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HomeTreatmentBreast Cancer Treatment In India

Breast Cancer Treatment In India

During The Radiation Process: Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad, India | Yashoda Hospitals
External Radiation Therapy Internal Radiation Therapy
Once the patient arrives at the hospital, he/she is taken to the radiation therapy room. The patient has to put on the hospital gown. In this process, the radioactive source is inserted once or twice a day in the implanted radiation delivery service.
The therapist takes X-rays or images to detect the exact affected area. It is an outpatient process. The patient can leave between the sessions.
Now, the therapist goes into another room after turning on the machine that emits radiation and monitors everything on a TV screen. Most often, each session takes around 15 to 45 minutes. After the session is performed, the radioactive source is removed. The treatment area may become sore for several days as the tissue takes time for recovery from the surgery and radiation therapy.

Breast Cancer Surgery & Its Cost In India

Breast cancer surgery is the most common treatment for this type of cancer and can involve a number of different procedures depending on the stage and severity of the disease. Procedures may include lumpectomies, mastectomies, breast reconstructions, and more.

The cost of breast cancer surgery in India will vary depending on several factors, including the specific types of procedures involved, where they are performed, and other individualized medical factors. Generally speaking, however, breast cancer surgery costs in India are lower than those found in many Western countries.

For example, a lumpectomy with reconstruction in India typically costs between Rs 2-3 lakhs, while a mastectomy can cost around Rs 1-2 lakhs. Surgery, as mentioned above, will also vary in cost depending on the specific procedure being performed.

A course of chemotherapy in India typically costs between Rs 1-4 lakhs, depending on the drugs used while radiation therapy can cost around Rs 1-3 lakhs.

Sometimes a combination of cancer treatment is required and performed to obtain better results. In such cases, the cost of treatment is usually on the higher side.

When considering breast cancer surgery in India, it is important to consult with your cancer doctor or breast specialist to discuss all of your options and decide which type of procedure is best for you. You should also compare prices among different hospitals or clinics before making a decision. Good luck!

Why India Is Better

India is a developing country equipped with world-class technology and skilled professionals. The healthcare sector is one of the most advanced fields in India.

These are some of the major reasons which make India one of the best countries to get breast cancer treatment:

  • Top Doctors In India, most cancer specialists have years of experience in this field and excellent skills in treating people with cancer. They can diagnose the stage of cancer and can plan a precise treatment plan for the patient according to their need and overall health. They work closely with the non-medical staff and the patient to provide them with palliative care and support. Patients receive prime treatment in India with the correct dose and high-quality care.
  • Top hospitals The government recognizes almost all the cancer hospitals in India. They provide first-rate facilities and infrastructure, providing a peaceful environment for the patients health. All the cancer hospitals offer great cancer care and assist the patient to boost their morale. The medical and non-medical staff come together to provide international service efficacy in India.
  • Advance equipment With the best facilities and skilled doctors, Indian cancer hospitals also provide the latest equipment for surgery and diagnosis. The robotic technology and cyberknife reduce surgical issues and assist in complicated interventions.

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Breast Cancer Diagnosis Tests And Its Cost In India

There are a number of different tests that may be used to diagnose breast cancer, including mammograms, ultrasounds, genetic testing, and biopsies. Each of these diagnostic tests will have a different cost depending on the specific test being performed and the hospital or clinic where it is administered.

The cost of mammograms in India typically ranges from Rs 2,000 to 4,000, while ultrasounds can cost anywhere from Rs 5,000 to 10,000. Genetic testing can be quite expensive and often costs several thousand rupees or more. Finally, biopsies tend to be somewhat cheaper than other tests at around Rs 10,000 to 12,000.

While the cost of breast cancer diagnosis tests in India may vary depending on a number of factors, it is important to note that these costs are typically lower than those found in many Western countries. This makes it more affordable for many people to access the care they need and get an accurate diagnosis of their condition.

Age Distribution Of Breast Cancer In India

Breast cancer treatment in india

The rise in breast cancer has been especially in the younger age groups.

  • Incidence means the numbers of women detected with breast cancer in that particular year, and is represented by the blue color in the charts below. The charts represent data for the year 2018. So the numbers in ‘Incidence’ represent the number of women who were newly detected with breast cancer for the year 2018.

  • Mortality means the numbers of women who died of breast cancer in that particular year, and is represented by the red color in the charts below. In the charts below, the mortality numbers have been highlighted with red arrows in the column ‘count’

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Blk Cancer Care Delhi

BLKCC, with state of the art equipment, facilities and experienced, faculty & staff, is wholly committed to highly personalized and comprehensive cancer care. Patient centric focus, multidisciplinary approach, personalized, cost effective solutions with utmost care to all medical needs of the patient coupled with administrative needs are meticulously looked into by a team of experienced medical and administrative teams. Patients are the focus of everything we do at BLKCC informing them of all progress. Our mission is to advance patient care, education and research continuous to change the course of cancer care. The close collaboration between our physician, surgeons, Radiologists, Pathologist and other allied specialty is one of our unique strength enabling us to provide the best care available today to the patient as we work to discover more effective strategies to prevent and cure cancer.

