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HomeCurrent Research On Breast Cancer

Current Research On Breast Cancer

Improving Chemotherapy And Existing Treatments

What to know about the latest breakthroughs in breast cancer research

We needed to make the best use of the available chemotherapies, and in those days, there werent a lot of drugs available to choose from. One of the newer drugs was a drug called Doxorubicin or Adriamycin, and it was touted as a real improvement.

In fact, we used it and we used the older combination of three drugs with some cortisone drugs as well, and we compared those, one or the other, in the trial as well as the policy of stopping or continuing. It turned out that the distinction between the two types of chemotherapy wasnt important, but the distinction of keeping going was important in terms of patient outcomes.

Current Research On Anti

* Corresponding authors

a Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology Institute, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, No. 22 Holin He Street, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028002, People’s Republic of ChinaFax: +86-139-4875-0571 Tel: +86-139-4875-0571

b Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Mongolian Medicine Pharmacology for Cardio-Cerebral Vascular System, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, No. 22 Holin He Street, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028002, People’s Republic of China

c First Clinical Medical of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028002, People’s Republic of China

Research In Breast Cancer

We are always learning more about cancer. Researchers and healthcare professionals use what they learn from research studies to develop better practices that will help prevent, find and treat breast cancer. They are also looking for ways to improve the quality of life of people with breast cancer.

The following is a selection of recent research showing promise for treating breast cancer.

Weve included information from the following sources. Each item has an identity number that links to a brief overview .

  • PubMed, US National Library of Medicine
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Canadian Cancer Trials and

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Mri And Breast Cancer

Mammography has been considered as an appropriate screening method for breast cancer detection for many years but it cant distinguish between the solid and cystic masses and can miss up to 1015% of the cases however MRI provides more accurate results and clear benefit to the women who are developing breast cancer due to the BRCA1 and BRAC2 genetic mutation and are present with the axillary lymph adenopathy .

Association Between Alzheimers Gene And Cognitive Problems In Cancer Patients

Breast Cancer and Latest Research
  • New findings may shed light on genetic risk factors for developing cancer-related cognitive problems.
  • The clinical study results point to the importance of the E4 version of the APOE gene, a risk factor for late-onset Alzheimers disease.
  • In the study, published October 2018 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, older women with breast cancer who were treated with chemotherapy and were carriers of the E4 allele were more likely to have cognitive problems.
  • The results also suggest that older women with breast cancer who carried the E4 allele were more likely to have cognitive problems after chemotherapy than women without the allele.

For more information visit:

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Breast Cancer Therapeutic & Market Analysis

Breast cancer therapeutic & market analysis assesses marketed and investigational products and combination regimens for the global breast cancer therapeutics market. Segmentation by drug class is provided, along with supporting information, such as clinical trial timelines and results, historical and projected launch timelines, and epidemiology. Marketed and pipeline products are broadly segmented into hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and other therapies of current global interest.

Related Journals of Breast Cancer Therapeutic & Market Analysis

Gynecology & Obstetrics, Cancer Science & Therapy, Cancer Diagnosis, Archives in Cancer Research, Cancer gene therapy, Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology, Integrative cancer therapies, Cancer therapy, Journal of cancer research and therapeutics, Molecular cancer therapeutics, Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, International journal of cancer therapy and oncology, Cancer immunology immunotherapy

Ovarian Ablation As Adjuvant Therapy For Breast Cancer

Ovarian ablation has been employed as management for breast cancer . There are numerous techniques of ovarian ablation such as radiation induced ablation, surgical removal of ovaries and chronic utilization of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogs. Additionally, there are few proposals that cytotoxic chemotherapy might perform by inducing ovarian ablation in premenopausal females with breast cancer. Of the abundant case series and clinical studies of ovarian ablation conducted in the earlier period, numerous have been laden with methodologic issues. Meta-analysis of randomized clinical studies demonstrates a momentous enhancement in overall survival and disease-free survival for females whose ovarian ablation were performed as adjuvant treatment compared to those females who did not. Literature review indicates that ovarian ablation may be employed an alternative therapy for breast cancer .

