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HomeExclusiveStage 3 Breast Cancer Recurrence Rate

Stage 3 Breast Cancer Recurrence Rate

Nac Regimens And Surgical Methods

Reduce the Risk of Recurrence in Early Stage HER2+ Breast Cancer

Three different NAC regimens were used: ED , FEC and EC . For the pts who underwent EC and most of the pts who underwent FEC, a further four cycles of D were then administered. Each chemotherapy regimen was administered every three weeks for four cycles however, this interval was prolonged by at least one week if the pt did not recover from the adverse effects. Subsequent to the completion of the four cycles of NAC, we evaluated the clinical responses and performed surgery within 23 weeks. The surgical methods included Pateys procedure in three pts, mastectomy in 16 pts and lumpectomy in three pts. All pts underwent level I+II ALN dissection. In addition, the three pts who received Pateys procedure underwent level III lymph node dissection.

Disseminated Tumour Cells As Culprits For Metastatic Recurrence

Metastatic relapse is attributed to the outgrowth of cancer cells that have escaped from the primary tumour and take up residence in secondary sites. Cancer cells that physically detach from a primary source and seed distant sites are known as disseminated tumour cells . The process whereby DTCs transform a localised cancer into a systemic disease is called the metastatic cascade . In the next few sections, the seven key steps comprising this complex biological process are discussed with the goal to shed light on the when and how of DTC dissemination. Importantly, while depicting the metastatic cascade as an orderly series of sequential eventsstarting from the primary tumour and ending in a distant metastatic siteit should be noted that DTC spread can take place through multiple routes and different directions. Accordingly, clinical evidence of self-seedingwhereby a metastatic cell re-infiltrates its primary tumourand of metastasis-to-metastasis spread, has been documented, with one such study in HR+ breast cancer patients reporting a common origin between lymph node and distant metastases in up to 25% of cases.

Fig. 2: Tumour cell dissemination: the route to metastatic success or failure.

What Are The Treatment Options For Stage 3 Breast Cancer

Another way a doctor may describe stage 3 breast cancer is if its operable or inoperable. This will determine further treatments.

If a cancer is operable, this means a doctor believes most or all of the cancer can be removed with surgery.

Inoperable cancer is still treatable with systemic therapy, but surgery isnt the right option because doctors feel they cant remove enough cancerous cells.

Treatment options for stage 3 breast cancer may include:

  • Surgery: known as a mastectomy, to remove cancerous tissue and also to remove lymph nodes
  • Hormone therapy: to slow or stop the growth of cancerous cells, if hormones are driving their growth
  • Chemotherapy: involves taking medications to kill fast-growing cancer cells
  • Targeted therapy: uses your genes to attack cancer cells without harming healthy cells

Your doctor may also recommend a combination of two or more treatments.

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A Note About Sex And Gender

Sex and gender exist on spectrums. This article will use the terms male, female, or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. .

An individuals life expectancy depends on various factors besides the cancer stage.

Some life expectancy measures assess the size of present tumors and how far the cancer cells have spread. However, advancements in tumor biology have changed life expectancy calculations.

What Is The Outlook For Someone With A Breast Cancer Recurrence

[Full text] Risk of breast cancer recurrence in patients receiving ...

Overall survival rates for breast cancer are generally based on the stage of the cancer at initial diagnosis.

Treatment for local and regional recurrence is often successful. However, theres still a risk of developing distant metastases. Because there are so many variables, its difficult to provide an overall prognosis. Your oncologist can provide a clearer understanding of what to expect for your exact situation.

Metastatic breast cancer can be treated and go into remission, but its not considered curable.

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Examples Of Mortality Rates Versus Number Of Deaths

Say, town A has a population of 100,000 and town B has a population of 1,000. Over a year, say there are 100 breast cancer deaths in town A and 100 breast cancer deaths in town B.

The number of breast cancer deaths in each town is the same. However, many more people live in town A than live in town B. So, the mortality rates are quite different.

In town A, there were 10 breast cancer deaths among 100,000 people. This means the mortality rate was less than 1 percent .

In town B, the mortality rate was 10 percent .

Although the number of deaths was the same in town A and town B, the mortality rate was much higher in town B than in town A .

Lets look at another example. In 2022, its estimated among women there will be :

  • 100 breast cancer deaths in Washington, D.C.
  • 730 breast cancer deaths in Alabama
  • 4,690 breast cancer deaths in California

Of the 3, California has the highest number of breast cancers. However, that doesnt mean it has the highest breast cancer rate. These numbers dont take into account the number of women who live in each place. Fewer women live in Alabama and Washington, D.C. than live in California.

Other factors may vary by place as well, such as the age and race/ethnicity of women. So, to compare breast cancer mortality rates, we need to look at mortality rates.

