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Can The Pill Cause Breast Cancer

Does The Pill Increase Your Risk Of Cancer Research Shows That Women Who Use The Birth Control Pill Have A Slightly Increased Risk Of Breast Cervical And Liver Cancer

New Study Reveals That Birth Control Pills Can Raise Chance Of Breast Cancer | TODAY

The pill and breast cancer risk

Women who use the birth control pill may have a small increased risk of breast cancer. The risk is smaller for women who used the birth control pill after their first full-term pregnancy.

The pill and cervical cancer risk

The risk appears to be greater for developing early stage cervical cancer than it is for more advanced forms of the disease.

The pill and liver cancer risk

Women who took birth control pills for more than 5 years before doses and formulas changed may have a slightly higher risk of developing liver cancer.

The Combined Pill And Breast Cancer

The notion that the combined pill might promote breast cancer is plausible because breast tissue is a target for female steroidal hormones. The breast’s response to oestrogen and progesterone depends on the presence of their corresponding receptors. Breast tumours in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women are more likely to be oestrogen and progesterone receptor positive than breast cancers in women under the age of 40. Against this idea is the fact that use of the combined pill is highest in women in their 20s , whereas in women over 35 it is low. A major concern is whether there is a latent effect of the pill on breast cancer. The issue is whether a woman using the pill in her 20s may continue to have an increased cancer risk into her perimenopausal and postmenopausal years. Epidemiological research based on well conducted large observational studies has clarified the picture beyond doubt: all studies are consistent in showing no latency.,

Pill Causes Triple Negative Breast Cancer

The use of oral contraceptives has been found to have a significant association with the development of an often fatal form of breast cancer. This is according to a report published in the April 2009 issue of Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, a leading cancer journal. These results present a new challenge to scientists in the field of breast cancer research.

The type of breast cancer identified as a major risk with this type of contraception is called triple negative breast cancer. The new study involved over 1200 women aged 20 to 45 and found a distinct etiology or an example of cause and effect between the use of The Pill for over a year and the development of the deadly cancer. The correlation was even stronger in women who took these contraceptives before the age of 18.

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Can Birth Control Pills Lead To Breast Cancer

The latest research indicates that yes. Women over the age of 65 are at the greatest risk for breast cancer associated with birth control pills, according to a study of more than 100,000 women. Women who took the pill for more than two years were at the greatest risk of developing breast cancer, according to the study.

What Do The Studies Show

Hormonal contraception, birth control pills raise cancer ...

The results of studies looking at the possible link between breast cancer and induced abortion often differ depending on how the study was done. Cohort studies and studies that used records to determine the history of abortions have not found an increased risk. Some case-control studies, however, have found an increase in risk.

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Injectable Progestogens And Hormone

Pooled data from several case-controlled studies show a non-significant excess risk of breast cancer with depot medroxyprogesterone., There is no apparent duration-of-use effect and the risk seems restricted to women under the age of 35. There is still some uncertainty as to whether recent use of depot medroxyprogesterone is associated with a transient increase in the risk of breast cancer. There are no data on subdermal implants and the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

Epidemiological Studies Of Breast Cancer And Oral Contraceptives

As mentioned earlier, the studies conducted prior to 1980 carry little suggestion of an increased risk for breast cancer in relation to oral contraceptive use. These studies focused on cases diagnosed before 1975 therefore, they included a large proportion of women who, because of their birth years, had little opportunity to have ever used oral contraceptives or to have used oral contraceptives for a long time, and virtually no opportunity for exposure at an early age. For these reasons, as well as the briefness of the time between exposure and diagnosis, studies conducted before 1980 cannot contribute any insight into the current controversy and are largely ignored in this review. Unfortunately, these same difficulties plague some of the studies published in the early 1980s as well. Therefore, although studies from the early 1980s are included in this review, the emphasis is on more recent research.

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Birth Control And Ovarian Cancer

Use of hormonal birth control decreases the risk of ovarian cancer . Hormonal birth control is thought to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by suppressing ovulation . The process of ovulation causes damage to the ovaries , which, over time, can cause the development of cancer.

Combined-hormonal methodsâlike the pill, patch, and ringâhave consistently been shown to decrease risk . Progestin-only methodsâlike the contraceptive shot, hormonal IUD, and implantâare generally found to decrease risk , though one study found that this decrease was not statistically significant .

As with endometrial cancer, current users of hormonal contraception had the greatest reduction in risk, but former users may also be less likely to develop ovarian cancer for years after discontinuation . People who use hormonal birth control for multiple years appear to benefit more than people who use these methods for less time .

Behaviors or life events that prevent ovulation, like use of some hormonal birth control methods, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, are associated with a decrease in the risk of ovarian cancer .

Clue can help you track your menstrual cycle characteristics and the changes in your body over the course of your cycle, which may be helpful in assessing if hormonal birth control is right for you.

to track your menstrual cycle and birth control use

Q: Do All Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer

Can birth control pills protect women from cancer?

