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HomeCauseCan Caffeine Cause Breast Cancer

Can Caffeine Cause Breast Cancer

Caffeine Coffee And Breast Cancerwhats The Answer

Does Caffeine Cause Breast Cancer?

Allison Manderfield

Writers Comment: As a senior graduating from UCD, I have become convinced that coffee is absolutely essential to receive a diploma from this university. And as a Genetics major, I am also intrigued by the complex interactions of lifestyle choices with genetic predispositions to disease. In my Writing in the Professions: Science course, I decided to explore the relationships among caffeine, genetics, and breast cancer and wrote an extensive collaborative literature review on this topic. Later, I wrote Caffeine, Coffee, and Breast Cancer – Whats the Answer? to communicate this scientific issue to a more general public audience. By using a womens health magazine style, I hoped to educate women about the current research involving caffeine, genetics and breast cancer risk to enable them to make more informed lifestyle choices. Many thanks to Dr. Rebekka Andersen for challenging me to get creative and transform this complicated issue to make it accessible to non-specialist readers . Now, after many revisions , I hope you enjoy this piece.

Warmed by the rays of morning sunlight that pour through the coffeehouse windows, I settle into my favorite chair. With a piping hot espresso in one hand and a genetics textbook in the other, I am ready for some serious finals preparation. Just as the caffeine begins to take effect and I become deeply engrossed in the molecular mechanisms of cellular development, I am startled by my phones buzz.

Myth: All Women Have A 1

Reality: The absolute risk of developing breast cancer during a particular decade of life is lower than 1 in 8, but your risk increases as you get older. For example, the risk of developing breast cancer in the next ten years is as follows:3

  • 13 out of 1,000 women in their 40s
  • 23 out of 1,000 women in their 50s
  • 29 out of 1,000 women in their 60s
  • 31 out of 1,000 women in their 70s

What Interpretations Did The Researchers Draw From These Results

The authors conclude their main finding of a significant interaction between coffee consumption, CYP1A21F genotype and breast volume among young healthy women who did not use hormonal contraceptives. The researchers say that this interaction was mainly driven by the fact that coffee consumption of three cups a day or more was associated with lower breast volume in women who did not have the CYP1A21F A/A genotype.

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Coffee Consumption And Breast Ovary And Endometrial Cancers

Coffee and breast cancer

Research to date has not linked coffee consumption to an increased risk of breast cancer overall. Data in pre-menopausal women who are regular coffee drinkers suggests there may actually be a protective effect5,74-76. IARCs 2016 review concluded that studies show either no association, or a modest inverse association, between breast cancer risk and coffee consumption1. The WCRF 2018 Breast Cancer Report does not mention coffee as a risk factor77. Variable results have been observed, associated with different genetic mutations. Clearly further research is required to clarify the detail in this area, and integrating individual genetic variability when assessing diet-disease associations is likely to be important.

Post-menopausal women

Studies have shown no association between coffee consumption and the incidence of breast cancer in post-menopausal women76-78.

Pre-menopausal women

In pre-menopausal women, the consumption of regular coffee has been associated with a lower risk of breast cancer81.

  • In pre-menopausal women who carry the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation, a study suggested that the risk of breast cancer is reduced by 25-70% with daily consumption of 4-6 cups of coffee, compared to non-coffee drinkers. However, this effect is limited to regular coffee it is not observed with decaffeinated coffee81.

Coffee and ovarian cancer

Coffee and endometrial cancer

What Were The Results Of The Study

7 Foods That Cause Breast Cancer

The CYP1A21F A/A genotype occurred in 51% of the women. There was no difference in coffee consumption, or any other personal, social or lifestyle characteristic between the women who had the CYP1A21F A/A genotype and those who did not. Coffee consumption was significantly associated with smoking. Total breast volume was significantly associated with weight, but not with age, use of hormonal contraception, having no children, smoking or the CYP1A2*1F genotype.

In further analyses, the researchers only looked at those women who did not use hormonal contraception . Among the 145 non-users, they found that the association between drinking at least three cups of coffee per day and breast volume was significantly modified by CYP1A2*1F genotype. Women who did not have the A/A genotype and who consumed three cups per day or more had smaller breast volume than those who consumed less coffee. Women with the A/A genotype who consumed three cups per day or more had a slightly larger breast volume than those with the same genotype who drank less coffee.