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Clinical Trials For New Cancer Vaccine Could Start Within Three Years

Scientists, funded by Worldwide Cancer Research, are ready to start clinical trials for a new cancer vaccine thanks to a recent research breakthrough. The team, led by Associate Professor Kristen Radford in Queensland, Australia, hope that they will be able to begin clinical trials within the next three years and believe that their findings will be relevant for many different types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Acs Risk & Prevention Studies

The Latest in Research for Advanced Breast Cancer, Facebook Live Event

The American Cancer Society’s Population Science department includes scientists who work with our large, on-going cancer prevention studies , such as CPS-II and CPS-3. Several ACS staff scientists and ACS grantees have contributed to the work of the United States-based Cancer Risk Estimates Related to Susceptibility consortium, which conducts population- and family-based studies of breast cancer. Here’s an overview of some of those publications from the last year.

New Screening Strategies May Help Women With Genetic Risks


This study is an example of how simulation modeling can shed important insight on breast cancer prevention by providing estimates of the benefits and harms associated with screening, particularly for the use of MRI to screen women with a higher risk for developing breast cancer due to ATM, CHEK2, and PALB2 variants.Jennifer Yeh, PhD, ACS grantee Boston Children’s Hospital

Inflammatory Breast CancerImproving Symptom Awareness

In the last 2 years, my family experienced cancer first hand, and boy has that grounded me. even though none of the known risk factors applied to her.) I felt this was important for me to share publicly, as I consider American Cancer Society extended family.

New Way to Calculate Breast Cancer Risk May Affect Screening Plans


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Were Here For You On Your Journey

1 in 8 women in the US will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Approximately 90% of those diagnosed with breast cancer now survive five years after diagnosis.

As diagnosis and treatments for breast cancer improve, more and more women are surviving their diagnosisand surviving longer.

The findings of AICRs latest report on breast cancer continue to support our recommendation: eating a plant-based diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular physical activity remain the best strategies for reducing breast cancer risk.

The Effects Of Bpa On Breast Cancer Development

This project will use different approaches to identify conclusively whether there is a link between exposure to bisphenol and breast cancer development in women. These include a literature review on how BPA affects breast tissue, a computer analysis of cancer-related gene databanks to identify genes regulated by BPA, laboratory experiments that will confirm if BPA-sensitive genes contribute to breast cancer development and measurements of BPA in plasma samples from breast cancer patients.

Lead researcher: Professor Valerie Speirs

Evaluating the effects of bisphenol A on breast cancer development

Breast Cancer UK has awarded a grant of £99,272 to Professor Valerie Speirs and colleagues Professor Paul Fowler, Dr Felix Grassman, Ms Beatrix Elsberger and Mr Yazan Masannat, University of Aberdeen, to fund a PhD studentship which examines the effects of bisphenol A on breast cancer development. The project is expected to begin in October 2022.


Project details

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Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Define Therapy Plans

Clinical trials advance cancer research and are the only way to find safe and potentially more effective therapies to treat cancer. Patients who enroll in clinical trials have access to new treatments that may offer better results than current treatments. Through breast cancer specific clinical trial research at Johns Hopkins, we are defining individualized therapy plans based on specific breast cancer types and the degree of spread, or how far the cancer has spread from where it originated.

Research Discoveries Lead To More Individualized Precision Medicine

Recent Results in Cancer Research: Clinical Interest of Steroid Hormone ...

Cancer is very complex and Johns Hopkins has led the world in deciphering the cellular causes of cancer. Through national and international collaborations with our team of physician scientists across Johns Hopkins University, we continue to change the care path for breast cancer patients by exploring new technologies and developing the most exacting standards of care.

