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What Is The Rate Of Breast Cancer

Estimated Cases And Deaths In 2019

What is the survival rate for breast cancer | Norton Cancer Institute

In 2019, approximately 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 48,100 cases of DCIS will be diagnosed among US women, and 41,760 women will die from this disease. Eighty-two percent of breast cancers are diagnosed among women aged â¥50 years, and 90% of breast cancer deaths occur in this age group . The median age at diagnosis for female breast cancer is 62 years, and it is slightly younger for black women than for white women . The median age at breast cancer death is 68 years overall, 70 years for white women, and 63 years for black women.

â1.0b The black:white rate ratio is significantly different from 1.00 or the AAPC is significantly different from 0.0 . 70 78
  • Abbreviations: AAPC, average annual percent change ACS, American Cancer Society NHB, non-Hispanic black NHW, non-Hispanic white.
  • Note: Incidence and mortality rates are per 100,000 and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Statistics not shown if there ⤠25 cases or deaths.
  • a Up to date according to ACS screening guideline: mammogram within the past year for women ages 45 to 54 years or in the past 2 years for women aged â¥55 years.
  • b The black:white rate ratio is significantly different from 1.00 or the AAPC is significantly different from 0.0 .
  • c Data from these registries are not included in US combined rates.

What Is A 5

A relative survival rate compares women with the same type and stage of breast cancer to women in the overall population.For example, if the 5-year relative survival rate for a specific stage of breast cancer is 90%, it means that women who have that cancer are, on average, about 90% as likely as women who dont have that cancer to live for at least 5 years after being diagnosed.

What Is Female Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a complex group of diseases with different attributes. Most commonly, breast cancers begin in ducts or lobules . Breast cancer can occur in men but it is rare, accounting for only 0.2% of cancer in men. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, accounting for over 30% of cancers diagnosed. There are about 4,500 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed among women each year in Minnesota.

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Key Statistics For Breast Cancer In Men

The American Cancer Society estimates for breast cancer in men in the United States for 2021 are:

  • About 2,650 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed
  • About 530 men will die from breast cancer

Breast cancer is about 100 times less common among white men than among white women. It is about 70 times less common among Black men than Black women . As in Black women, Black men with breast cancer tend to have a worse prognosis . For men, the lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is about 1 in 833 .

Our team is made up of doctors and oncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing.

American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2021. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society 2021.

Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Miller D, Bishop K, Kosary CL, Yu M, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z, Mariotto A, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA . Lifetime Risk of Being Diagnosed with Cancer by Site and Race/Ethnicity Males, 18 SEER Areas, 2012-2014SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2014, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,, based on November 2016 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, April 2017.

Jain S and Gradishar WJ. Chapter 61: Male Breast Cancer. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases of the Breast. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins 2014.

Last Revised: January 12, 2021

Findings On Postmenopausal Breast Cancer

Breakthroughs in Breast Cancer Research

There is strong evidence that:

There is limited evidence that:

  • consuming non-starchy vegetables might decrease the risk of oestrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer
  • consuming foods containing carotenoids might decrease the risk of breast cancer
  • consuming diets high in calcium might decrease the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer

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Breast Cancer Mortality Over Time

Breast cancer mortality rates in the U.S. increased slowly from 1975 through the 1980s .

From 1989-2018 , breast cancer mortality decreased by 41 percent due to improved breast cancer treatment and early detection . Since 1989, about 403,200 breast cancer deaths in U.S. women have been avoided .

Breast cancer mortality in women decreased by about one percent per year from 2014-2018 . Different breast cancer mortality trends may have been seen in some groups of women.

Health Disparities In Young African Americans

In addition to these unique issues, research has shown that young African American women face even greater challenges.

  • African American women under age 35 have rates of breast cancer two times higher than caucasian women under age 35.14
  • African Americans under age 35 die from breast cancer three times as often as caucasian women of the same age.14
  • Researchers believe that access to healthcare and the quality of healthcare available may explain these disparities. But scientists continue to investigate.
  • Research also shows that young African Americans are more likely to get aggressive forms of breast cancer than anyone else.14

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Survival And Mortality Rates

Survival depends on mortality. You start with 100 percent of the people in the group.

100 percent mortality rate = survival rate

Say, the mortality rate in the group of people is 5 percent. Survival would be 95 percent .