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Does Coffee Cause Cancer

Research has demonstrated both beneficial and deleterious health effects of coffee. First, the good news: Moderate coffee consumptionhas been linked to many health benefits. Brewed coffee can be a rich source of natural antioxidants, which may play a significant role in slowing the aging process and in inhibiting life- threatening diseases such heart disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and cancer. According to the Harvard Health Publications, studies have shown that coffee drinkers are 50% less likely to suffer from cancer than non-coffee drinkers. Several studies have suggested that the chlorogenic acid found in coffee may help prevent Type 2 Diabetes. In other research, coffee has been shown to help protect against asthma , gall stones, cirrhosis of the liver, and Parkinsons Disease. Because coffee helps boost body metabolism, it can also be effective in a weight loss program.

On the other hand, there is also bad news: Coffee can really lower your body pH especially if you drink several cups per day and disease, especially cancer, thrives in an acid environment. Caffeine consumption has been linked to breast cancer, and breast lumps have often regressed in women who adopt the caffeine-restricted Minton Diet. When coffee is roasted, the carcinogen 3,4 benzopyrene is formed. There have also been identified two other possible carcinogens found in coffee.

Consider Yearly Mri Screenings

For women with a high breast cancer risk from dense breast tissue or other risk factors, discuss with your doctor about having a yearly MRI screening. Breast MRI finds an average of 10 additional cancers per 1,000 women, even after a mammogram and ultrasound screening.

If you dont have a mammogram, you cant know if you have an increased risk of breast cancer from having dense breasts, a spokesperson for the National Cancer Institute emphasizes. Women should discuss family history and other risk factors with their healthcare provider to determine the mammogram schedule most appropriate for them.

Whether to have yearly supplemental breast screening if you have dense breasts is an individual decision. Discuss the pros and cons with a doctor.

Supplemental screening increases the early detection of breast cancer in dense breasts. And catching a breast cancer tumor early has a better outcome.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advised in 2016 that the current evidence wasnt sufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of additional screening for women with dense breasts. Potential harms include:

  • possible false positives
  • psychological burden

The website of reviews the pros and cons of screening.

You can also find more screening information in the patient guide to screening options on the website of the nonprofit organization

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Identification Of Breast Cancer Cases

In each biennial questionnaire, participants were asked whether they had been diagnosed as having breast cancer in the previous two years, and we attempted to interview nonrespondents by telephone. The response rates were approximately 90 percent for each questionnaire. Deaths were identified by a report from a family member, the postal service or the National Death Index. When a case of breast cancer was reported, we asked the participant for permission to obtain medical records. Since self-reports have been confirmed by pathology reports in 98% of instances, we included the few-self reported cases for whom we could not obtain medical records in the analysis. Pathology reports were also reviewed to obtain information on estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status. 74 percent of the cases had receptor status information . Cases of carcinoma in situ were not included in the analysis.

Coffee Drinking And Breast Cancer Risk

Is There Any Correlation Between Caffeine And Breast Cancer?

The researchers from Karolinska Institutet evaluated coffee drinking and breast cancer risk in 2,818 patients with breast cancer and 3,111 study participants who did not have breast cancer.

The breast cancer patients were classified by estrogen-receptor tumor subtypes.

Breast cancer cells are termed ER-negative if they don’t have receptors for estrogen. They are ER-positive if they do. Receptors are proteins on the outside surfaces of cells that can attach to hormones found in the blood. When estrogen attaches, it can fuel the growth of breast cancer cells.

Participants were ages 50 to 74, all Swedish born and residents there between October 1993 and March 31, 1995.

The researchers collected information on coffee drinking habits. They also asked about education, family history of breast cancer, menstrual history, reproductive history, and habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and exercising.

Coffee drinkers were grouped into four categories:

  • One cup or less a day
  • More than one cup and up to three cups a day
  • More than three cups and up to five cups a day
  • Five or more cups a day

Those who had one cup or less a day served as the reference group.

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Myth: Breast Cancer Always Comes In The Form Of A Lump

Reality: A lump may indicate breast cancer , but women should also be on the alert for other kinds of changes that may be signs of cancer. These include swelling skin irritation or dimpling breast or nipple pain nipple retraction redness or thickening of the nipple or breast skin or a discharge other than breast milk.

Breast cancer can also spread to underarm lymph nodes and cause swelling there before a tumour in the breast is large enough to be felt. On the other hand, a mammogram may pick up breast cancer that has no outward symptoms at all.

Read more about signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

The Results Of Caffeine On Breasts

Heres how I reduced my breast size from without getting surgery done..Instagram:You can also find me here:My Natural Sistas.

Video taken from the channel: Toni Mitchell

Video taken from the channel: OziVid


Video taken from the channel: Breast Cancer Answers®

People often wonder if there is a link between breast cancer and caffeine consumption. Will drinking caffeine increase your risk for breast cancer? Dr. Jay Harness addresses this question in the video below..Click Here & Get The 15 Breast Cancer Questions To Ask Your Doctor Cancer Answers is a social media show where viewers submit a question and get the answer from an expert. Submit your question now at, information should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Use the information provided on this site solely at your own risk. If you have any concerns about your health, please consult with a physician.

