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Breast Cancer Shortness Of Breath

A Breathing Exercise To Try

Activated breathing control during breast cancer treatment

In this exercise, you are going to focus on slow, controlled but natural breathing. It’s up to you, but people sometimes find it easier to close their eyes during this exercise.

  • focus your attention on your breathing, feel the air coming into your body and then leaving again
  • breathe in slowly for a count of three
  • hold the breath for a count of three
  • breathe out slowly for a count of three – do not force or blow your breath out

As you breathe in, raise your shoulders and hold them for the count of three. As you breath out, relax your shoulders back down.

You might like to imagine warm water running down your back gently soothing and softening the tension in your shoulders as you relax.

Repeat this exercise three to five times or until you feel relaxed.

What Tests Might I Have

To treat breathlessness, your doctor will need to know whats causing it. You may need some of the following tests:

  • Chest X-ray. A chest X-ray can check your lungs for signs of infection, damage or a build-up of fluid.
  • Blood test. A blood test can give your doctor more information about your breathlessness and what is causing it.
  • Pulmonary function tests . Pulmonary function tests measure how well your lungs work.
  • CT scan. A CT scan gives a more accurate picture of what is going on inside your body. It does this by taking many X-rays at different angles. A CT scan can help to find disease and any build-up of fluid throughout your body.

What Causes Lung Toxicity

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may both cause lung toxicity. One of the ways that radiation and chemotherapy drugs damage cells is by forming free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules which are formed during many normal cellular processes that involve oxygen, such as burning fuel for energy. They are also formed from exposure to elements in the environment, like tobacco smoke, radiation and chemotherapy drugs. The free radical damage from radiation and chemotherapy is worse in the lungs because of the high concentration of oxygen.

Any chemotherapy drug can damage the lungs. Radiation to the chest cavity commonly causes lung toxicity. Cancers that may be treated with radiation to the chest cavity include breast cancer, lung cancer, and Hodgkins lymphoma. Symptoms may not occur until 2-3 months after radiation treatment.

The chemotherapy drugs that have been reported to cause lung damage include:

  • Arsenic trioxide

Notify your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms.

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Tips For Relieving Shortness Of Breath

Use controlled breathing techniques. Focusing on your breathing pattern may help decrease shortness of breath. Take slow, even breaths by inhaling deeply through your nose for a count of two and exhaling for a count of four. When you exhale, put your lips together as if you are slowly blowing out a candle.

Pace your activities. Plan your day so you use your energy on the activities most important to you first and limit unnecessary activities. If you become short of breath during an activity, stop and rest. Avoid multiple trips up and down stairs and take rest breaks in between and during activities.

Try to relax. When you feel short of breath, its important to stay calm, since anxiety can make breathing problems worse. A behavioral health therapist may recommend strategies, such as relaxation techniques, meditation or massage. A professional counselor/therapist can also provide emotional support and practical advice.

Find a comfortable position. Comfortable positioning may help make breathing easier. While in bed, raise your head on pillows so youre close to sitting up. Do not lie flat on your back. Instead, lie with your knees bent, or place a pillow under your knees. When sitting in a chair, sit upright and lean slightly forward with your arms resting on a table.

Visit a rehabilitation therapist. A rehabilitation program can teach you various techniques and therapies to help decrease shortness of breath.

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Correlation Among Patients’ Self

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The median level of dyspnea at the time of the study enrollment as perceived by patients was 3 . The patient’s dyspnea level was overestimated by caregivers and underestimated by nurses . The rating of dyspnea correlated strongly between patients and caregivers, and moderately between patients and nurses . Caregivers overestimated dyspnea compared with patients, albeit this was not statistically significant . Nurses underrated dyspnea compared with patients .

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Symptom: Unexplained Weight Loss

Have you lost weight for no reason? One of the first signs of cancer, including lung cancer, is unexplained weight loss. This may be due to cancer cells diverting energy from food away from normal metabolic processes and toward their own unchecked cell growth. If you have lost 10 pounds or more and you havent been trying, see your doctor immediately.

Poor Appetite And Weight Loss

Sometimes people with secondary breast cancer cant eat as much as usual. This means they have difficulty maintaining their weight as well as providing the body with energy. Low energy levels can affect mobility and might make it harder to manage any symptoms such as breathlessness.

Poor appetite can be due to the effects of the cancer, treatment or anxiety. A small number of people may have difficulty swallowing.

You might find it easier to eat little and often instead of having set meals. If you still feel you arent eating enough, are losing weight or have no interest in food, talk to your doctor or specialist nurse about dietary supplements or ask to speak to a dietitian for specialist advice.

In some circumstances you may be prescribed medication to help stimulate your appetite.

