What Is The Root Cause Of Breast Cancer
causebreastcancerbreast cancerbreast cancer
Environmental And Lifestyle Risk FactorsPoor Diet: A diet high in saturated fat and lacking fruits and vegetables can increase your risk for breast cancer. Being Overweight or Obese: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for breast cancer. Your risk is increased if you have already gone through menopause.
Likewise, how long does it take breast cancer to develop? Up to the 28th cell division, neither you nor your doctor can detect it by hand. With most breast cancers, each division takes one to two months, so by the time you can feel a cancerous lump, the cancer has been in your body for two to five years.
Moreover, what increases risk of breast cancer?
Being OverweightOverweight and obese women have a higher risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer compared to women who maintain a healthy weight, especially after menopause. Being overweight also can increase the risk of the breast cancer coming back in women who have had the disease.
What causes hormonal breast cancer?
Studies have also shown that a woman’s risk of breast cancer is related to the estrogen and progesterone made by her ovaries . Being exposed for a long time and/or to high levels of these hormones has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.
Are Birth Control Pills Linked To Breast Cancer
According to the Womens CARE study, published in June 2002, using birth control pills doesnt appear to increase a womans risk of getting breast cancer. The scope of the study didnt include women under 35 or risks associated with the growing use of oral contraceptives by women over 40. Other studies have reached the same conclusion but have found that women with a strong family history of breast cancer are at increased risk if they started using oral contraceptives before 1975. Before 1975 the pills contained a much higher dose of estrogen than they do now. A recent Canadian study also found that women with the BRCA1 gene mutation showed an increased risk of early onset of breast cancer if they started taking the pills before 1975, before age 30, or for more than five years. Remember that genetic mutations account for less than 10 percent of all breast cancer cases.
Tracing The Roots Of Breast Cancer
- 7 minute read
A breast cancer cell but where did it come from?
Our bodies are made of hundreds of different types of cells. And when processes inside them go wrong, and allow them to keep dividing uncontrollably, cancers form.
But individual cells are very small by the time tumours are large enough to be detected, the cells that make them up have evolved and changed along the way.
This makes it difficult to trace a particular tumours origins especially given that were now discovering that there are many different types of cancer. Researchers have long wondered what types of cell different tumours originate from, and what triggers them to go rogue in the first place.
A fascinating study from our researchers in Cambridge,, has begun to help answer these questions at least for breast cancers.
The team, led by Dr John Stingl, traced the ancestry of different types of cell within normal, healthy breast tissue. And they found clues as to how these diverse cell types might be related to some of the different types of breast cancer.
Were going to look in detail at what they did and why its an important step forward in understanding the disease. But before leaping into the murky world of biological family trees, its worth a quick pause to look at what breasts are made of.
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The Alternatives To Root Canals
Preventing the decay of your teeth and gums is crucial if you want to lower your risk for chronic disease and cancer.
If you currently need a root canal, then the damage has already gone too far, and you should just get the tooth pulled, and then get it replaced. That is the safest and healthiest method on how to deal with your dead tooth.
However, sometimes, root canals are recommended for the wrong reasons â such as when the gums have receded and the tooth is painful because of exposed dentin, or when the bite is off and the problem tooth is sore and causing pain. These can likely be reversed with the recommendations below for good oral health care.
Learning how to prevent decay and the spread of tooth decay will allow you to never have to deal with a root canal. If youâre concerned about your tooth, visiting a holistic or biological dentist can help. Search for accredited members of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology or the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine .
Consider the following oral hygiene health care tips below:
How Does Cancer Start In The Breast
To understand how cancer can originate, it can be helpful to understand how regular cells and tissues function and develop.
Healthy cells are the basic building blocks of all tissues and organs in the body. The body is constantly making new cells to replace worn out tissue or to heal injuries. Normal cells are programmed to grow and divide in an orderly and controlled manner, so that each new cell replaces ones that are lost.
Sometimes cells become abnormal and keep growing. As they grow, they can form a mass or lump called a tumour. However, not all tumours are cancer. Some tumours are benign , which means they tend to grow slowly and usually do not invade surrounding tissue or other parts of the body. Tumours that are malignant have the potential to invade and spread to other parts of the body.
Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow abnormally. These cells have the potential to grow out of control and invade the surrounding tissue. When this occurs, this is called invasive breast cancer. If the cancer cells continue to grow, they may spread beyond the breast to other parts of body, which could become life-threatening.
