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HomeWhat To Look For In Breast Cancer

What To Look For In Breast Cancer

In August 2020 Sarah Harding Said Her Cancer Had Advanced To Other Parts Of Her Body What Does That Mean

The 12 Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs – What to Look for on Your Self-Breast Exam

Advanced breast cancer means the cancer has spread to another part of the body.

Treatments aim to control the growth of the cancer and help to control symptoms. Treatments might include hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or targeted cancer drug therapy.

Advanced breast cancer can spread to other parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, brain or bones.

Sometimes cancer is advanced when it is first diagnosed, or the cancer has come back and spread after treatment for the original cancer.

Advanced cancer can also be called secondary cancer, metastases or metastatic cancer.

Locally advanced cancer means that the cancer has spread into the tissues around the breast. It has not spread to other organs. It is different from an advanced cancer.

What Can Skin Changes On The Breast Mean

It can be scary to spot a change in your breasts, but if you notice that the skin of your breast is red, swollen, or warm, theres usually no reason to worry. Breast skin can be quite sensitive, so there are lots of common conditions and causes for breast skin changes, and the vast majority are not too much of a concern.

Some of the most common causes include:

Although most of the causes of a rash on the breast arent much to worry about, its important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of more serious conditions.

Pink Breast Cancer Hats

Breast cancer hats come in plenty of designs, but we like that this one has the pink ribbon front and center. It represents the campaign, the support that we are trying to spread and of course, our love.

The sentiment in this lovely design remains the same: You are loved no matter what. Such a sweet item to promote the campaign everywhere you go.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

According to the NHS you should also see your GP if you notice any of the following:

  • A new lump or area of thickened tissue in either breast that was not there before
  • A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • Bloodstained discharge from either of your nipples
  • A lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • Dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • A rash on or around your nipple
  • A change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast
  • Breast or nipple pain
  • Changes To The Breast Or Chest Area


    After breast-conserving surgery or a mastectomy, with or without reconstruction, be aware of any changes to either side, such as:

    • swelling on your chest, in your armpit or around your collarbone
    • a change in shape or size
    • a change in skin texture, such as puckering or dimpling
    • redness or a rash on or around the nipple or on the skin
    • liquid that comes from the nipple without squeezing it
    • the nipple has become inverted or looks different, for example changed its position or shape
    • swelling in the arm or hand
    • a lump or thickening that feels different

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    Keeping Track Of Your Mammograms

    One of the reasons regular mammograms are so helpful is that they allow the radiologist who inspects them to note any changes in your breast over time. If you move or change physicians, you need to make sure that you know where your past mammograms are stored. Keep a list showing the dates of your mammograms and the place where each was performed. It is important to obtain the films from the previous facilities so that they are available to the radiologist when you have your next mammogram.

    Your doctor may recommend that you take additional steps to protect your health if you know that you are at high risk for breast cancer. He or she may recommend that you undergo screening tests, such as mammography, before the recommended age of 40. Some doctors may also recommend that you have a magnetic resonance image taken of your breast. This technique uses magnetic fields to create a detailed picture of breast tissue. No X-rays are involved.

    If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may want to consider undergoing genetic testing to see if you have a mutation of the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. Deciding whether to undergo this type of testing is a complex process. A genetic counselor can help you to consider all the arguments for and against testing.

    Male Breast Cancer Survivor Classic Cap

    Despite outward appearances, breasts in women and men are built very much the same. Because of that, men also share the same risk factors for breast cancer. Thats why raising male breast cancer awareness in men is important too.

    This amazing male breast cancer awareness hat will help you do that. Moreover, it can be an outstanding accessory to protect your hair from direct sunlight.

    Proving that checking the breasts of men is important as that of women, this Male Breast Cancer Awareness Cap is always on-site. Classic, simple and meaningful. This can be a great gift for your friends and family and a small but useful act to support Breast Cancer Awareness month.

    Besides, this cap is also a useful item to wear throughout the year, on many occasions. There is no need to wear something too outstanding, just a simple classic cap and you will look good everywhere you go.

    The fight with Breast Cancer is a fight that everyone is undesirable. But we are, in fact, dont let anyone behind. We fight together, help each other, and always show our support and encouragement toward each other.

    Put on this no one fights alone breast cancer hat and stand side by side with breast cancer patients to fight against this potentially fatal disease, those who deserve to be loved and protected, and spread the love to all women in the world.