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Symptoms If Cancer Has Spread To The Bones

You may have any of these symptoms if your cancer has spread to the bones:

  • an ache or pain in the affected bone
  • breaks in the bones because they are weaker
  • breathlessness, looking pale, bruising and bleeding due to low levels of blood cells – blood cells are made in the bone marrow and can be crowded out by the cancer cells

Sometimes when bones are damaged by advanced cancer, the bones release calcium into the blood. This is called hypercalcaemia and can cause various symptoms such as:

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What causes shortness of breath with lung cancer? Sometimes, lung cancer tumors grow in a way that blocks airways, put pressure on lungs or cause inflammation in the respiratory system. All of these situations can prevent your respiratory system from working properly, leading to problems getting in enough air.

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If You Want To Try To Stop Losing Weight

  • Be sure to drink enough water and other liquids. Drink liquids between meals not during, so you wont fill up.
  • Choose snacks that are high in calories and protein such as nuts, trail mix, dried fruit, granola, peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs, or cheese.
  • Drink smoothies, milkshakes, and nutritional supplements or bars to put more calories and protein in your diet.
  • Eat your favorite food any time of the day: Eat breakfast foods for dinner dinner foods for lunch
  • Try adding high-calorie foods such as whipped cream, sour cream, cream cheese, butter, or gravy to what you eat to avoid further weight loss.
  • Ask about meeting with a dietitian.

Complications Related To Lung Metastases

The lungs are the second most common site to which breast cancer spreads, with lung metastases occurring in roughly a third of people with metastatic breast cancer.

Sometimes this doesn’t cause symptoms, and the lung metastases might only be found on an imaging test. The most common symptom is shortness of breath.

Local treatments, such as radiation or surgery, are sometimes used for the treatment of one or more lung metastases, and this may improve life expectancy.

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What Treatments Are Available For Metastatic Breast Cancer In The Lungs

Metastatic breast cancer that has migrated to the lungs is stage IV cancer and is considered incurable. However, many patients can still have several years of high-quality life with proper treatment to slow the growth and spread of cancer cells. Some options include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and radiation. Your doctor may suggest one of these treatments or a combination.

Your treatment plan will likely depend on several factors, such as how extensive the cancer is within the lung, whether the cancer has spread to other organs, what symptoms you have, what treatments youve already had, whether youve been through menopause, and your general health. You can help yourself stay healthy for cancer treatment by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising as much as possible.

Can You Be Short Of Breath While Resting

What Is Metastatic Breast Cancer

Dyspnea can come on gradually or very suddenly. It can also vary in intensity and the frequency of episodes. For some, shortness of breath may occur with exertion, such as exercise, walking up stairs, doing household chores or getting dressed. Others may feel short of breath while resting. Dyspnea can make you feel acutely and uncomfortably aware of your breathing. You may not only feel short of breath, but your breathing may also be labored or uncomfortable, or you may feel tightness in the chest or a sensation that you are suffocating.

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How To Determine If You Have Lung Cancer

When making decisions about how best to treat you, your treatment team will consider factors such as: 1 How extensive the cancer is within the lung 2 Whether the cancer has spread to other organs 3 Any symptoms you have 4 What treatment youve had in the past 5 The features of the cancer 6 Whether youve been through the menopause 7 Your general health

Can Lung Cancer Cause Dyspnea

The cancer patients most likely to present with dyspnea are those with lung cancer, though often not until the later stages of the disease. There is a prevailing but false assumption that patients with lung cancer instantly suffer from shortness of breath, hemoptysis, and coughing, Ms. Henke said. In fact, patients rarely complain of breathing

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Keeping Personal Health Records

You and your doctor should work together to develop a personalized follow-up care plan. Be sure to discuss any concerns you have about your future physical or emotional health. ASCO offers forms to help keep track of the cancer treatment you received and develop a survivorship care plan when treatment is completed. At the conclusion of active treatment, ask your doctor to provide you with a treatment summary and a survivorship care plan.

This is also a good time to talk with your doctor about who will lead your follow-up care. Some survivors continue to see their oncologist, while others transition back to the care of their primary care doctor, another health care professional, or a specialized survivorship clinic. This decision depends on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, side effects, health insurance rules, and your personal preferences. If a doctor who was not directly involved in your cancer care will lead your follow-up care, be sure to share your cancer treatment summary and survivorship care plan forms with them and with all future health care providers. Details about your cancer treatment are very valuable to the health care professionals who will care for you throughout your lifetime.

The next section in this guide is Survivorship. It describes how to cope with challenges in everyday life after a cancer diagnosis. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide.

Changes In Bowel Habits

What is metastatic breast cancer?