There are different types of breast conditions which are named after the areas of the breast where they start:
Non-invasive breast conditions
Invasive breast cancers
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Getting To The Root Of The Problem
I strongly believe the cancer rates are escalating because they are in no way shape or form addressing the underlying cause of most cancers. Instead, most of the research is directed towards expensive drugs that target late stages of the disease and greatly enrich the drug companies but simply do not prevent cancer. If ever there was an area in which an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure it is cancer. I strongly believe that if you are able to work your way up to the advanced health plan, that you will virtually eliminate the risk of most cancers. Environmental- and lifestyle factors are increasingly being pinpointed as the primary culprits fueling our cancer epidemic. This includes:
- Pesticide- and other chemical exposures
- Processed and artificial foods
- Wireless technologies, dirty electricity, and medical diagnostic radiation exposure
- Pharmaceutical drugs
- Obesity, stress, and poor sleeping habits
- Lack of sunshine exposure and use of sunscreens
Can Exercise Help Reduce My Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer
Exercise is a big part of a healthy lifestyle. It can also be a useful way to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer in your postmenopausal years. Women often gain weight and body fat during menopause. People with higher amounts of body fat can be at a higher risk of breast cancer. However, by reducing your body fat through exercise, you may be able to lower your risk of developing breast cancer.
The general recommendation for regular exercise is about 150 minutes each week. This would mean that you work out for about 30 minutes, five days each week. However, doubling the amount of weekly exercise to 300 minutes can greatly benefit postmenopausal women. The longer duration of exercise allows for you to burn more fat and improve your heart and lung function.
The type of exercise you do can vary the main goal is get your heart rate up as you exercise. Its recommended that your heart rate is raised about 65 to 75% of your maximum heart rate during exercise. You can figure out your maximum heart rate by subtracting your current age from 220. If you are 65, for example, your maximum heart rate is 155.
Aerobic exercise is a great way to improve your heart and lung function, as well as burn fat. Some aerobic exercises you can try include:
- Walking.
- Dancing.
- Hiking.
Remember, there are many benefits to working more exercise into your weekly routine. Some benefits of aerobic exercise can include:
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Spiritual Causes Of Cancer
Cancer has been called the affliction of nice people because they tend to hold in their emotions rather than creating conflict.
Cancer is the result of significant emotional wounding. The most frequent emotional wounds that can manifest as serious physical disease are: humiliation, rejection, abandonment, injustice, and betrayal.
Also, it turns out that cancer victims have a way of letting long-standing life problems to eat them up inside.
When dealing with this disease, it is advised to forgive yourself as well as others for all the sufferings that you have endured.
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Can Cancer Form In Other Parts Of The Breast
Cancers can also form in other parts of the breast, but these types of cancer are less common. These can include:
- Angiosarcomas. This type of cancer begins in the cells that make up the lining of blood or lymph vessels. These cancers can start in breast tissue or breast skin. They are rare.
- Inflammatory breast cancer. This type of cancer is rare and different from other types of breast cancer. It is caused by obstructive cancer cells in the skins lymph vessels.
- Paget disease of the breast, also known as Paget disease of the nipple. This cancer affects the skin of the nipple and areola .
- Phyllodes tumors. These are rare, and most of these masses are not cancer. However, some are cancerous. These tumors begin in the breasts connective tissue, which is called the stroma.
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What Does The Present Research Say
In 1951 the Journal of American dental association hadreviewed the works of Dr.Price and found the following conclusions.
- His work lacked many aspects of modern scientific research. Before 1920, the root canal treatment protocol was completely different from the present ones.
- The control group selection was not appropriate in the study.
- The review board also complained about the induction of excessive doses of bacteria in the study.
In 2013 a study was published in the Journal of American medicalassociation advocating the advantages of having root canal treatment inreducing risk of cancer by 45%.
The American Association of endodontics says that Dr.Mercolaswork was not authentic.
Your Race And Ethnicity
White and Black women have the highest risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. Asian/Pacific Islander and Hispanic/Latina womens breast cancer rates fall in between two major groupings while American Indian and Alaska Native women are on the lowest end of risk.
While white women are more likely to develop breast cancer than Black women overall, they tend to be diagnosed at an older age . Black women have the highest breast cancer rates among women under age 40. Black women make up a higher percentage of triple-negative breast cancer cases.
What to do: If your race or ethnicity places you at higher risk, make sure you follow all screening recommendations to improve your chances of catching cancer early.