    Be sure to visit our website riverm to check out Breast Cancer awareness items for you and your family. Lets stay safe!

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    Signs Of Breast Cancer

    • Redness. If you notice any redness on the skin of your breasts that lasts for more than a few days, get it checked out.
    • Lump in the breast. You may not see a lump, but if you feel a new or changing lump in your breast, its time to talk to you doctor.
    • Swelling. Pay attention to any swelling in your breasts that does not go away quickly.
    • Lump in armpit. Lumps in your armpit can be a sign of breast cancer, so be aware of any changes here.
    • Orange-peel texture. If the texture of the skin on your breast starts to change, it can be a sign of breast cancer. In some cases, breast skin can start to feel bumpy like the texture of an orange.
    • Dimpling. Breast skin can also dimple if there is a problem, so if you see signs of this, call your doctor.

    Breast cancer can also sometimes show up as changes in the way your nipples look. Here are some signs to watch for:

    • Discharge. Nipple discharge should be check out by a doctor.
    • Pulling in. Talk to your doctor if your nipple starts to pull in or appear inverted.
    • Change in direction. You might notice your nipple starts to change direction. If you see this, get it checked out.
    • Ulcer. Nipple changes can appear in the form of an ulcer or sore on the nipple.
    • Scaliness. The skin on your nipple might change from being smooth to being scaly or rough.

    Change In Size Shape Or Feel Of Your Breast

    Signs Of Breast Cancer: What You MUST Look For Besides Lumps

    A cancer might cause your breast to look bigger or have a different shape than usual, it might feel different.

    Many healthy women find that their breasts feel lumpy and tender just before their period.

    It can help to be breast aware. This means getting to know the size, shape and feel of your breasts.

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    Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer

    The warning signs of breast cancer are not the same for all women.

    The most common signs are:

    • A change in the look or feel of the breast OR
    • A change in the look or feel of the nipple OR
    • Nipple discharge

    If you have any of the warning signs described below, see a health care provider .

    If you dont have a provider, one of the best ways to find a good one is to get a referral from a trusted family member or friend.

    If thats not an option, call your health department, a clinic or a nearby hospital. If you have insurance, your insurance company may also have a list of providers in your area.

    Learn more about finding a health care provider.

    In most cases, these changes are not cancer.

    One example is breast pain. Pain is more common with benign breast conditions than with breast cancer, but the only way to know for sure is to get it checked.

    If the change turns out to be breast cancer, its best to find it at an early stage, when the chances of survival are highest.

    What Is A Breast Self

    A breast self-examination involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes. Many breast problems are first discovered by women themselves, often by chance. Breast lumps can be non-cancerous or cancerous .

    Breast cancer can occur at any age, though it is most common in women older than 50. Lumps or changes also may be signs of other breast conditions, such as mastitis or a fibroadenoma.

    The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care does not recommend breast self-examinations for women ages 40 to 74 who do not have a higher risk of breast cancer.footnote 1 Studies show that self-examinations don’t save women’s lives and that they can lead to unneeded tests, such as biopsies. It is a good idea to become familiar with how your breasts look and feel and to talk to your doctor about any changes.

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    Breast Changes Of Concern

    Some breast changes can be felt by a woman or her health care provider, but most can be detected only during an imaging procedure such as a mammogram, MRI, or ultrasound. Whether a breast change was found by your doctor or you noticed a change, its important to follow up with your doctor to have the change checked and properly diagnosed.

    Check with your health care provider if your breast looks or feels different, or if you notice one of these symptoms:

    • Lump or firm feeling in your breast or under your arm. Lumps come in different shapes and sizes. Normal breast tissue can sometimes feel lumpy. Doing breast self-exams can help you learn how your breasts normally feel and make it easier to notice and find any changes, but breast self-exams are not a substitute for mammograms.
    • Nipple changes or discharge. Nipple discharge may be different colors or textures. It can be caused by birth control pills, some medicines, and infections. But because it can also be a sign of cancer, it should always be checked.
    • Skin that is itchy, red, scaled, dimpled or puckered

    American Cancer Society Breast Self Exam Instructions

    Symptoms of breast cancer Infographics Royalty Free Vector

    The best time for breast self examination is about a week after your period ends, when your breasts are not swollen or tender. If you are not having regular periods, do BSE on the same day every month.

