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How You Know You Have Breast Cancer

What To Expect At The Breast Clinic

How to tell your kids you have breast cancer

Your breast clinic appointment may take several hours so that all the necessary tests can be carried out. You will usually have a breast examination, followed by one or more of the following tests:

The order in which the tests are done will vary between clinics.

You can take a partner, friend or relative with you for company and support. Some people prefer to go on their own.

You may be asked to fill in a short questionnaire before you are seen by a doctor or specialist nurse. This includes questions about:

  • any family history of breast problems
  • any medicines youre taking, including hormone replacement therapy or the contraceptive pill
  • any previous breast surgery, including breast implants

During your breast examination, the doctor or nurse may want to check both your breasts when you are sitting, and again when you are lying down. As part of the examination, its normal to examine the lymph nodes under your arm and around your neck.

If you have been referred from a breast screening clinic, you may not have a breast examination.

Having a breast examination, breast imaging and tissue removal is known as a triple assessment. This may be necessary to make a definite diagnosis.

Invest In Booking Software

Very few personal trainers are in the position to hire a receptionist to manage their bookings. However, you dont want to answer the phone or send emails while you are in the middle of a training session.

If your client notices you focusing your attention on your phone instead of watching and advising them during their class, they wont be satisfied. At the end of the day, they have spent their hard-earned money on your services.

Thanks to modern technology there are plenty of software systems that will help you handle your bookings. Although there are standard booking systems that a variety of businesses use, you should consider investing in a booking system that is designed specifically for personal trainers. These software packages and apps will allow your new or old clients to make bookings online.

You wont have to worry about missing phone calls or forgetting to reply to messages because the system will send you and your clients notifications on their bookings. These systems can put your mind at ease so you can focus on your clients training sessions instead of your phone or computer.

If you do want to keep track of your bookings during each session, consider investing in a smartwatch. This way you can receive notifications without disturbing your client. You can glance at your smartwatch now and again to keep on top of everything.

How Does The Doctor Know I Have Breast Cancer

A change seen on your mammogram may be the first sign of breast cancer. Or you may have found a lump or other change in your breast.

The doctor will ask you questions about your health and will do a physical exam. A breast exam is done to look for changes in the nipples or the skin of your breasts. The doctor will also check the lymph nodes under your arm and above your collarbone. Swollen or hard lymph nodes might mean breast cancer has spread there.

If signs are pointing to breast cancer, more tests will be done. Here are some of the tests you may need:

Mammogram: This is an x-ray of the breast. Mammograms are mostly used to find breast cancer early. But another mammogram might be done to look more closely at the breast problem you might have.

MRI scan: MRIs use radio waves and strong magnets instead of x-rays to make detailed pictures. MRIs can be used to learn more about the size of the cancer and look for other tumors in the breast.

Breast ultrasound: For this test, a small wand is moved around on your skin. It gives off sound waves and picks up the echoes as they bounce off tissues. The echoes are made into a picture that you can see on a computer screen. Ultrasound can help the doctor see if a lump is a fluid-filled cyst , or if it’s a tumor that could be cancer.

Nipple discharge exam: If you have fluid coming from your nipple, some of it may be sent to a lab. There, it will be checked to see if there are cancer cells in it.

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Where Do I Go Get My Pfizer Booster And How Much Will It Cost

You can get your booster shot at pharmacies, your doctors office, health departments, occupational clinics, and federal programs, according to the CDC.

Over 70% of current COVID-19 administration occurs in pharmacies, the CDC states.

Boosters for all COVID-19 vaccines are completely free.

All COVID-19 vaccines, including booster doses, will be provided free of charge to the U.S. population, the CDC said Thursday.

Treatments To Reduce Your Risk

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If you have a greatly increased risk of developing breast cancer, for example, a BRCA gene carrier, treatment might be available to reduce your risk. This applies to a very small minority of women.

Your level of risk is determined by factors such as your age, your family’s medical history, and the results of genetic tests.

You will usually be referred to a specialist genetics service if it’s thought you have a significantly increased risk of breast cancer. Healthcare professionals working at these services might discuss treatment options with you.

The 2 main treatments are surgery to remove the breasts or medication. These are described in more detail below.