In 2022, the estimated mortality rates are :

  • 25 per 100,000 women in Washington, D.C.
  • 21 per 100,000 women in Alabama 22
  • 19 per 100,000 women in California 20

Integrative Subtypes And Late Recurrence

Researchers recently developed a model to identify 11 integrative subtypes of breast cancer with different risks and timing of recurrence, according to the findings of a 2019 study published online in Nature.

Four integrative subtypes were identified that were associated with a high risk of late recurrence . Altogether, these four subtypes accounted for roughly 26% of breast cancers that were estrogen receptor-positive and HER2 negative.

These subtypes included tumors that had an enriched copy number alterations in genes that are thought to drive the growth of cancer , including:

They were also able to identify a subgroup of triple-negative tumors that were unlikely to recur after five years as well as a subgroup in which people continue to be at risk of late recurrence. A Breast Cancer Recurrence Calculator including integrative subtypes has been developed but, at the current time, this is meant for research purposes alone.

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Survival Rates For Breast Cancer

Survival rates can give you an idea of what percentage of people with the same type and stage of cancer are still alive a certain amount of time after they were diagnosed. They cant tell you how long you will live, but they may help give you a better understanding of how likely it is that your treatment will be successful.

Keep in mind that survival rates are estimates and are often based on previous outcomes of large numbers of people who had a specific cancer, but they cant predict what will happen in any particular persons case. These statistics can be confusing and may lead you to have more questions. Talk with your doctor, who is familiar with your situation, about how these numbers may apply to you.

Study Limitations And Strengths

Survival Rate and Treatment for Breast Cancer Recurrence

With this being the first analysis of breast cancer in a predominantly rural setting, it may be difficult to extrapolate the results to other rural areas of either Ghana or other in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, 46% of our patients were lost to follow-up and therefore censored. This could have over or underestimated the cumulative survival in this study. Lastly, sub-analysis of survival by biologic subtype could not be done due to a lack of statistical power in the analysis of the results from the limited number of patients who had complete immunohistochemistry analysis available. However, the major strength of our study is that it is the first to demonstrate a low breast cancer survival rate in a rural population in the sub-Saharan African country, Ghana. Another strength is that this data adds to the growing body of literature in identifying high rates of the most aggressive breast cancer subtype, TNBC, in the black population of Ghana.

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Understanding Breast Cancer Recurrence

Australia has one of the best survival rates of breast cancer in the world, with 91% of women surviving at least five years past their diagnosis. New Zealand is not far behind with 88% of women surviving five years past their first diagnosis.

This information may come as a relief for those diagnosed with early stages of the disease, as many recurrences appear within five years after the initial treatment, the exception being ER positive breast cancer, as many recurrences will occur after the first five years as within the first five years. But the fear of recurrence , is a common issue faced by women who have had early stage breast cancer. The chance of recurrence is not the same for all breast cancer patients. Understanding the risk of recurrence for your type of breast cancer may help to ease some anxiety.

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Treatment Of Early Tnbc

Early TNBC is aggressive, but it can be treated effectively. Its usually treated with some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

TNBC isnt treated with hormone therapy or HER2-targeted therapy because its ER-negative and HER2-negative.

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Local Breast Cancer Recurrence

Breast cancer can return to the same area where it first appeared, Lange says. In this case, your doctor will base a treatment approach on how the first cancer was addressed.

If the original tumor was treated with lumpectomy and radiation, many patients may then need a bigger surgery, such as mastectomy, for the purpose of local control, she explains. If the original tumor was treated with mastectomy, then local resection of the recurrence should be considered. This is often followed by radiation therapy to the resection site.

Lange says an oncologist will evaluate a patient with recurrent breast cancer. Based on characteristics of the cancer cells and how they are behaving, the oncologist might recommend chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or a combination of treatments. For some patients, clinical trials of new therapies may be available.

Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Prognosis

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Recurrence After Double Mastectomy ...

If breast cancer has come back and spread to the tissues and lymph nodes around the chest, neck and under the breastbone, there may be an increased risk of cancer cells spreading to other areas of the body.

This means the overall prognosis can be harder to predict.

Treatments such as chemotherapy, hormone and targeted therapies are given for locally advanced breast cancer because they work throughout the whole body.

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Study Design And Patient Selection

This study was granted institutional review board approval from the Galway University Hospitals Clinical Research Ethics Committee. A single centre, retrospective observational cohort study was undertaken. Data was obtained from a prospectively maintained institutional database that included patients who were treated for breast cancer between January 2000 and January 2015 at GUH, a tertiary referral centre serving the west of Ireland. Overall, 502 patients were recorded as having metastatic disease during the study period, of which 243 were diagnosed as having metastasis at initial presentation . All of these patients who presented with M1 disease at diagnosis were excluded, leaving only those who were treated originally with curative intent and then suffered a disease recurrence. For the purpose of this study, only patients with complete clinicopathological details including treatment received both at primary diagnosis and subsequent disease recurrence were included. Detailed information regarding patient demographics, clinicopathological data, surgical management, adjuvant treatment regimens, disease recurrence and survival were collected using this database, and all data was cross-referenced with patient electronic and medical records.

