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What Are The Chances Of Beating Breast Cancer

Understanding Breast Cancer Survival Rates

Beating The Odds Against Breast Cancer [Thomson Breast Centre]

Prognosis varies by stage of breast cancer.

Non-invasive and early stage invasive breast cancers have a better prognosis than later stage cancers .

Breast cancer thats only in the breast and has not spread to the lymph nodes has a better prognosis than breast cancer thats spread to the lymph nodes.

The poorest prognosis is for metastatic breast cancer , when the cancer has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other parts of the body.

Learn more about breast cancer treatment.

Eat To Beat Breast Cancer: Six Foods To Choose

Courtesy of Dr. Kristi Funk, Pink Lotus Breast Center

One of the mightiest weapons in the fight against breast cancer may be the fork. Food can play a key role in reducing the odds of getting breast cancer or having a recurrence. While science suggests a healthful plant-based diet can reduce breast cancer risk, certain foods seem to be particularly good at defending against breast cancer, while others are risky. Here are six foods to chooseand six to lose.

Breast Cancer: You Can Beat It

About 80% of women both old and young have the chance of getting breast cancer. Whats more, most would have died in the past. However, thanks to the improvement of technology and early detection, many womens lives are saved.

While the same couldnt have been said decades ago, thanks to early screenings, breast cancer has now become a manageable disease.

Don’t Miss: Stage 3 Cancer

The Benefits Of Diet And Exercise

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D may also help. Prevent or slow down bone loss in women with breast cancer. Good sources of calcium include dairy products and leafy vegetables, but if the food is deficient in minerals, women may need to take calcium and/or vitamin D supplements.

Finleys treatment plan includes a calcium supplement taken twice a day. still Persistent bone pain and stiffness It can be very uncomfortable for both cancer and treatment. Finley said its difficult to sit down to watch a typical TV show or sleep for too long in the same position. You feel like a rusty skeleton, she said.

In the past, some doctors were more hesitant to recommend exercise for bone metastasis because of weak bones. However, according to a 2021 study Exercise in a supervised setting is safe for women with metastatic breast cancer.Regular exercise helps your body function better.

Wojciechowski recommends any type of weight-bearing activity, including running, walking, or weightlifting, for all women with breast cancer. The key is to stimulate the bone by applying some stress to it. produce more bone cellsEspecially anyone starting an exercise program with breast cancer that has metastasized to the bone, he said. You should consult your doctor before doing so.

What Is Stage 4 Breast Cancer

6abc Beating the Odds Against Breast Cancer

Stage 4 breast cancer is also called metastatic breast cancer or advanced breast cancer. In this stage, cancer that developed in your breast has spread to other areas of your body.

Cancer cells might have traveled through your lymphatic system to your lungs, bones, liver, brain, or other organs.

Stage 4 is the most serious and life threatening stage of breast cancer. Most often, stage 4 breast cancer develops long after a person has first been diagnosed with cancer. In rare cases, the cancer may have progressed to stage 4 at the time a person is first diagnosed.

Facing stage 4 breast cancer can be challenging. But following your doctors recommended treatment plan and practicing healthy lifestyle habits can help to improve your outcome. It may significantly increase your lifespan and improve your quality of life.

Breast Cancer Healthline is a free app for people who have faced a breast cancer diagnosis. The app is available on the App Store and . Download here.

Recommended Reading: Tubular Cancer Of The Breast

What Are The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Recurrence

You may experience different signs of breast cancer recurrence depending on where the cancer forms.

Local breast cancer recurrence may cause:

  • Breast lump or bumps on or under the chest.
  • Nipple changes, such as flattening or nipple discharge.
  • Swollen skin or skin that pulls near the lumpectomy site.
  • Thickening on or near the surgical scar.
  • Unusually firm breast tissue.
  • Biopsy of the site of suspected recurrence.