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Genomic Tests To Predict Recurrence Risk

Doctors use genomic tests to look for specific genes or proteins, which are substances made by the genes, that are found in or on cancer cells. These tests help doctors better understand the unique features of each patients breast cancer. Genomic tests can also help estimate the risk of the cancer coming back after treatment. Knowing this information helps doctors and patients make decisions about specific treatments and can help some patients avoid unwanted side effects from a treatment that may not be needed.

The genomic tests listed below can be done on a sample of the tumor that was already removed during biopsy or surgery. Most patients will not need an extra biopsy or more surgery for these tests.

For patients age 50 or younger

    • Recurrence score less than 16: Hormonal therapy is usually recommended, but chemotherapy is generally not needed

    • Recurrence score of 16 to 30: Chemotherapy may be recommended before hormonal therapy is given

    • Recurrence score of 31 or higher: Chemotherapy is usually recommended before hormonal therapy is given

For patients older than 50

The tests listed above have not been shown to be useful to predict risk of recurrence for people with HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer. Therefore, none of these tests are currently recommended for breast cancer that is HER2 positive or triple negative. Your doctor will use other factors to help recommend treatment options for you.

Do We Have To Show Proof Of Being High Risk Due To An Underlying Medical Condition Or That We Live Or Work In A Place That Puts Us At High Risk For Severe Covid

It will work on the honor system, Schaffner says. In other words, you show up and say youre eligible, you wont be quizzed about it, and the location, whether its a pharmacy or vaccination site, will give you the booster.

This is the same procedure we already have in place for people who are immunocompromised. All they have to do is show up and say, Im in an immunocompromised group, and they get the third dose.

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Your Areolas Have Gotten Thicker

You probably have a pretty good idea of how your areolas usually look and feel at this pointthey’ve been on your body for quite some time, after allso if you notice any thickening, it’s something to check out. This can also take place in the breast skin as well, says the American Cancer Society.

Special Treats For Mammo Techs


Okay, supervisors and admin people, this is for you. We know how we all love food so plan for pizza, ice cream sundaes, breakfast burritos, sandwiches, etc. Once a week is enough, but you can do more. One year we had a Massage Therapist bring in a massage chair and each tech got a 10 min back rub. Another year we had a gal who did foot massages where each tech received a 10 min foot rub. And yes, the rads can jump in there too! You may think, oh my administration would never allow that, but youd be surprised!! It doesnt hurt to ask. Finally, at the end of the month, everyone might enjoy going out for Happy Hour.; ; Celebrate all you have done and given during Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

So much of what we do in life depends on how we react to situations. One of my big life lessons was to realize that while we cannot control many things that happen in life , we can control how we respond and react to them.;

Sure, sometimes we need to blow off a little steam . Take a walk outside during your break or lunch I know what you are thinking: IF I get a break or lunch. But rather than internalize the stress that may be associated with a very busy month, find a way to defuse in a way that is healthy and positive. Post a picture on your computer monitor of your grandkids or pet or something that makes you smile.

Stay focused on the difference that you have made in womens lives who you know nothing about.

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Should I Expect The Same Side Effects That I Experienced When I Received My Initial Doses Of Covid

You may experience similar side effects, like arm soreness, mild flu, body aches, and other common symptoms, according to the CDC.

But its important to remember that everyone reacts differently to vaccines, says Ascher.

I have had patients where there were none to minimal symptoms, and others who felt they had a mild flu for 24 hours, he says.

I expect no side effects greater than what was felt with your prior doses. The vaccine is very safe, and the benefit of vaccination outweighs the risks of any mild side effects.

If youd like more information, you can check out the CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services websites for updates on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. You can also reach out to your doctor or other health care providers to learn more.

WebMD Health News

Anita Gupta, DO, adjunct assistant professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine and pain medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.;

Eric Ascher, MD, Family Medicine Physician, Lenox Hill Hospital.;

William Schaffner, MD, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases, Vanderbilt University.