Types Of Stage 3 Breast Cancer

These days, people with breast cancer can know more about the tumor than ever before.

In addition to staging, oncologists can now determine a tumors grade and subtype. This information helps the doctor describe the tumor and cancer stage in a more detailed way so that other members of the care team can understand the cancer better.

The tumor grade and subtype of breast cancer can vary between people. Most doctors will test tumors to determine which genes they express, so that treatment options can adapt to the results.

Doctors define different types of stage 3 breast cancer by:

  • Tumor grade: This is a measurement of how much the cancer cells differ from healthy cells under a microscope. This also provides a measure of how quickly the cancer cells are likely to grow.
  • ER status: This describes whether the cancer cells have receptors for the hormone estrogen.
  • PR status: This indicates whether the cancer cells have receptors for the hormoneprogesterone.
  • HER2 status: This describes whether the cancer cells are making the HER2 protein.

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What Is The Risk For Breast Cancer Recurrence

The risk of recurrence depends on the type of breast cancer and its stage. Timing matters, too: The highest risk of recurrence for breast cancer patients is during the first few years after treatment.

At the Johns Hopkins Breast Center, our team of breast cancer specialists monitors patients who are at risk of recurrence, Lange explains. The follow-up schedule depends on the stage of cancer, what kind of treatment has been received and prognostic factors. The risk of recurrence decreases as time goes on, but never gets down to zero.

How Can I Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence

Dr. Mamounas on Recurrence Rates in Breast Cancer

Healthcare providers dont know why some people experience breast cancer recurrence. A recurrence isnt your fault. You didnt do anything wrong to cause it or fail to do something more to prevent it.

Certain medications may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence in people who have early stage breast cancer. For estrogen-receptive breast cancer, hormonal therapies including tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors block either the activity of estrogen or the bodys production of estrogen. Chemotherapy may also be recommended to reduce risk of breast cancer recurrence.

Early diagnosis may make it easier to treat a recurrence. Follow your healthcare providers recommendations for mammograms and other screenings. You should also perform regular breast self-exams. Get familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can see your provider quickly if you notice changes. And remember that most breast changes occur for reasons other than cancer.

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Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

If breast cancer has spread to the chest wall or skin of the breast, or the lymph nodes around the chest, neck and under the breast bone, but has not spread to other areas of the body, its called locally advanced breast cancer. Sometimes breast cancer is locally advanced when it is first diagnosed.

People who have locally advanced breast cancer are thought to have an increased risk of cancer cells spreading to other areas of the body, compared to those with stage 1 or 2 breast cancers.

Multiple Therapies Can Treat Recurrences

If your TNBC returns, the therapy your doctor recommends will depend on your previous treatments, your overall health, and how widespread your cancer is.

TNBC recurrences in the breast or nearby lymph nodes are often treated with surgery to take out the tumors and multiple lymph nodes.

If you underwent radiation therapy the first time you had a breast cancer diagnosis, you might not get it again. If you didnt receive radiation before, you may receive this treatment during a recurrence. Chemotherapy is also frequently recommended.

Some newer treatments can also be helpful when treating TNBC relapses, especially if your cancer is advanced or has metastasized. For example, there are a few recently approved immunotherapy options, depending on what gene or protein changes cancer cells contain:

  • Pembrolizumab can target cancer cells that make a protein called PD-L1.
  • Pembrolizumab may also be beneficial if you have TNBC with other changes, including changes in mismatch repair genes .
  • PARP inhibitors such as olaparib and talazoparib may help if you have TNBC and mutations in BRCA genes.
  • A medication called sacituzumab govitecan-hziy , which blocks multiple processes within cancer cells, might be tried if tests show that you dont have any common gene or protein changes.

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Treatment For Local Recurrence

Treatment for local recurrence will depend on a number of factors, including what treatments you have previously had.


If you had breast-conserving surgery then you will usually be offered a mastectomy. For some people it may be possible to repeat the wide local excision.

If you previously had a mastectomy, surgery may be possible to remove the affected areas.

Nearby lymph nodes may also be removed.


Radiotherapy is usually only an option if you havent previously had radiotherapy in the same area.

The way radiotherapy is given for a recurrence is similar to how its given to someone newly diagnosed.

Radiotherapy may be offered if surgery isnt possible.

Hormone therapy

If the cancer is oestrogen receptor positive you may be offered hormone therapy.

Which treatment you are offered depends on whether you have gone through the menopause and any hormone therapy you have previously had or are currently taking.


Its not clear how much benefit chemotherapy will be to you if you have a local recurrence, but it might be offered in some cases.

If you have previously had chemotherapy then different chemotherapy drugs may be used.

Targeted therapy

The most widely used targeted therapies are for HER2 positive breast cancer.


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