Beating Breast Cancer With Dr Justus Apffelstaedt

While breast cancer affects over 2 million of the female population, as well as 1% of the male population, the outcomes are so much more positive if we are informed, manage our health, and screen.

Dr. Justus Apffelstaedt is a specialist surgeon with a special interest in breast, thyroid, parathyroid health management, and soft tissue surgical oncology. To close off breast cancer awareness month, Dr. Apffelstaedt had a wellness chat with us.

Also Check: Does Having Breast Cancer Shorten Life Expectancy

Lifetime Risk Of Developing Or Dying From Cancer

The lifetime risk of developing or dying from cancer refers to the chance a person has, over the course of his or her lifetime , of being diagnosed with or dying from cancer. These risk estimates are one way to measure of how widespread cancer is in the United States.

The following tables list lifetime risks of developing and dying from certain cancers for men and women in the US. The information is from the National Cancer Institutes Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results database, and is based on incidence and mortality data for the United States from 2014 through 2016, the most recent years for which data are available.

The risk is expressed both in terms of a percentage and as odds.

  • For example, the risk that a man will develop cancer pf the pancreas during his lifetime is 1.66%. This means he has about 1 chance in 60 of developing pancreatic cancer .
  • Put another way, 1 out of every 60 men in the United States will develop pancreatic cancer during his lifetime.

These numbers are average risks for the overall US population. Your risk may be higher or lower than these numbers, depending on your particular risk factors.

Take Action To Change Young Adult Breast Cancer Statistics

Fight Like a Girl: Woman beats the odds against breast cancer

When all young adults affected by breast cancer work together, we can raise awareness, improve our representation in research and make each other stronger. We are dedicated to these goals, working to turn our unique challenges into opportunities for shared success. Join the movement! Become an advocate for young women with breast cancer.

Recommended Reading: Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer Survival

How Is Breast Cancer Recurrence Managed Or Treated

Your treatment depends on the type of cancer recurrence, as well as past treatments. If cancer develops in a reconstructed breast, your surgeon may want to remove the breast implant or skin flap.

Treatments for local and regional breast cancer recurrence may include:

  • Mastectomy: Your surgeon removes the affected breast and sometimes lymph nodes.
  • Chemotherapy:Chemotherapy circulates in blood, killing cancer cells.
  • Hormone therapy:Tamoxifen and other hormone therapies treat cancers that thrive on estrogen .
  • Immunotherapy:Immunotherapy engages your bodys immune system to fight cancer.
  • Radiation therapy: High-energy X-ray beams damage and destroy cancer cells.
  • Targeted therapy: Treatments target specific cancer cell genes or proteins.

Lifestyle Factors And The Survival After Breast Cancer

In this report from our Continuous Update Project the worlds largest source of scientific research on cancer prevention and survivorship through diet, nutrition and physical activity we analyse global research on how certain lifestyle factors affect how likely it is that a person will survive after developing breast cancer. This webpage forms part of WCRF/AICRs 2018 Third Expert Report Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective.

Recommended Reading: How To Cure Breast Cancer With Baking Soda

The Vitamin That Could Double Your Chance Of Beating Breast Cancer

Research has shown over and over again how important active prevention is when it comes to lowering your risk of cancer. Prevention may come in the form of exercising, eating a balanced diet full of whole foods, refraining from substance abuse, and making sure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. According to Carole Baggerly, founder of GrassrootsHealth, as much as 90% of ordinary breast cancer may be related to Vitamin D deficiency, and there are several recent studies to back up her claim.

Breast Cancer Survival By Age

The Vitamin That Could Double Your Chance Of Beating ...

Five-year survival for female breast cancer shows an unusual pattern with age: survival gradually increases from 85% in women aged 15-39 and peaks at 92% in 60-69 year olds survival falls thereafter, reaching its lowest point of 70% in 80-99 year-olds for patients diagnosed with breast cancer in England during 2009-2013.