We are best known for our leading edge cancer therapies and we take particular pride in the compassion and dedication of our doctors, nurses and other health care staff.

Patient care:

At BLKCC our sole focus is to cure cancer. We follow the current standards of care and treatment protocols for each type and stage of cancer. The strategies for early diagnosis, treatment management, rehabilitation, pain relief and terminal care have been established in a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach for cancer care.

Prostate Cancer Treatment In India

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. It occurs in the prostate gland, which nourishes and transports seminal fluid. When detected early, it can be contained and managed effectively.

The treatment plan for prostate cancer is charted only after identifying the following:

  • The size of the tumor
  • The extent of spread
  • Its chances of coming back
  • Also Check: What Shape Are Breast Cancer Lumps

    Latest Statistics Of Breast Cancer In India 2020

    Breast Cancer is the Most common cancer in women in India, in both males and females combined, in cities in India and in rural areas of India as well. There are various sources of statistics for breast cancer in India. The statistics and images shown on this page are all from Globocan 2018 . We have data from NCRP as well, but since the last publication of NCRP data is 2014, we have represented data from Globocan, which is for the year 2018.

    Why Choose India For Breast Cancer Treatment

    Choosing wisely with breast cancer in India

    India houses some world-class hospitals for breast cancer treatment. These hospitals offer state-of-the-art treatment and diagnostic facilities, which includes the use of high-end and the latest technology. The affordable mammogram cost and breast cancer treatment cost charged by the hospitals makes patients come to India for medical treatment. The cost is just one-fifth of what it costs in other countries, like UK, US, and UAE.There are many reasons why patients from abroad feel confident and safe while traveling to India for breast cancer treatment. Some of the reasons include the following:

    • The facilities offered at the breast cancer hospitals adhere to national accreditation standards and that of international hospitals.
    • The staff employed at the top hospitals for breast cancer treatment in India are fluent in English.
    • The doctors understand the needs of the patients quite well.
    • Top doctors in India make use of third generation technology plus medical techniques for patients.
    • A loving and compassionate environment is the unique selling proposition of Indian hospitals.
    • The best hospitals boast of the most eclectic group of surgical oncologists combined with the medical team.
    • The surgeons possess the expertise and skills required for solving the simplest to the most complicated cases.

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    Breast Cancer Is Conquerable If Detected Early

    Breast Cancer is established as one of the nations most formidable enemies in the healthcare landscape. It is one of the most common cancers amongst Indian women every year as many as 100,000 women develop breast cancer in the country. This high incidence is poised to rise to an even more unmanageable number.

    Breast Cancer is a result of multiple factors which includes environmental and lifestyle changes. In a majority of the cases, it is due to anomalies that arise out of the aging process, while in 5-10% of the cases, it is genetically inherited.

    Early detection is the best protection against breast cancer. Regular self-examination and a mammography at regular intervals have proven to be most effective in early diagnosis and in achieving better results in treatment and cure. Apollo Hospitals has been a pioneer in introducing comprehensive screening protocols for early detection of breast cancer. A suite ofpreventive health checks, advanced imaging, mammography and expert diagnosis has been an Apollo hallmark. Recently, Apollo Hospitals aggregated its many years of experience and expertise in this field into the highly specialized offering The Apollo Breast Clinic.

    Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a life-changing event. Access to the best doctors and treatment is the most vital step in the battle of good health.

    At Apollo Hospitals the teams stand committed, helping patients conquer cancer and live a healthy and happy life.

    Frequently Asked Questions And Patient Concerns:

    Is Breast Cancer curable?

    Breast cancer cannot always be cured but can be treated. Early detection of cancerous cells and tumors is more likely to be cured after treatment. After a patient has been free of symptoms for 5 years or more than some oncologists consider their patient as cured. However, there are chances of some cancer cells that may stay in the body for many years even after treatment.

    How to check Breast Cancer at home?

    It is also called breast cancer self-examination where women can check their breasts each month feeling for any lump, thickening, hardened knot, or any other changes. Look for any swelling, changes in the nipples like any sores, peeling, or change in their direction. Check your nipples for fluid discharge.

    How to cure Breast Cancer without surgery?

    Cryoablation is an alternative to surgery of breast cancer that uses a needle-like probe to freeze and eradicate the tumor. But it only replaces surgery and does not negate the need for radiation or chemical treatments. The non-surgery plan is open only to women with certain types of breast cancers that respond to drug treatment.

    How to prevent Breast Cancer naturally?

    • Maintain a healthy weight
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables
    • Dont smoke
    • Avoid contraceptive pills especially after age 35
    • Breast Feed

    How many chemo treatments for Breast Cancer?

    How to diagnose Breast Cancer?

