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How To Beat Breast Cancer With Diet

Herbs Essential Oils And Cancer

Beating stage 4 metastatic breast cancer! Diet is EVERYTHING! Video #2 in series.

Other supplemental efforts come from plant life amazing gifts of healing that nature has for us to utilize! Whole herbs and plant-based therapy, as well as essential oils, are often employed to beat cancer naturally. While, again, none of this is administered on its own, herbalA product made from a plant that is thought to be useful in treating a disease or staying healthy. Herbal supplements are taken by mouth. and essential oil treatments make excellent and effective components of a cancer battle plan.

What About Fish And Meat

In general, fish and meat are not especially effective at reducing a womans risk of breast cancer or treating existing cancers. In fact, some studies show a correlation between consuming animal-derived cholesterol and developing breast cancer. However, the research is mixed:

  • An Annals of Oncology study found that dietary cholesterol was associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

  • A Journal of Clinical Oncology study found that women with breast cancer who ate a whole foods, plant-based diet and poultry had a significantly lower risk of death than those who followed a traditional Western diet. However, keep in mind that this may not be due to eating poultry, but rather eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grains, as well as eating less meat.

While plant-based whole foods provide the nutrients most associated with a reduction in breast cancer, protein is also key for preventing and treating the disease. And though protein is found in plant foods such as beans, lentils, grains, and vegetables, the highest concentration of protein is found in meat and fish. Therefore, you may achieve a balance by eating a mostly plant-based diet with the occasional side of lean meat, such as a skinless chicken breast or a salmon filet.

Eating a mostly plant-based diet with the occasional side of lean meat may be the best approach.

Other Components And Their Benefits

In addition to its properties that may help thwart breast cancer, fruit also contains the following, which have other disease-fighting benefits:

  • Women ages 19 to 30: Two cups daily
  • Women over 30: One and a half cups daily

People who get more than 30 minutes of exercise per day may be able to consume more and stay within a desirable calorie range.

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Breast Cancer And Diet: Whats The Connection

When most women think about breast cancer, they likely think about a genetic causenamely, the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. While certain women are at a higher risk of breast cancer because of genetics and family history, for others the risk lies in the food we eat each day.

Breast cancer awareness month starts in just a few weeks, and what better way to learn about the disease than to know how your diet, which may include cancer-causing foods, is increasing your risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer?

Why What You Eat Matters

As a woman, you know all about breast cancer prevention, such as conducting self-checks at home and going in for regular mammograms. While these are steps in the right direction, they dont promise true prevention, only early detection. One of the most overlooked risk factors is the food we eat. Because we have little say in our genetics, it only makes sense to take charge of the risk factors we can control, especially our diet.

Breast cancer awareness starts with understanding how what you eat impacts your risk of breast cancer. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, 70% of all breast cancer deaths are avoidable through dietary change. There are also plenty of scientific studies that show how an unhealthy diet, especially the average Western diet, increases the risk of breast cancer and other forms of the disease.

A Poor Diet: The Most Common Culprit

Dairy Does A Body Bad

Top 10 Foods That Can Help Prevent Breast Cancer

When it comes to dairy in particular, research has linked its consumption to higher risks of breast cancer. A 2017 National Institute of Cancer study of nearly 2,000 women found that those who consumed the most high-fat dairy increased their risk of developing breast cancer by 53 percent. A 2020 study conducted by Loma Linda University and published in the International Journal of Epidemiology expanded on these findings by studying the dietary intake of nearly 53,000 North American women, who were all initially cancer-free, over the course of eight years. By the end of the study period, there were 1,057 new breast cancer cases among the women and researchers found that dairy consumption had a strong link to cancer outcome.

Consuming as little as one-quarter to one-third cup of dairy milk per day was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer of 30 percent, lead researcher Gary E. Fraser, PhD, of Loma Linda University, said. By drinking up to one cup per day, the associated risk went up to 50 percent, and for those drinking two to three cups per day, the risk increased further to 70 to 80 percent. Fraser explained that possible reasons for the increased risk may linked to the sex hormone content of dairy milksince breast cancer in women is a hormone-responsive cancer.

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Peaches Apples And Pears

Fruits specifically peaches, apples, and pears have been shown to safeguard against breast cancer.

In a study in 75,929 women, those who consumed at least 2 servings of peaches per week had up to a 41% reduced risk of developing ER breast cancer .

Interestingly, a test-tube study revealed that polyphenol antioxidants from peaches inhibited the growth and spread of a breast cancer cell line .

Furthermore, a study analyzing data from 272,098 women linked apple and pear intake to a lower risk of breast cancer ” rel=”nofollow”> Share on Pinterest

Beans are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Specifically, their high fiber content may protect against breast cancer.

A study in 2,571 women found that high bean intake reduced breast cancer risk by up to 20%, compared with low bean intake .