Breast Cancer , Five-Year Net Survival by Age, Women, England, 2009-2013

Read Also: How Curable Is Breast Cancer

What Affects Prognosis

There are a number of factors that affect breast cancer prognosis. These include:

  • the type of breast cancer
  • the grade of the breast cancer
  • the size of the breast cancer

For more information see our booklet Understanding your pathology results or visit our pathology report page.

Other factors that may affect your prognosis include your age, menopausal status , lifestyle factors and your general health.

All of these factors will be considered when estimating your prognosis and deciding what treatment youre offered.

How Is Tnbc Diagnosed

Imaging tests are usually the first tests done:

  • Mammography, the most common screening tool for breast cancer, uses X-rays to take images of the breast and can uncover tumors that may be too small to feel.
  • MRI uses a magnet, radio waves and a computer to make detailed images of the breast with a much greater resolution than a mammogram offers.

The next step is a biopsy to remove a sample of suspicious cells from the breast to analyze them. Techniques include:

The appropriate type of biopsy for you depends on factors such as the size and location of the tumor. You may also have a biopsy of your underarm lymph nodes at the same time to see if any cancer is there.

Read Also: Chemotherapy For Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer

The Link Between Breast Cancer And Vitamin D

A meta-analysis published in the March 2014 issue of Anticancer Research found that patients diagnosed with breast cancer who had high Vitamin D levels were twice as likely to survive, compared to women with low levels of Vitamin D.

Over 4,5000 breast cancer patients were part of the analysis. Researchers studied the patients over a nine-year period. Co-author of the study, Professor Cedric F. Garland, explained, As long as Vitamin D receptors were present, tumor growth was prevented and kept from expanding its blood supply. Vitamin D receptors are not lost until a tumor is very advanced. This is the reason for better survival in patients whose Vitamin D blood levels are high.

The researchers urged doctors to make Vitamin D monitoring and optimization an important part of standard breast cancer care. They recommend that breast cancer patients should restore their Vitamin D levels to a normal range of 30-80 ng/ml.

In a 2011 study, Dr. Garland found that a Vitamin D level of 50 ng/ml is associated with a 50% lower risk of breast cancer. His team concluded a minimum protective level to be 40 ng/ml of Vitamin D. This equals out to anywhere from 1,000 IUs to as much as 8,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 each day. This number is much higher than the recommended daily allowance of 600 IUs of Vitamin D for adults.

What Is Stage 0 Lcis

Health Beat | Efforts to prevent and cure Breast Cancer for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Lobular carcinoma in situ at Stage 0 generally is not considered cancer. Although it has carcinoma in the name, it really describes a growth of abnormal but non-invasive cells forming in the lobules. Some experts prefer the name lobular neoplasia for this reason because it accurately refers to the abnormal cells without naming them as cancer. LCIS, however, may indicate a woman has an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with LCIS, your doctor may recommend regular clinical breast exams and mammograms. He or she may also prescribe Tamoxifen, a hormone therapy medication that helps prevent cancer cells from growing.

Don’t Miss: Stage 2 3 Breast Cancer

Request An Appointment At Moffitt Cancer Center

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NEW PATIENTS To request a new patient appointment, please fill out the online form or call 1-888-663-3488.

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Moffit now offers Virtual Visits for patients. If you are eligible for a virtual appointment, our scheduling team will discuss this option further with you.

Moffitt Cancer Center is committed to the health and safety of our patients and their families. For more information on how were protecting our new and existing patients, visit our COVID-19 Info Hub

What Are Risk Factors For Breast Cancer Recurrence

Anyone with a breast cancer diagnosis can have a recurrence. Your risk of cancer recurrence depends on several factors:

  • Age: Women who develop breast cancer before age 35 are more likely to get breast cancer again.
  • Cancer stage: Cancer stage at the time of diagnosis correlates with the risk of the cancer being able to recur. Several factors determine cancer stage: tumor size, cancer grade and cancer spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Cancer grade indicates how unusual cancer cells look in comparison to healthy cells.
  • Cancer type: Aggressive cancers like inflammatory breast cancer and triple-negative breast cancer are harder to treat. Theyre more likely to come back and spread.