    Breast cancer can be diagnosed through multiple tests that include:

    • Diagnostic mammogram

    How to cure Breast Cancer with food?

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    Stage 1 Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

    In stage 1 prostate cancer, the tumor has not spread into the prostate. If a prostate-specific antigen test reads high, then it is likely that the tumor is aggressive and will relapse. Active surveillance is mandatory for the early stages of a tumor to gauge its nature and change treatment accordingly. Radiation therapy kills prostate cancer cells and keep them from multiplying at an abnormal rate. It may be administered externally or internally. Radical prostatectomy is another treatment option, which surgically removes the prostate and surrounding tissues that have been affected.

    What Is The Cost Of Treatment In Private And Government Hospital

    Breast cancer treatment in india

    Below is a detailed comparison of the cost you need to pay for breast cancer treatment at a private hospital against what you pay at a government hospital. You can view the list of the best breast cancer hospitals. If you are in search of the best cancer doctors, you can view the list of best breast cancer doctors.

    The standard breast cancer operation cost in India is less for the early stages. The reason for this is simple you only need surgery to remove the tumor. Any of the best breast cancer hospital in India uses radiotherapy and chemotherapy as secondary treatment options for the early stages of breast cancer.

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    How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed

    How to Identify Breast Cancer

    To determine the cause of any signs or symptoms you may have, your doctor will perform a careful physical exam that includes a personal and family medical history, as well as questions about your current overall health status. An examination that includes the following will also be done:

    • Palpation. Carefully feeling the lump and the tissue around it its size, its texture, and whether it moves easily. Benign lumps often feel different from cancerous ones.
    • Nipple discharge examination. Fluid may be collected from spontaneous nipple discharge and then sent to the lab to look for cancer cells. Most nipple secretions are not cancer, as an injury, infection, or benign tumor may cause discharge. For women who are at high risk for breast cancer, a procedure called ductal lavage may be used. Ductal lavage is a procedure that collects cells from inside the milk ductal system the location where most breast cancers begin.

    In addition to a physical examination by your doctor, imaging tests will be performed. Imaging tests may include one or more of the following:

  • Diagnostic mammography
  • Why Apcc For Breast Oncology

    Breast Cancer management in this current era is multidisciplinary and involves the combined team effort of surgical, medical and radiation oncologists.

    In APCC, we follow the site-specific oncology practice which means the concerned oncologists have developed an expertise in the management by focussing care on the same site over many years.

    Each cancer behaves differently based on the site and type of cancer. Thus having breast oncologists for taking care of a breast cancer patient helps in fighting the disease with much more clarity and expertise.

    Current medical oncology relies greatly on the molecular landscape of cancer.

    At APCC, we aim at identifying the best-personalised treatment for the patients and thus promote the international standards in the clinical management available at the best centres around the world.

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    Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

    Some of the common symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • A change in the shape or size of the breast
  • Presence of a lump or mass on the breast
  • A change in the skin of the breast such as dimpling, a persistent rash, inflammation, or scaly patch
  • Soreness or inversion of the nipple
  • Discharge from the nipple
  • Swollen lymph nodes near the breast or underarms
  • If you find any of these symptoms, you must contact Max Hospital with the best doctors for breast cancer in India. An early diagnosis and treatment at the top breast cancer hospital in India will significantly increase the chances of remission and recovery.

    Top Doctors Available In India For Breast Cancer Treatment:

    Breast cancer treatment in India by Dr. T.P.S Bandari, Surgical Oncologist

    In India, most of the doctors who provide Breast Cancer Treatment are well experienced and skilled Oncologists. They can diagnose the stage of cancer and can plan appropriate Breast Cancer Treatment with minimal side effects. They work closely with the nursing staff to make sure the patient receives the correct dose of drugs and the highest quality of care.

    These are the best doctors for Breast Cancer Treatment in India:

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    Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

    Cases of stage 4 prostate cancer are rarely cured. However, the tumor has spread to the bladder, rectum, lymph nodes, organs, or bones. In this stage, hormone therapy may be combined with surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, external radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. Surgery relieves symptoms like bleeding or urinary obstruction. Bisphosphonate drugs inhibit the growth of cancer cells and help prevent cancer cells.

    Journey Of Breast Cancer

    What are the symptoms of breast cancer? How to look out for them? What are the tests, and how is it treated – surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy etc. All about breast cancer that you ever wished to know. All, with a special footnote from an Oncologist, for each section, on what is done. Click on the button below to see the section you will be taken to the SilverLine OncoCare website:

    Read Also: What Stage Is Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

    Winning Over Cancer With Apollo Proton Cancer Centre

    The growing burden of cancer across the globe tells an ominous tale. To counter this growing threat, Apollo Hospitals introduces Proton Beam therapy with focused cancer management teams that will provide optimal solutions like never before. We believe it is critical to redefine our purpose, to reboot our commitment on the single-minded focus to win over cancer. APCC stands as a ray of hope for millions of patients as they join us in the battle to win over cancer.


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