Additionally, in a study in 1,260 Nigerian women, those with the highest intake of beans had up to a 28% reduced risk of breast cancer, compared with those with the lowest intake .

Two New Studies Suggest Diet Can Help Breast Cancer Survivors Live Longer

Mya Nelson

Mya R. Nelson is a science writer for American Institute for Cancer Research.

Can breast cancer survivors diets help them live longer? Two new studies both partially funded by AICR suggest yes. The research yields important insights into an area that has previously given inconclusive findings.

Today, more women than ever before are surviving breast cancer and that has led to increased research into how diet may play a role in survival. Breast cancer survivors are at increased risk of developing another breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, which increases risk of mortality. In 2014, AICRs systematic review of the global evidence found there was not enough evidence to conclude that diet affected breast cancer survival.

Some research conducted in recent years has hinted that a healthy diet can improve survival, such as these papers AICR has written about here and here. However, there is a critical need for more and better research, says Nigel Brockton, PhD., AICRs Vice President of Research.

Many of the estimated 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US are eager for reliable dietary advice that can help them live longer, healthier lives, said Brockton. AICR funded this research to help provide some of those answers.

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Supplements Don’t Pack The Same Punch As Whole Foods

Antioxidants like vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene have long been heralded for their anti-cancer properties. But these compoundswhich help protect against oxidative damage to cells that can lead to cancerdont seem to help much when theyre taken in pill form. Several studies have found antioxidant supplements to have no effect on breast cancer risk, according to the American Cancer Society. And some research has even shown a slight increase in chances of developing cancer. The bottom line: Antioxidants are powerful medicine, but its best to get them youre your fruits and vegetables.

Berries And Dark Fruits

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Berries, as well as dark fruits such as grapes, cherries, and apples are an important part of a cancer fighting diet because they are rich in important antioxidants and other phytochemicals. Berries and grapes contain bioflavonoids, which are potent antioxidants and immune boosters, and help with the regeneration of healthy cells. Grapes contain resveratrol, which has been shown to inhibit cancer progression for breast, lung, liver, and prostate cancer. Red grape skin and seeds contain procyanidin B, which inhibits a hormone that promotes tumor growth.

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are packed with antioxidants such as the anthocyanidins, ellagic acid, quercetin, and phenols. These compounds protect cells from free radicals, neutralizing their destructive action before it occurs.

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Maintain A Healthy Weight

Excess body weight increases the odds of getting breast cancer after menopause. Extra weight can also make cancer more likely to advance when it arises. The reason seems to be that fat cells produce estrogensfemale hormones that can help cancer cells to form and spread. Being overweight also increases your risk of other problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other kinds of cancer.

What is a healthy weight? You can see how your weight fits with a healthy range by checking your body mass index . A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. Find out your body mass index using the Pink Lotus BMI Calculator.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery In Richmond Virginia

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sharline Aboutanos performs breast reconstruction surgery in Richmond, Virginia. She was voted a Richmond Magazine Top Doctor for 2019, 2020, and 2021 in the categories of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Dr. Aboutanos is happy to discuss her breast reconstruction techniques with you during a personal consultation. Schedule yours online or call 355-3410 today.

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Standard Approach To Cancer Treatment

Since cancer isnt just one event but a category for seemingly endless variations, each type of cancer and the severity at which its found will inspire different types of treatment.

Surgery is usually a consideration, given as an option as early as when cancer is merely a risk and not a diagnosis until advanced stages that require extensive removal. Sometimes, the tumors or lesions are successfully removed and thats that. Others are not so simple. In some cases, like bone marrow cancer, surgery is rarely, if ever, an option.

The next most common response to cancer in mainstream medicine is to introduce chemotherapy or radiation sometimes both. This is usually a much more difficult decision to make, as conventional treatment side effects can be extensive.

The idea behind chemotherapy and radiation treatments is to attack the cancer cells quickly and dramatically with substances that will kill or neutralize the cancer cells. But it isnt a localized attack. Both chemotherapy and radiation affect whole regions of the body, sometimes the whole body, without any differentiation between cancer cells and healthy cells. So alongside whatever damage is inflicted on cancer cells comes a potential laundry list of side effects. Some will never go away some will prove deadly.

Include Foods Rich In Beta

Beating Cancer With Nutrition Pdf Download

Beta-glucans are polysaccharides that are naturally present in many foods that are rich in soluble fiber. According to studies, beta-glucans can help fight many types of cancer including breast cancer by passing immune cells into cancerous areaa and by destroying cancerous cells. The cancer-fighting properties of beta-glucans have also been observed in animal tests. Good sources of beta-glucans include baker’s yeast, many cereal grains, and mushrooms.

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If You Have Side Effects

Nausea. If you experience nausea, your dietitian may recommend that you try to eat more foods that are cool or at room temperature because they dont have a strong odor. It may also help to eat lower-fat food since fats take longer to digest.