Video taken from the channel: Breast Cancer Answers®

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Are There Any Benefits Of Caffeine

The coffee brew is a rich source of various bioactive compounds that are powerful antioxidants. Though the naturally occurring compounds may be destroyed during roasting, the antioxidant properties of coffee may be maintained and even increased by the production of compounds that have antioxidant activity.

Consumption of coffee in moderate amounts has been associated with more health benefits than harm. A study found that drinking coffee was accompanied by an 815 percent decrease in death risk . Other studies found that people who drink coffee may have a decreased risk of the following:

  • Heart disease
  • Parkinsons disease

Myth: Caffeine Increases Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

4 Foods That May Cause Breast Cancer

No. Studies have found no link between the consumption of caffeine and an increased breast cancer risk. Rather, some studies have found that caffeine may actually decrease a persons risk.

There have always been quite a few concerns surrounding the use of caffeine some true and some false. Youve probably heard people say that caffeine stunts your growth, or that it can dehydrate you, or make it difficult to get pregnant. And now it seems that people are saying caffeine can give you breast cancer. While its important that we all exercise caution around the substances we are putting into our bodies, its also important that we dont give in to the everything causes cancer mentality and spread frightening rumours as a result.

So, heres what you need to know about caffeine. Two studies, one Swedish and one German, studied thousands of postmenopausal women and their health histories half that were diagnosed with breast cancer and the other half that were not. Heres what they found:

  • Women who drank at least five cups of coffee had 33-57% less likely to develop hormone-receptor-negative breast cancer post menopause
  • Coffee drinking was also related to a lower risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer

Similarly, the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort study came to the same conclusion.

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Myth: Needle Biopsies Can Disturb Cancer Cells And Cause Them To Spread To Other Parts Of The Body

Reality: Theres no conclusive evidence for this claim. A study of more than 2,000 cancer patients by researchers at Mayo Clinics campus in Jacksonville, Florida, has dispelled the myth that cancer biopsies cause cancer to spread. In the Jan. 9, 2015 online issue of Gut, they show that patients who received a biopsy had a better outcome and longer survival than patients who did not have a biopsy. The benefits of being diagnosed early far outweigh the risks of having a biopsy. If you have any questions or concerns about having a biopsy, ask your health care provider beforehand.

Recommendations For Relieving Breast Pain

If you’re experiencing cyclical breast pain, adjusting your caffeine intake is one way to try and ease your discomfort. Because each woman is different, it’s important to do a trial period where you test whether or not caffeine intake is influencing your breast pain. Try taking caffeine out of your diet for a few weeks and see what the results are.

Of course, there are many other ways to alleviate breast pain. Many women wear ill-fitting bras unknowingly, so getting a professional fitting for a more supportive bra may help relieve pain. Additionally, using a hot or cold compress on the site to soothe the swelling may help. Learn more about breast pain.

  • Hutchinson, Susan M.D. “The Stages of a Woman’s Life: Menstruation, Pregnancy, Nursing, Perimenopause, Menopause”. November 2007.
  • Love, Susan M.D. Menopause and Hormone Book. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003.
  • BMJ Group. “Menopause: What is it?” Patient Leaflet. 2007

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Assessment Of Medical History Anthropometric Data And Other Lifestyle Factors

On the 1976 baseline questionnaires, we requested information about age, weight and height, smoking status, family history of breast cancer, use of hormone therapy, and personal history of other diseases. This information has been updated on the biennial follow-up questionnaires. Body mass index was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Alcohol intake was assessed on the FFQ from consumption of beer, wine and liquor. Other covariates included were age at menarche, parity, age at first birth, age at menopause, history of benign breast disease, physical activity, weight change after age 18.

What Is Dense Breast Tissue

Can Coffee Prevent Cancer?

Dense breasts are more common in younger women with smaller breasts. You cannot feel breast density and you cant tell just by firmness. You have to go to a doctor and get a mammogram.

It has been established by many studies that people with dense breasts are at a higher risk for breast cancer. However, the research done on caffeine and breast cancer found that drinking coffee does not increase any risk in breast cancer.

Because of these results, women should not be concerned about breast size reduction and breast cancer caused by drinking coffee.

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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 July 2021

Shu Wang
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Xiang Li
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Yue Yang
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Jingping Xie
Affiliation:Office of Retirement, Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China
Mingyue Liu
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Ya Zhang
College of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang, Peoples Republic of China
Yingshi Zhang*
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China
Qingchun Zhao*
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, No. 103 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, Peoples Republic of China


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