A: Antiperspirants do not appear to be a cause of breast cancer. Recent rumors have circulated claiming that the body needs to purge toxins by sweating through the armpits and that if an antiperspirant is used, the body will store those toxins in the lymph nodes below the arm, causing breast cancer. These claims are not true the body does not release toxins through underarm sweat. Sweat found in the underarm area is made up of 99.9% water, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

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Does The Pill Cause Ovarian Cancer

The pill is a type of hormonal birth control. Combination hormonal birth control methods consist of a progestin and synthetic estrogen. Some hormonal contraceptives can actually offer you the extra benefit of reducing your ovarian cancer risk. Please keep in mind that the main reason to use hormonal birth control is for contraception you can consider these possible non-contraceptive benefits when determining which hormonal birth control method to choose.

The following is a list of specific hormonal prescription birth control methods that have been shown to be effective in lowering your risk of ovarian cancer:

Does Birth Control Lower Cancer Risk

In addition to pregnancy prevention, hormonal birth control may have a negative impact on cancer risk, although it has benefits. In spite of the fact that oral contraceptives may increase the risk of breast and cervical cancers, they may also reduce the risk of endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers as well.

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What Is The Contraceptive Pill

Oral contraceptives, also known as the pill, are a common form of birth control in the UK. They prevent pregnancy by changing the levels of hormones in the body. These are the hormones that control the menstrual cycle .

There are two main types:

The combined pill. This pill contains 2 hormones, oestrogen and progestogen.

The progestogen-only pill . This pill only contains the hormone progesterone.

Read more about the combined pill and the mini-pill on the NHS website. The NHS explains how they work, possible side effects and who can take each type.

Cancer Treatments And The Menopause

New research: Some birth control pills more likely to ...

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can both cause ovaries to stop producing eggs in some cases this might be temporary, while in others the change is permanent and will bring about menopause.

Those diagnosed with ovarian cancer that requires the removal of their ovaries , or another disease or condition that requires this operation, will experience menopause shortly after.

Also Check: Estrogen Positive Her2 Negative Breast Cancer

Q: Can An Injury To My Breast Develop Into Breast Cancer

A: Injury to the breast does not cause breast cancer. In some cases, the breast may become bruised after an injury and, in rare cases, develop a noncancerous lump called fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is not dangerous, and the symptoms usually subside within a month. If you have a lump in your breast and are concerned that it may be breast cancer, consult with your healthcare provider immediately.

Can Birth Control Cause Breast Cancer

According to one 2017 study, hormonal contraception can slightly increase a persons risk of breast cancer.

The study involved 1.8 million females in Denmark who were aged 1549. The females had not had cancer or received fertility treatment.

The researchers revealed that participants using hormonal contraception had a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who were not. This meant that around 1 participant in every 7,690 developed breast cancer.

However, the researchers noted that other factors, including age, may affect a persons risk of developing breast cancer.

Participants younger than 35 years had a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Among the females who had been using hormonal contraception for a year, only 1 participant in every 50,000 developed breast cancer.

Once a person stops taking hormonal contraception, their risk of breast cancer seems to return to normal after around 5 years.

Overall, the risk of breast cancer was higher among females who currently use or recently used contemporary hormonal contraceptives than among those who had never used hormonal contraceptives.

This risk increased with longer durations of use, but absolute increases in risk were small.

Also Check: What Is Stage 3a Breast Cancer

Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

The aetiology of breast cancer is multifactorial, with genetic, environmental and reproductive factors interacting in a complex way. The impact of environmental and reproductive factors depends on the age of the woman. Breast cancers can be classified by age at presentation as reproductive-age cancers, occurring in women under the age of 40 perimenopausal cancers, in women between 40 and 55, and postmenopausal cancers, which account for the majority of breast cancers. Postmenopausal cancers are oestrogen receptor positive and unrelated to smoking reproductive-age cancers are less likely to be oestrogen receptor positive and smoking is cited as a risk.

Reproductive risk factors for breast cancer include nulliparity, delayed first full-term pregnancy, early menarche and late menopause. These also seem to be risk factors for ovarian and endometrial cancer. The common thread linking all these factors is lengthy exposure of sensitive tissue to cyclical hormonal stimulation driven by incessant ovulation. An intriguing observation is that the combined pill, an ovulation suppressant, reduces the risk of both endometrial and ovarian cancer but not breast cancer. This lack of protective effect may be because environmental factors are more important in the causation/promotion of breast cancer than in ovarian cancer. Indeed the rising breast cancer risk since the 1940s in developed countries is attributed to lifestyle factors.

Women With A Brca Gene Mutation Or Other Inherited Cancer Risk Have Options

Real Questions – Can birth control pills cause or prevent cancer?

Women who have an increased gynecologic cancer risk due to a BRCA mutation or Lynch syndrome may receive a significant cancer risk reduction from using the pill or a hormonal IUD.