Groundbreaking discoveries led by our team at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center found that breast cancer is not just one disease but a number of diseases. Several breast cancers might look alike under the microscope, but genetically they are very different. Most breast cancers are caused by a series of changes in normal cells over time. These cellular alterations are red flags or biomarkers which can identify those at risk and can serve as targets for prevention.

Some examples of Breast Cancer Program research include:

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Spotlight On Acs Research Publications

The American Cancer Society employs a staff of full-time researchers and funds scientists across the United States who relentlessly search for answers to help us better understand cancer, including breast cancer. Here are some highlights of their work.

3D Mini Breast Tumors May Help ID New Cancer Treatments

The ability to grow patient tumor cells in a dish allows us to accelerate personalized medicine. We can now test a large number of drugs on diverse patient tumors and use genomic analysis to learn which differences in gene expression between patients tumors are associated with the response to each drug.Katherine Varley, PhD

Excess Weight Before 50 Shortens Life with Breast Cancer After 50

Body weight plays an important role in the development, treatment, and survival of breast cancer. While this study helps us better understand the role body weight before a diagnosis has on survival after a diagnosis of breast cancer, it is difficult to disentangle the multifactorial role of body weight. Mia Gaudet, PhD

Community Health Centers Aren’t Meeting Mammography’s Needs

We Fund Cancer Researchers Across the US

Pem And Mri In Breast Cancer Patients

Hence both the positron emission mammography and magnetic resonance imaging have proven breast cancer detection sensitivity, however hormone replacement therapy, post menopausal status and breast tissue density has no influence on the sensitivity of PEM and MRI. Positron emission mammography can be used as an alternative of MRI in patients who dont want to have an MRI due to multiple reasons such as time issues, limited budgets, lack of interest, claustrophobia . However, both have the similar sensitivity to detect cancerous lesions comprehending invasive and ductal carcinoma in SITU .

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Pagets Disease Of The Breast

It is the uncommon type of breast cancer that usually shows visible changes to the nipple of the breast . Its symptoms include red itchy rashes involving the nipple and then it can sometime spread to the normal skin as well. However it resembles with the other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis but it can be differentiated as the other skin conditions usually affects both the breasts and can start from the areola rather than the nipple of the breast however Pagets disease of the breast most often affects only one breast and starts with the nipple of the breast instead of areola Nearly 13% of all the breast cancers are Pagets disease and can affect both men as well as women. The actual theory behind the pathogenesis or development of Pagets disease of the breast isnt clear yet however there are few theories supporting its pathogenesis. Their warning signs include bleeding and oozing of discharge from the nipple, flattening or inversion of nipple, lump found in the breast etc. It can be diagnosed by using punch biopsy. Its prognosis is good if it remains within the nipple or in ducts of the breast .

Precision Medicine & Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer surgeon Dr. Kristi Funk talks about latest research l GMA
  • One of the main goals of precision medicine for cancer is to use information about genetics and molecular changes to determine the best treatment for a patient.
  • There has been an increased effort in bringing precision to cancer screening especially in the area of breast cancer.
  • In 2015, researchers in California launched a clinical trial to test a new approach to breast cancer screening: The Women Informed to Screen Depending on Measures of Risk
  • This trial is using many measures, such as safety, to compare annual mammography with a more personalized approach called risk-based screening.

For more information, visit:

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The Ground We’ve Gained

Nearly three decades ago, Evelyn H. Lauder and Dr. Larry Norton recognized the urgent need to eradicate breast cancer. As they sat at the Lauder kitchen table discussing how to achieve their shared dream of a world free of breast cancer, they envisioned the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Since 1993, BCRF-supported investigators have been deeply involved in every major breakthrough in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, metastasis, and survivorship.

Research is the reason there are more than 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. and deaths from breast cancer have declined by 40 percent since 1989. But with more than 44,000 lives lost to the disease each year, there is still critical work to be done.