Further Tests For Breast Cancer

If a diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed, more tests will be needed to determine the stage and grade of the cancer, and to work out the best method of treatment.;

If;your;cancer was detected through the NHS Breast Screening Programme, you’ll have further tests in the screening centre before being referred for treatment.;

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What Is A Normal Breast

No breast is typical. What is normal for you may not be normal for another woman. Most women say their breasts feel lumpy or uneven. The way your breasts look and feel can be affected by getting your period, having children, losing or gaining weight, and taking certain medications. Breasts also tend to change as you age. For more information, see the National Cancer Institutes Breast Changes and Conditions.external icon

How Would You Know If You Have Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer: A Visual Guide

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can have several symptoms, but the first noticeable symptom is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue.

Most breast lumps are not cancerous, but it’s always best to have them checked by a doctor.

You should also see a GP if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • a change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • discharge from either of your nipples, which may be streaked with blood
  • a lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • dimpling on the skin of your breasts
  • a rash on or around your nipple
  • a change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast

Breast pain is not usually a symptom of breast cancer.

Find out more about the symptoms of breast cancer.

Types Of Cancers That Are More Likely To Go Undetected

Some cancers are more easily detected than others. For example, certain types of skin cancer can be diagnosed initially just by visual inspection though a biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

But other cancers can form and grow undetected for 10 years or more, as one study found, making diagnosis and treatment that much more difficult.

This table provides an overview of common cancers that often display little or no symptoms early on, and how theyre typically detected and diagnosed:

Type of cancer

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Early Signs Of Breast Cancer To Watch For

Its normal for a persons breasts to change during her lifetime. They can change size, feel different in texture and be a source of pain or tenderness especially during breastfeeding and menopause. And while most of these changes are caused by things other than cancer, its still important for people to be informed about breast cancer warning signs and screenings so they can catch breast cancer in its early stages.

The warning signs of breast cancer can vary greatly from person to person, but there are some warning signs you can look out for, according to the American Cancer Society, including:

  • Nipple discharge
  • Nipple retraction
  • Pain in the breast or nipple
  • Redness, scaliness or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
  • Skin irritation;
  • Swelling of all or part of a breast

The majority of breast cancers are caught before symptoms appear, thanks in part to people getting a mammogram as part of their wellness routine. A mammogram is an X-ray taken of each of breast to check for tumors or other abnormalities. The availability of;3D mammography;technology allows doctors to more accurately examine breast tissue and reduces the amount of re-screening appointments and both false-positive and false-negative readings. Inspira offers 3D mammography, ultrasound and MRI breast imaging at six locations.

Other Causes Of Pain And Tenderness

How Did I Know I Had Breast Cancer?

We often associate pain with something wrong, so when people feel tenderness or pain in their breast, they often think of breast cancer. But breast pain is rarely the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer. Several other factors can cause the pain.

Clinically known as mastalgia, breast pain can also be caused by the following:

  • the fluctuation of hormones caused by menstruation

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‘my Dog Found My Cancer’

I had just been to the ob-gyn for my annual check-up and breast exam, and got the ‘all okay.’ Soon after, my little dog Zoe climbed up on me and started pawing at a specific part of my breast. Little alarms went off in my head, telling me to pay attention. It was like a slow-motion movie. I pushed her off and thats when I found a little round BB-sized lump. After a mammogram that didnt show anything, and a sonogram that found the lump, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Its so important to listen to the messages our bodies are telling us.

Christine Egan, author of The Healthy Girls Guide to Breast Cancer, Bayport, New York

RELATED:;The 5 Breast Cancer Stages, Explained

More Information About The Tnm Staging System

The T category describes the original tumor:

  • TX means the tumor can’t be assessed.
  • T0 means there isn’t any evidence of the primary tumor.
  • Tis means the cancer is “in situ” .
  • T1, T2, T3, T4: These numbers are based on the size of the tumor and the extent to which it has grown into neighboring breast tissue. The higher the T number, the larger the tumor and/or the more it may have grown into the breast tissue.

The N category describes whether or not the cancer has reached nearby lymph nodes:

  • NX means the nearby lymph nodes can’t be assessed, for example, if they were previously removed.
  • N0 means nearby lymph nodes do not contain cancer.
  • N1, N2, N3: These numbers are based on the number of lymph nodes involved and how much cancer is found in them. The higher the N number, the greater the extent of the lymph node involvement.

The M category tells whether or not there is evidence that the cancer has traveled to other parts of the body:

  • MX means metastasis can’t be assessed.
  • M0 means there is no distant metastasis.
  • M1 means that distant metastasis is present.

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