    • Lie down with a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right arm behind your head.
    • Use the finger pads of the three middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast.
    • Press firmly enough to know how your breast feels. A firm ridge in the lower curve of each breast is normal. If you’re not sure how hard to press, talk with your doctor or nurse.
    • Move around the breast in a circular, up and down line, or wedge pattern. Be sure to do it the same way every time, check the entire breast area, and remember how your breast feels from month to month.
    • Repeat the exam on your left breast, using the finger pads of the right hand.
    • If you find any changes, see your doctor right away.
    • Repeat the examination of both breasts while standing, with one arm behind your head. The upright position makes it easier to check the upper and outer part of the breasts . This is where about half of breast cancers are found. You may want to do the standing part of the BSE while you are in the shower. Some breast changes can be felt more easily when your skin is wet and soapy.
    • Right after your BSE, check your breasts in front of a mirror for any dimpling of the skin, changes in the nipple, redness, or swelling.

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    How Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer Diagnosed

    If IBC is suspected because of skin inflammation, nipple changes, or other IBC symptoms, breast imaging like mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI will be necessary. If an abnormality is identified with breast imaging, then a needle biopsy will be performed. In a needle biopsy, a thin, hollow needle is used to extract a sample that can be examined under a microscope. If an abnormality is not identified with breast imaging, then a punch biopsy of the skin can be performed. During a punch biopsy, a special tool that looks kind of like a miniature cookie cutter is used to take a sample of all the layers of skin. Local anesthetic is used to numb the area before the procedure so you wont feel pain during the biopsy.

    Because IBC can be difficult to diagnose and because it is typically a more aggressive form of breast cancer, the cancer may have spread outside of the breast by the time it is found. Staging studies can be performed to look for cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

    Who Is At Risk

    IBC is more common in females than males, but its possible for males to develop it, too. Research tells us that women from African-Caribbean backgrounds have the highest risk of developing IBC, and having a close family member who has had breast cancer is also associated with increased risk. Obesity is another risk factor for IBC.

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    Genomic Tests To Predict Recurrence Risk

    Doctors use genomic tests to look for specific genes or proteins, which are substances made by the genes, that are found in or on cancer cells. These tests help doctors better understand the unique features of each patients breast cancer. Genomic tests can also help estimate the risk of the cancer coming back after treatment. Knowing this information helps doctors and patients make decisions about specific treatments and can help some patients avoid unwanted side effects from a treatment that may not be needed.

    The genomic tests listed below can be done on a sample of the tumor that was already removed during biopsy or surgery. Most patients will not need an extra biopsy or more surgery for these tests.

    For patients age 50 or younger

      • Recurrence score less than 16: Hormonal therapy is usually recommended, but chemotherapy is generally not needed

      • Recurrence score of 16 to 30: Chemotherapy may be recommended before hormonal therapy is given

      • Recurrence score of 31 or higher: Chemotherapy is usually recommended before hormonal therapy is given

    For patients older than 50

    The tests listed above have not been shown to be useful to predict risk of recurrence for people with HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer. Therefore, none of these tests are currently recommended for breast cancer that is HER2 positive or triple negative. Your doctor will use other factors to help recommend treatment options for you.

    There Are Three Screening Methods

    How Do Doctors Diagnose and Treat Breast Cancer?

    There are three types of tests that may be used to screen for breast cancer.

    Clinical Breast Exam A CBE is a physical exam of your breast and underarm area by a health care provider. Its often done during your regular medical check-up. A CBE should be performed by someone whos trained in the techniquenot all health care providers have this training. If your doctor doesnt offer you a CBE at your check-up and you would like one, ask if he or she can perform one or refer you to someone who can.

    MammogramMammography uses X-rays to make images of the breast . While some tumors in the breast are aggressive and grow quickly, most grow slowly. In some cases a tumor may have been growing for as long as 10 years before it creates a lump large enough to feel. Mammography can find cancers early, before you would have noticed any signs or symptoms. Thats why its often used as a screening test. It can also be used as a follow-up test . If youve noticed a change in your breast and are getting a mammogram, tell the technologist what you noticed before your exam. If you evernotice a change in your breasteven if youve had a mammogram recently and had normal resultsget checked out by a doctor asap. And if youve never had a mammogram before, heres everything you wanted to know .

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    Pagets Disease Of The Breast

    This is a rare skin condition that is sometimes a sign of an underlying breast cancer. The symptoms are a red, scaly rash on the nipple and surrounding area. This can be itchy and looks a bit like eczema. It is sometimes mistaken for eczema at first.

    See your doctor if you have any changes in the skin of your breast.


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