Similarly, the number of people in a group who survive depends on the number of people who die. Say, 500 people are in the group and 1 person dies. This means 499 people survived .

Prognosis For Metastatic Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Survival Rates Explained

Metastatic breast cancer isnt the same for everyone who has it. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, your symptoms at stage 4 will depend on the degree to which the cancer has spread in your body.

Although metastatic breast cancer has no current cure, it can be treated. Getting the right treatment can increase both your quality of life and longevity.

Life expectancy for breast cancer is based on studies of many people with the condition. These statistics cant predict your personal outcome each persons outlook is different.

The following factors can affect your life expectancy with metastatic breast cancer:

  • your age

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Incidence And Survival Rates

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed in 2012, representing about 25 per cent of all cancers in women. Incidence rates vary widely across the world, from 27 per 100,000 in Middle Africa and Eastern Asia to 92 per 100,000 in Northern America. It is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women, with an estimated 522,000 deaths . It is also the most frequent cause of cancer death in women from regions characterised by lower indices of development and/or income , and the second most frequent from regions characterised by higher indices of development and/or income , after lung cancer.

Breast cancer risk doubles each decade until the menopause, after which the increase slows. However, breast cancer is more common after the menopause. Studies of women who migrate from areas of low risk to areas of high risk show that they assume the rate in the host country within one or two generations. This shows that environmental factors are important in the development of the disease.

The cancer statistics quoted in the Third Expert Report are from the GLOBOCAN 2012 database. The International Agency for Research on Cancer updated these statistics in September 2018, after the publication of the Third Expert Report. Find the latest breast cancer statistics.

Understanding Breast Cancer Survival Rates

Prognosis varies by stage of breast cancer.

Non-invasive and early stage invasive breast cancers have a better prognosis than later stage cancers .

Breast cancer thats only in the breast and has not spread to the lymph nodes has a better prognosis than breast cancer thats spread to the lymph nodes.

The poorest prognosis is for metastatic breast cancer , when the cancer has spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other parts of the body.

Learn more about breast cancer treatment.

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Unique Challenges For Young Adults

Breast cancer in young adults is just different. We are at a different phase of our lives and encounter unique challenges compared to older persons. These challenges may significantly impact our quality and length of life. Some of the unique challenges and issues young adults face:

  • The possibility of early menopause and sexual dysfunction brought on by breast cancer treatment
  • Fertility issues, because breast cancer treatment can affect a womanâs ability and plans to have children
  • Many young women are raising small children while enduring treatment and subsequent side effects
  • Young breast cancer survivors have a higher prevalence of psychosocial issues such as anxiety and depression13
  • Questions about pregnancy after diagnosis
  • Heightened concerns about body image, especially after breast cancer-related surgery and treatment
  • Whether married or single, intimacy issues may arise for women diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Challenges to financial stability due to workplace issues, lack of sufficient health insurance and the cost of cancer care

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Statistics 2017: The Numbers, Risks &  Recovery

There are many different signs and symptoms of breast cancer, so regularly checking your breasts for anything different or new is important.

The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment. Getting to know what your breasts look and feel like normally means its easier to spot any unusual changes and check them with your doctor. Common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:

  • A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit. You might feel the lump, but not see it.
  • Changes in the size or shape of the breast
  • A change in skin texture i.e. puckering or dimpling of the skin
  • A change in the colour of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed
  • Rash, crusting or changes to the nipple
  • Any unusual discharge from either nipple

Almost half of women in the UK do not check their breasts regularly for potential signs of breast cancer.

According to a YouGov survey commissioned by Breast Cancer Now, one in 10 women have never checked their breasts for new or unusual changes. Meanwhile, a fifth of women check their breasts once every six months or less, while 13% do this once a year or less.

Asked what stops or prevents them from checking their breasts more regularly, almost half of women said they forget. This is concerning when most cases of the disease are detected because women have spotted new or unusual changes to their breasts.

Some factors are outside our control, including:

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Lifetime Risk Of Breast Cancer Worldwide

Women who live in developed countries tend to have a higher lifetime risk of breast cancer than women who live in developing countries .

Although we dont know all the reasons for these differences, lifestyle and reproductive factors likely play a large role .

Low screening rates and incomplete reporting can make rates of breast cancer in developing countries look lower than they truly are and may also explain some of these differences.