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Types Of Breast Cancer Based On Pathology Invasiveness And Prevalence
There are many types of breast cancers as it can present in distinct areas of the breast, such as the ducts, the lobules, or the tissue in between. The type of breast cancer is determined by the specific cells that are affected. Based on which cell origin is involved, breast cancers can be divided into two broad classifications, carcinomas and sarcomas. Carcinomas are breast cancers arising from the epithelial component of the breast, which consists of the cells that line the lobules and terminal ducts responsible for making milk. Sarcomas are a much rarer form of breast cancer arising from the stromal components of the breast, which include myofibroblasts and blood vessel cells. These groups are not always sufficient categories as, in some cases, a single breast tumor can be a combination of different cell types., , , , ,
Most breast cancers are carcinomas. Within the large group of carcinomas, there are many different types of breast cancer identified based on their invasiveness relative to the primary tumor sites. Accurately being able to distinguishing between the various subtypes is vital as they each have different prognoses and treatment implications. Based on criteria of pathological features and invasiveness, common breast cancers can be divided into three major groups: non-invasive , invasive, and metastatic breast cancers., , , , ,
Effect Of Hormonal Changes On Breasts
As women develop from pre-puberty through puberty, pregnancy and to menopause, the breasts will be affected by a variety of fluctuations in hormones.
During puberty, hormones produced by the ovaries cause growth and development of the breast. After puberty, the hormones oestrogen and progesterone will change throughout a womans monthly menstrual cycle. This may cause women to have swollen or tender breasts at different times of the month.
During pregnancy the body will produce additional oestrogen and progesterone, which trigger further growth and development of the breast to prepare mothers for breastfeeding.
Around the time of menopause , the ovaries stop producing female hormones including oestrogen. Without oestrogen, the breast tissue decreases in size. After menopause , monthly menstrual periods stop.
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Types Of Breast Cancer
Almost all cases of breast cancer begin in the glandular tissues that either produce milk or provide a passage for milk to the nipple. Cancers of these tissues are called lobular carcinomas and ductal carcinomas. Because these tissues are glandular, both cancers are called adenocarcinomas. The most common type of tumour, called infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is a single, hard, barely movable lump. This type of tumour accounts for about 70 percent of all cases. Fewer than 15 percent of all cases are lobular carcinomas.
There are several other types and subtypes of tumours, classified and named according to several criteria, including their outward appearance, cellular composition, cellular origin, and activity. At the cellular level, breast cancers can be distinguished based on receptor statusthat is, being either hormone-receptor positive or hormone-receptor negative. The former includes estrogen-receptor positive and progesterone-receptor positive breast cancers, so called because the tumour cells require estrogen or progesterone for growth. In some cases, tumours express both ER and PR proteins. ER positive cancers are responsible for roughly 60 to 70 percent of breast cancer cases in women.
Risk Factors You Can Change
Weight. Being overweight after menopause increases your odds.
Drinking alcohol.Alcohol is linked to breast cancer. Compared with nondrinkers, women who drink one alcoholic drink a day have a very small increase in risk, and those who are moderate drinkers have about a 20% higher risk.
Hormone replacement therapy . Long-term use of estrogen and progesterone increases the risk of breast cancer. This risk seems to go away if you’ve stopped using them for 5 years or longer.
Being inactive. Your odds go up if you donât exercise.
Reproductive history. Having your first child after age 30 or never having a full-term pregnancy puts you at higher risk. So does not breastfeeding.
Also Check: Can Hormones Cause Breast Cancer
Clinical Staging And Survival Rates Of Breast Cancer
Once breast cancer is diagnosed, tests are performed to determine the stage of the disease, which will impact the treatment patients receive. The clinical staging of breast cancer is identical across breast cancer subtypes according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer and the International Union for Cancer Control Tumor, Node, and Metastasis breast cancer staging system: Stage 0, Stage I, Stage II, Stage III and Stage IV, as detailed in .
How Can I Protect Myself From Breast Cancer
Follow these three steps for early detection:
- Get a mammogram. The American Cancer Society recommends having a baseline mammogram at age 35, and a screening mammogram every year after age 40. Mammograms are an important part of your health history. Recently, the US Preventive Services Task Force came out with new recommendations regarding when and how often one should have mammograms. These include starting at age 50 and having them every two years. We do not agree with this, but we are in agreement with the American Cancer Society and have not changed our guidelines, which recommend yearly mammograms starting at age 40.
- Examine your breasts each month after age 20. You will become familiar with the contours and feel of your breasts and will be more alert to changes.
- Have your breast examined by a healthcare provider at least once every three years after age 20, and every year after age 40. Clinical breast exams can detect lumps that may not be detected by mammogram.
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What Are Breast Lobes And Breast Ducts
Each female breast contains 15-20 sections called lobes. Each lobe is made up of many smaller sacs called lobules . It is these lobules that produce milk in breastfeeding women. The lobes and lobules are connected to the nipple by tubes called ducts, which carry milk to the nipple. Milk flows through the nipple to the outside during breastfeeding.