Dont skip meals entirely if you have nausea, since an empty stomach can make nausea worse, Taylor says. Instead, focus on small bites of food throughout the day. Avoid strong flavors. Feel free to incorporate ginger root into your recipes, as this can help settle a nauseated stomach.

Constipation. If constipation becomes an issue, your dietitian may encourage you to eat fiber-rich foods and increase your fluid intake, Taylor adds. Low-intensity walking and warm beverages also can help encourage regular bowel movements.

Fatigue. To combat fatigue, choose high-protein snacks and small frequent meals rather than large meals. People often experience more fatigue when theyre not eating well, or when theyre losing weight during treatment.

If youre experiencing any side effect that affects your ability to eat regularly, ask your care team if you can meet with a dietitian to review individualized nutrition recommendations.

Apple Juice May Increase Risk Of Dying And Veggies Lower Risk

The first study, published in Cancer Research, focused on fruit juices along with fruit and vegetable intake.

The paper found that women who ate the greatest amounts of fruits and vegetables after their breast cancer diagnosis had an overall lower risk of dying during the course of the study compared to those who ate the least amounts. When Farvid and her colleagues teased this finding apart, it was the overall vegetable intake that appeared to drive the survival link with the greatest affect pointing to cruciferous and green leafy vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Fruit intake by itself did not show a link with mortality.

Women who ate, on average, almost a full serving of cruciferous vegetables daily had a 13 percent lower risk of dying from any cause during the course of the study, compared to those who ate almost none of these vegetables. And women who ate, on average, almost two servings of leafy greens daily had a 20 percent lower risk of dying, compared to those who ate close to none. This link was found after taking into account womens physical activity, smoking, weight change and other risk factors.

There was no link between mortality and orange juice.

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Grease Star Olivia Newton

Olivia Newton-Johnknown best for her starring role as Sandy in classic film Greaseis now following a plant-based diet to help manage breast cancer. The 72-year-old actress was first diagnosed with cancer in 1992 and has treated the disease with various methods for decades. After a period of remission, Newton-John was again diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. Now, Newton-John told Closer Weekly, shes turning to less toxic treatments, including herbs, medical marijuana, and, with the help of her daughter Chloe Lattanzi, plant-based foods. There are a lot of herbs I take. And over the last 10 years, Ive used cannabis, Newton-John said. Ive also been eating vegan because my daughter was visiting me and shes a vegan. I feel very good.

Newton-John and her husband, John Easterling, recently launched the Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund to support cancer treatment research with a focus on plant-based medicine. After having lived for years with different cancers, and having surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, I thought it would be wonderful if we could find different kinds of treatments for people going through cancer, Newton-John said.

In addition to eating a plant-based diet, Newton-John supports animal-rights and conservation issues. This year, she was also part of the Hope Gala Honorary Committee for animal-rights organization Mercy For Animals during its 22nd annual ceremony held in June.

Simple Ways To Build Your Cancer

How I Beat Breast Cancer Twice

To lower your risk for many types of canceras well as other serious diseaseaim to build your diet around a variety of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, and healthy fats. At the same time, try to limit the amount of processed and fried foods, unhealthy fats, sugars and refined carbs you consume.

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Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer. Just reading those words can make many women worry. And thats natural.

Nearly everyone knows someone touched by the disease.

But there is a lot of good news about breast cancer these days. Treatments keep getting better, and we know more than ever about ways to prevent the disease. These eight simple steps can help lower the risk of breast cancer. Not every one applies to every woman, but together they can have a big impact.

Do Vegans Get Less Cancer

Vegetarians are less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, according to several newspapers. They have reported on a study which found that vegetarians are 45% less likely to develop cancer of the blood and 12% less likely to develop cancer overall.

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Amomama Exclusive: Survivor Opens Up About Resuming Intimacy After Breast Cancer


Suzanne Somers’s difficult cancer phase made her experience firsthand the struggles faced by people living with cancer. Hence, her resolve to stand as an advocate against the dreaded disease and knock it out eventually.

She also advocates for the use of alternative procedures in the treatment of cancer and the life-saving benefits of forgoing chemotherapy.

Through her best-selling books like “Knockout,” the cancer survivor has reached out to the world, stressing the dangers of becoming a host to cancer and embracing traditional treatment methods like chemotherapy.

Although helpful to some, her book’s contents, especially her conflicting views on medical issues about cancer, have been largely criticized by the American Cancer Society.

But Somers remains dauntless, upholding her decision to kick against chemicalized treatments, and advocate instead for complementary treatments, some of which may be considered non-proven by medical experts.

The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, and images contained on, or available through is for general information purposes only. does not take responsibility for any action taken as a result of reading this article. Before undertaking any course of treatment please consult with your healthcare provider.


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