery is typically recommended to treat mucinous ductal carcinoma. A lumpectomy or mastectomy may be performed, depending on the size and location of the tumor. Adjuvant therapy, such as radiation therapy, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy, may also be required. Because most mucinous carcinomas test negative for receptors for the protein HER2, they arent typically treated with trastuzumab .

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    Less Common Types Of Invasive Breast Cancer

    Pagets disease of the nipple

    Paget’s disease of the nipple is a rare form of breast cancer in which cancer cells grow in the nipple or the areola . The nipple and areola often become scaly, red, itchy, and irritated. Many people with Pagets disease may also have either DCIS or invasive breast cancer somewhere else in the breast. The unusual changes in the nipple and areola are often the first signs that breast cancer is present.

    Inflammatory breast cancer

    Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and aggressive form of invasive breast cancer that affects the blood vessels in the skin and/or lymphatic vessels of the breast. This causes the breast to become red and inflamed. SeeCancer Australiafor more information about inflammatory breast cancer.

    Phyllodes tumours of the breast

    Phyllodes tumours of the breast are rare. Although most phyllodes tumours are benign some are malignant . Phyllodes tumours tend to grow quickly, but they rarely spread outside the breast. Phyllodes tumours develop in the breasts connective tissue or stroma i.e. outside the ducts and lobules of the breast.

    Other rare breast cancers

    There are also other types of very rare breast cancers such as metaplastic, medullary and mucinous breast cancer.

    The USbreastcancer.orgwebsitehas a range of very clearly explained information about the rarer types of breast cancer. This is an American website and please keep in mind not all information may be relevant to Australia.

    Locally advanced breast cancer

    Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Of The Breast

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    Less than 1 in 100 breast cancers are adenoid cystic cancer. This type of cancer is also sometimes called a cribriform cancer. It is a cancer type that is more often diagnosed in the salivary glands, but some develop in the breast tissue.

    It is generally seen in older people but has been seen in people as young as 25.

    Adenoid cystic breast cancer tends to be slow growing. Doctors usually recommend surgery. Most women dont need to have the whole breast removed . Instead, your doctor will just remove the area of the cancer. This operation is called breast conserving surgery.

    The cancer rarely spreads elsewhere in the body. So you don’t usually need to have your lymph nodes removed. The risk of this type of tumour coming back is low, so the outlook is good.

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    In Situ Vs Invasive Breast Cancers

    The type of breast cancer can also refer to whether the cancer has spread or not. In situ breast cancer is a pre-cancer that starts in a milk duct and has not grown into the rest of the breast tissue. The term invasive breast cancer is used to describe any type of breast cancer that has spread into the surrounding breast tissue.

    Invasive breast cancer has spread into surrounding breast tissue. The most common types are invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma makes up about 70-80% of all breast cancers.

    Can Breast Implants Cause Lymphoma

    Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is another rare type of NHL. It rarely develops in women who have breast implants. Seroma or swelling around the implant is the first sign, and some women may also develop a lump close to the implant. The symptoms may manifest sooner or later after breast implant surgery.

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    Can A Cytosarcoma Be Benign

    Cystosarcoma Phyllodes are tumors that can be either cancerous or benign. This distinction is often difficult for physicians to make because they can feel during physical examination and appear on imaging exams to be a commonly occurring benign growth. Cystosarcoma Phyllodes tumors grow rapidly to a large size if they become cancerous, but these cancers rarely spread beyond the breast. Cystosarcoma Phyllodes is most frequently treated with surgery.

    What Are The Most Common Types Of Breast Cancer

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    Under the Microscope: Selected Types of Breast Cancer

    • Ductal carcinoma in situ DCIS is a pre-invasive lesion with atypical cells that grow within ducts and lobules and do not invade the breast tissue.
    • Invasive ductal carcinoma Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer.
    • Invasive lobular carcinoma Invasive lobular carcinoma is the second most common type of breast cancer.

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