Dr. Goldfrank recommends that women with an inherited cancer risk speak with their gynecologist about the best method for them. The possible small increased risk of breast cancer that might be associated with long-term hormonal contraception use needs to be considered alongside other benefits and risk factors.

Also Check: Symptoms Of Recurring Breast Cancer

Q: Can Eating Certain Foods Cause Breast Cancer

A: Several large studies looking at the link between foods and breast cancer have been conducted. To date, a link between foods and breast cancer has not been identified. A few studies have found a possible link between fat and breast cancer, but further research needs to be completed. As a general rule of thumb, the best practice is to eat a healthy diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains and fibrous fruits and vegetables. Most importantly, please talk to your healthcare provider before beginning any diet or nutrition regiment.

Do Hormonal Contraceptives Increase Breast Cancer Risk

According to a Danish study, contraceptives that use hormones, including birth control pills and intrauterine devices , slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. But the importance of the increase is unique to each woman and depends on many factors, including:

  • her age
  • her general health
  • her personal risk of breast cancer
  • other breast cancer risk factors, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight

The study was published on Dec. 7, 2017 by the New England Journal of Medicine. Read the abstract of Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer.

The need for safe, effective birth control is shared by many women around the world. About 140 million women worldwide use hormonal contraception. Besides effectively stopping unwanted pregnancies, birth control pills also help control other conditions, such as acne, PMS, heavy periods, and mood swings. Research also has shown that birth control pills can slightly lower the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. There is also some evidence that birth control pills may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Its extremely important to know that if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you SHOULD NOT use contraceptives that use hormones. There is evidence that hormonal contraceptives may increase the risk of the cancer coming back .

  • had been diagnosed with cancer
  • had been diagnosed with a blood clot
  • had been treated for infertility

Also Check: Stage Iiia Breast Cancer Prognosis

Different Types Of Observational Studies

Case-control studies: In a case-control study, a group of people who already have a disease like cancer are compared to a group of people who dont to see if there are differences in their past exposures. Often, this is done by asking the people in the study many questions about what they did or were exposed to many years ago. This is called a retrospective design. One problem with retrospective studies is that it can be hard to remember what you did long ago. This might mean that the study could miss a link. But a bigger problem with this kind of study is that people with a disease like cancer often think very hard about what they may have done in the past that could have contributed to their getting cancer. They are more likely to remember things that the healthy people dont. They are also more likely to tell the researchers about things that they would otherwise feel was too personal or embarrassing to mention like abortion. This is called recallbias, and it can lead to a study finding links that may not really exist.

Since none of the people had the disease at the start of the study, there is no chance that having the disease would have influenced their memory or their willingness to report things in their past . Because cohort studies follow people forward in time, they are called prospective studies. Researchers generally consider the conclusions from cohort studies to be stronger than those from case-control studies.

Q: Does Breast Cancer Affect Only Post

Contraceptive Pill

A: No, women of all ages can develop breast cancer. A woman’s risk of developing breast cancer does increase as she ages, making it important for all women 40 and older to have an annual mammogram. The American Cancer Society says that breast self-exams are optional for women over 20, but recommends that women be familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel. Women should report any new breast changes to their healthcare provider as soon as they are found. Early detection is important in increasing survival and reducing the chances of the cancer metastasizing .

Read Also: What Does Stage 3 Breast Cancer Mean

Do Faulty Brca Genes Run In Families

Our genes are inherited from our parents. So if your parents have the BRCA gene mutations theres a chance you will inherit these, and if so, you could pass them onto any of your children.

A woman who inherits a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation will have a high risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and has a 50% chance of passing this mutation onto each of her children.

A man who inherits a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation may have a small increased risk of male breast cancer. They also may have an increased risk of prostate or pancreatic cancer, and has a 50% chance of passing this mutation onto each of his children.

But its important to mention that not everyone with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has a family history of cancer.

What Are Some Of The Known Causes Of Breast Cancer

Inherited Genes

There are still many mysteries surrounding breast cancer and its initial causes, but we do know that the main reason why women get breast cancer is because of their genes. Women who have a history of breast cancer in their family are more liely to acquire the disease than women who do not have the gene.


Unfortunately, another main risk factor for breast cancer is age. Women over the age of 55 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women.


Though it’s a rarely discussed issue, men can get breast cancer as well. Nevertheless, women are approximately 100 times more likely to get breast cancer than men.

Dense Breast Tissue

It’s been discovered that women who have dense breast tissue are more likely to get breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast tissue density can be affected by age, menopausal status, hormones, and drugs taken.

Starting menstruation before the age of 12

It has been found that women who got the first cycles before the age of 12 are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Going through menopause after the age of 55

Women who experience an above average amount of menstrual cycles In their lifetime are more susceptible to the cancer. This is due to them being exposed to too much estrogen and progesterone.

Alcohol Consumption

Women who drink 2-5 drinks daily are 1.5 times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who completely abstain from drinking alcohol.

Being overweight or obese after menopause

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