Speak to a GP if you’ve noticed changes in your usual bowel habits and it’s lasted for 3 weeks or more.

The type of changes to look out for include:

  • tummy discomfort
  • diarrhoea or constipation for no obvious reason
  • a feeling of not having fully emptied your bowels after going to the toilet
  • pain in your stomach or bottom
  • your poo is loose, pale or looks greasy

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Change In Breast Shape Size And Colour

If youve had radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery, the breast tissue on the treated side may feel firmer than before, or the breast may be smaller and look different.

Although this is normal, you may be concerned about differences in the size of your breasts, or worry that the difference is noticeable when youre dressed.

You can discuss this with your breast surgeon to see if anything can be done to make the difference less noticeable.

How To Make Breathing Easier

Find a comfortable position. Comfortable positioning may help make breathing easier. While in bed, raise your head on pillows so youre close to sitting up. Do not lie flat on your back. Instead, lie with your knees bent, or place a pillow under your knees. When sitting in a chair, sit upright and lean slightly forward with your arms resting on a table.

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What Is Being Done To Help People With Metastatic Breast Cancer

While metastatic breast cancer cant be cured as of today, survival time has increased dramatically. Finding a cure for metastatic breast cancer is a top priority for many of the nations leading clinical researchers. Refer to the Susan G. Komen website to find a local affiliate, obtain educational materials, learn about additional resources, and become informed about clinical trial opportunities.

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Symptoms Of Metastatic Breast Cancer

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Symptoms depend on where the cancer has metastasized. According to Habibi, common areas include the bones of the spine, the lungs and the liver. The symptoms can be back pain, shortness of breath, cough and fatigue.

Some types, including triple negative breast cancer, can also spread to the brain. The patient can experience headache, convulsions, changes in mood, and difficulty with speech or field of vision, Habibi says.

People who have been treated for breast cancer should be on the lookout for symptoms such as:

  • Back or neck pain

Reporting these symptoms is important, says Habibi. Patients are usually the first and best people to notice something is not right, and can ask for guidance from their physicians.

After completion of the active phase of cancer care, and in the absence of specific symptoms, we usually do not recommend routine metastatic workup.

Doing a lot of unnecessary testing can harm the patient, he explains. Small abnormalities in one test can lead to additional test and biopsies, which can be very stressful to the patient, and repeated testing without symptoms has not been shown to improve outcomes.

However, patients should continue with their routine follow-ups as prescribed by their surgeon, medical oncologist and primary care doctor, the latter of whom plays a very important role in the survivorship phase.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , most commonly emphysema or chronic bronchitis, frequently have chronic shortness of breath and a chronic productive cough. An acute exacerbation presents with increased shortness of breath and sputum production.COPD is a risk factor for pneumonia thus this condition should be ruled out. In an acute exacerbation treatment is with a combination of anticholinergics, beta2-adrenoceptor agonists, steroids and possibly positive pressure ventilation.

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What Is Secondary Breast Cancer

Secondary breast cancer in the lung happens when breast cancer cells spread to the lung . It can also be known as lung metastases or secondaries in the lung. Secondary breast cancer in the lung is not the same as cancer that started in the lung. Usually secondary breast cancer occurs months or years after primary breast cancer.

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How To Reduce The Risk Of Metastasis

After someone has received initial treatment, breast cancer can lay dormant in the body before spreading to other areas. People who have received treatment in the past should monitor themselves for any signs or symptoms that could indicate cancer recurrence.

While there is no single way to avoid developing metastatic breast cancer entirely, there are some lifestyle changes that can help reduce a persons risk.

People may reduce the risk of metastases with the following factors:

  • having regular health screenings

Where Can Breast Cancer Spread

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The most common places for breast cancer to spread to are the lymph nodes, bone, liver, lungs and brain. The symptoms you may experience will depend on where in the body the cancer has spread to. You might not have all of the symptoms mentioned here.

Remember other conditions can cause these symptoms. They don’t necessarily mean that you have cancer that has spread. But if you have symptoms that you are worried about, discuss them with your GP, cancer specialist, or breast care nurse so that you can be checked.

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About Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath happens when you are not taking in enough oxygen and your lungs try to draw in more air to make up for it.

Difficulty breathing is called dyspnoea .

Between 5 and 7 out of every 10 cancer patients have this symptom at some time during their illness. This figure rises to 9 out of 10 for people who have advanced lung cancer.

What Is The Shortness Of Breath

September 14, 2020 | by CTCA. Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a common symptom and side effect of cancer and its treatment. If youve ever experienced shortness of breath, you know how frightening it can be to feel like you cant get enough air. Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a common symptom and side effect of cancer ,

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