Examples Of Rates Versus Numbers

Say, town A has a population of 100,000 and town B has a population of 1,000. Over a year, say there are 100 breast cancer deaths in town A and 100 breast cancer deaths in town B.

The number of breast cancer deaths in each town is the same. However, many more people live in town A than live in town B. So, the mortality rates are quite different.

In town A, there were 100 breast cancer deaths among 100,000 people. This means the mortality rate was less than one percent .

In town B, the mortality rate was 10 percent .

Although the number of deaths was the same in town A and town B, the mortality rate was much higher in town B than in town A .

Lets look at another example. In 2021, its estimated among women there will be :

  • 100 breast cancer deaths in Washington, D.C.
  • 720 breast cancer deaths in Alabama
  • 4,730 breast cancer deaths in California

Of the 3, California has the highest number of breast cancers. However, that doesnt mean it has the highest rate of breast cancer. These numbers dont take into account the number of women who live in each state. Fewer women live in Alabama and Washington, D.C. than live in California.

Other factors may vary by state as well, such as the age and race/ethnicity of women. So, to compare breast cancer mortality , we need to look at mortality rates.

In 2021, the estimated mortality rates are :

  • 26 per 100,000 women in Washington, D.C.
  • 22 per 100,000 women in Alabama
  • 19 per 100,000 women in California

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What Is Secondary Breast Cancer

Secondary breast cancer is when breast cancer spreads from the breast to other parts of the body, becoming incurable. Breast cancer most commonly spreads to the bones, brain, lungs or liver.

While it cannot be cured, there are treatments that can help control certain forms of the disease for some time and relieve symptoms to help people live well for as long as possible.

There are an estimated 35,000 people living with secondary breast cancer in the UK. In around 5% of women, breast cancer has already spread by the time it is diagnosed.

Can Stage 4 Breast Cancer Go Into Remission

Survival Rate and Treatment for Breast Cancer Recurrence

Stage 4 breast cancer can go into remission, meaning that it isnt detected in imaging or other tests. Pathological complete remission indicates a lack of cancer cells in tissues removed after surgery or biopsy.

But its rare to take tissue samples while treating stage 4 breast cancer. This could mean that although treatment has been effective, it hasnt completely destroyed the cancer.

Advances in stage 4 breast cancer treatments are helping to increase the length of remission.

Don’t Miss: What Is Stage 3a Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Worldwide

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality among women in most countries in the world .

Its estimated more than 680,000 breast cancer deaths occurred worldwide in 2020 .

Rates of breast cancer mortality vary around the world

Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer mortality among women in developing countries .

Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer mortality among women in developed countries .

Breast Cancer Survival By Age

Five-year survival for female breast cancer shows an unusual pattern with age: survival gradually increases from 85% in women aged 15-39 and peaks at 92% in 60-69 year olds survival falls thereafter, reaching its lowest point of 70% in 80-99 year-olds for patients diagnosed with breast cancer in England during 2009-2013.

Breast Cancer , Five-Year Net Survival by Age, Women, England, 2009-2013

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How The Research Was Conducted

The global scientific research on diet, nutrition, physical activity and the risk of breast cancer was systematically gathered and analysed, and then independently assessed by a panel of leading international scientists in order to draw conclusions about which of these factors increase or decrease the risk of developing breast cancer.

The Tnm System For Staging Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Statistics 2017: The Numbers, Risks &  Recovery

The AJCCs addition of the letters T, N, and M for anatomic breast cancer staging adds more information to a breast cancer diagnosis. Heres what they mean:

  • T : The tumor grade shows a higher number for a larger size or density.
  • N : Nodes refers to lymph nodes and uses the numerals 0 to 3 to give information about how many lymph nodes are involved in the cancer.
  • M : This refers to how the cancer has spread beyond the breast and lymph nodes.

The AJCC also added clarifications in staging for ER, PR, and HER2 expression and also genetic information.

Ultimately, this means someone diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer can receive more information from their breast cancer staging than ever before.

No matter the stage, the best source of information about your individual outlook is your own oncology team.

Make sure you understand your breast cancer stage and subtype so that you can better understand treatment options and individual outlook.

Getting the right treatment and the support you need can help you navigate the challenges of being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

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How Common Is Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancers. The average risk of a woman in the United States developing breast cancer sometime in her life is about 13%. This means there is a 1 in 8 chance she will develop breast cancer. This also means there is a 7 in 8 chance she will never have the disease.


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