Recommended Reading: Breast Cancer Life Expectancy Without Treatment

Surviving Stage 4 Breast Cancer: Is It Possible

Understanding survival rates of stage 4 breast cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute , an estimated 27 percent of people in the United States live at least 5 years after being diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.

Many factors can affect your longevity and quality of life. Different subtypes of breast cancer behave differently. Some are more aggressive than others, and some have far fewer treatment options than others. For this reason, your subtype may affect your outlook.

Higher survival rates are also associated with the extent and location of metastasis. In other words, your long-term outlook may be better if your cancer has only spread to your bones than if its found in your bones and lungs.

Immediately seeking treatment, like chemotherapy, surgery, or hormone therapy, can help improve your outlook. Making healthy lifestyle choices might also improve your chances of survival.

What Is The Chance I Could Die In The Next 5 Years

Beating the Odds Against Breast Cancer

The average 5-year survival rate for all people with breast cancer is 89%. The 10-year rate is 83%, and the 15-year rate is 78%. If the cancer is located only in the breast , the 5-year survival rate is 99%. More than 70% of breast cancers are diagnosed at an Early Stage.

All survival statistics are primarily based on the stage of breast cancer when diagnosed. Some of the other important factors are also listed below that affect survival.

Stage 0 breast cancer can be also described as a pre-cancer. If you have DCIS you can be quite confident you will do well. DCIS does not spread to other organs. What can be concerning is when an invasive cancer grows back in the area of a prior lumpectomy for DCIS. This type of local recurrence does carry a risk to your life. Luckily, this does not happen frequently. Also, be aware that those who have had DCIS in the past are at a higher risk for developing an entirely new, invasive breast cancer. Take our video lesson on Non-Invasive DCIS to learn more.

Stage I invasive breast cancer has an excellent survival rate. The chance of dying of Stage I breast cancer within five years of diagnosis is 1 to 5% if you pursue recommended treatments.

Stage II breast cancer is also considered an early stage of breast cancer. There is a slightly increased risk to your life versus a Stage I breast cancer. Altogether, the risk of Stage II breast cancer threatening your life in the next 5 years is about 15%.

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Breast Cancer Statistics In Young Adults

Although breast cancer in young adults is rare, more than 250,000 living in the United States today were diagnosed under age 40. In young adults, breast cancer tends to be diagnosed in its later stages. It also tends to be more aggressive. Young adults have a higher mortality rate. As well as a higher risk of metastatic recurrence .

What Tumor Factors Threaten My Life More

There are important tumor biology factors not well reflected in survival statistics by breast cancer stage. Below we list a few important factors that carry a higher risk to life beyond just the stage of cancer. You must ask your surgeon or medical oncologist to explain your receptor status and give you a copy of your biopsy pathology report.

Triple Negative Receptor breast cancer

Triple negative breast cancer is considered a more aggressive breast cancer. Invariably it does require chemotherapy. If you have triple negative breast cancer the risk of dying is higher than the standard statistics usually quoted for a particular stage of breast cancer . Learn more about Triple Negative Breast Cancer with our video lesson

HER2-Positive breast cancer

HER2-positive breast cancers are also more aggressive tumors. But the good news is that we now have incredibly effective, targeted chemotherapy and immunotherapy for HER2-positive cancers. Our video lesson covers HER2-Positive Breast Cancer in more detail .

Breast Cancer at a Young Age

Women younger than 40 have a higher chance of being diagnosed with a more advanced stage breast cancer. Also, the specific cancer type younger women develop has a higher chance of being more aggressive . As a result, age is a relative risk factor for survival.

Untreated breast cancer

Teaching everyone to be an expert in their own breast cancer care.

Read Also: Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Spreading


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