The Development Of The Big 1

Okay, so in BIG 1-98, we are moving in two important different ways. One, were talking about patients with early breast cancer that it has not yet come back. And two, because we need very large, much larger numbers to get answers in this group, we had to offer an international collaboration.

All of these treatments are in the endocrine treatment phase, the hormone type treatments. The mainstay that the established drug was a drug called Tamoxifen, which is undoubtedly the best drug I saw in all the years I was practicing. It made a fundamental difference to women with breast cancer.

A new class of drugs had come along, which was also designed to reduce the impact of endocrine treatment and endocrine agents on the tumour. That is, some tumours, most of them the tumour is driven to some extent by, estrogen in the womans body.

If you can turn that off with aromatase inhibitors or block its action with Tamoxifen, then many of the tumours will respond, and the use of those same drugs early after surgery for breast cancer, it was hoped, was going to reduce the chances of the tumour coming back, and in fact both of those work.

When we were starting BIG 1-98, we were trying to work out where the new drugs fitted into the sequence, and whether they should be used upfront or only if an older treatment such as Tamoxifen had failed.

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Mgm: Molecular & Genetic Markers In Breast Cancer Research Program

Transforming Breast Cancer Treatment: From Standard Therapy to Personalized Care

For 100 years, breast cancer treatment has consisted of a “one size fits all” method for every patient – surgery, radiation and medical treatment. Unfortunately some patients respond better to this standardized protocol for cancer treatment than others. Recent data proves that the genetic makeup of people affects how their body reacts to medication and cancer treatment. Therefore the question becomes, “How do we achieve permanent remission for each breast cancer patient?” As we progress towards this answer, the question then arises, “How best do we predict who will develop cancer and then, how can we try to prevent it?”

Cleveland Clinic: Grounded in Innovation

The late George W. “Barney” Crile, Jr., M.D., the son of one of our founders, was America’s first well-known advocate of tissue-sparing techniques in breast cancer surgery. Fifty years ago, Dr. Crile declared that the future of breast cancer treatment lay not in surgery, but “in the study of chemistry and the very nature of the cancer cell.”

A New Era in Cancer Treatment Emerging

Dr. Crile’s far-seeing wisdom is being realized today by a multidisciplinary team working together to accelerate the transition from standard approaches to breast cancer treatment, to the new age of genetically-based, personalized medicine.

Program Structure

MGM: Providing Hope for Future Breast Cancer Patients

After Receiving Her Fifth Cancer Diagnosis Susie Lee Wasnt Prepared To Hear It Was Metastatic

Minimal Residual Disease and Circulating Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer ...

As a four-time cancer survivor Susie Lee, 47 was, unfortunately, no stranger to the disease. When her doctor told her that she had HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer , she said she was absolutely crushed.

With metastatic breast cancer its difficult to get past the verbiage: incurable, terminal, late stage, she said.

At the end of 2020, Susie was preparing for a routine implant replacement with her plastic surgeon. But before her surgery, she wanted her oncology surgeon to check out a slightly painful spot that never healed correctly from her previous biopsy and lumpectomy.

When he saw it, he wanted to do an immediate in-office biopsy, she said. I knew right then that it was not a good sign.

On New Years Eve 2020, her surgeon called. She braced herself for a diagnosis. She had been through this before.

It was canceragain. I had to go through all the tests to see if it had spread, she said.

While she predicted the call meant another diagnosis, she couldnt have predicted her doctor saying the words, Its metastatic breast cancer. At the time, she had no idea what metastatic meant.

None of my cancers were metastatic, all were caught in the early stages, she said.

She had no idea what to expect for her treatment since there is no cure for metastatic breast cancer. Soon after her diagnosis, Susie began the HER2-targeted treatments Herceptin and Perjeta, as well as chemotherapy.

Read more stories from BCRFs Research Is the Reason storytelling initiative here.

Read Also: What Percent Of Breast Cancer Is Triple Negative


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