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What Percentage Of Women Get Breast Cancer

It Was Estimated That In :

Nearly 70 percent of early breast cancer patients may not need chemotherapy: Study
  • 115,800 Canadian men would be diagnosed with cancer and 44,100 men would die from cancer.
  • 110,000 Canadian women would be diagnosed with cancer and 39,300 women would die from cancer.
  • On average, 617 Canadians would be diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 228 Canadians would die from cancer every day.
  • Lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer are the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer in Canada .
  • These 4 cancers account for about half of all new cancer cases.
  • Prostate cancer accounts for one-fifth of all new cancer cases in men.
  • Lung cancer accounts for 14% of all new cases of cancer.
  • Breast cancer accounts for one-quarter of all new cancer cases in women
  • Colorectal cancer accounts for 12% of all new cancer cases.

What Is Secondary Breast Cancer

Secondary breast cancer is when breast cancer spreads from the breast to other parts of the body, becoming incurable. Breast cancer most commonly spreads to the bones, brain, lungs or liver.

While it cannot be cured, there are treatments that can help control certain forms of the disease for some time and relieve symptoms to help people live well for as long as possible.

There are an estimated 35,000 people living with secondary breast cancer in the UK. In around 5% of women, breast cancer has already spread by the time it is diagnosed.

Breast Cancer Stats In Australia

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. Approximately 55 Australians are diagnosed each and every day. That equates to over 20,000 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

About 1 in 700 men are diagnosed in their lifetime.

In 2021, over 3000 Australians passed away from breast cancer including 36 males and 3102 females.

Thats 9 Australians a day dying from the disease.

In the last 10 years, breast cancer diagnosis have increased by 36%.

Since the National Breast Cancer Foundation started funding in 1994, the five-year survival rates have improved from 76% to 91%.

Weve come a long way. But theres still progress to be made.

Thats why were committed to funding a broad spectrum of research to help understand risk factors, develop new ways to detect and treat breast cancer, improve quality of life for breast cancer patients, improve treatment outcomes and ultimately save lives.

Our mission: Zero Deaths from breast cancer by 2030.

The risk of a woman being diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 7. The majority of breast cancer cases, about 80%, occur in women over the age of 50.

But breast cancer still occurs in young women, with close to 1000 women under the age of 40 projected to be diagnosed with the disease in 2021.

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Possible Reasons For Differences In Rates Of Tnbc

Although the reasons for racial and ethnic differences in rates of TNBC arent clear, some lifestyle factors may play a role .

Compared to white and non-Hispanic white women, Black and African American women tend to :

Both of these factors may be linked to an increased risk of TNBC .

Women with certain reproductive and lifestyle factors may have a lower risk of ER-positive breast cancers, but not a lower risk of ER-negative breast cancers, including TNBC .

Black and African American women may be more likely than white women to have protective factors that may not be linked to the risk of TNBC as much as they are linked to the risk of ER-positive cancers.

For example, Black and African American women are more likely than white and non-Hispanic white women to :

  • Have more children
  • Be a younger age at first childbirth
  • Be overweight or obese before menopause

Although these factors are linked to a lower the risk of breast cancer, this lower risk may be limited to ER-positive breast cancers . Theres even some evidence these factors may be linked to an increased risk of TNBC .

These topics are under study.

Take Action To Change Young Adult Breast Cancer Statistics

Breast Cancer Stats and Facts

When all young adults affected by breast cancer work together, we can raise awareness, improve our representation in research and make each other stronger. We are dedicated to these goals, working to turn our unique challenges into opportunities for shared success. Join the movement! Become an advocate for young women with breast cancer.

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Cancers Linked To Treatment With Tamoxifen

Taking tamoxifen lowers the chance of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer coming back. It also lowers the risk of a second breast cancer. Tamoxifen does, however, increase the risk for uterine cancer . Still, the overall risk of uterine cancer in most women taking tamoxifen is low, and studies have shown that the benefits of this drug in treating breast cancer are greater than the risk of a second cancer.

Help With Treatments Costs

Recent reports show Texas is the most uninsured state in the nation, with about 18.4% of Texas residents with no health coverage. As this number continues to grow, it is essential that women and men have access to affordable breast care options and resources.

In Texas, women who make more money are more likely to get screened for breast cancer. In 2016, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported that 72% of women who made under $25,000 said they got a mammogram in the previous two years. That’s compared to 77% of women who made between $25,000 and $49,999 and 85% of women who made $50,000 or more.

Within Travis County, there are indigent funding options. There’s also Breast Medicaid, which is a State-run program provides really, really good care and ancillary services in the way of transportation to and from treatment. And so, that’s another good source. And then there are also charity programs, Ellison said.

Ascension Setons Breast Care Clinic at the Cancer Care Collaborative says it offers care to patients with a breast cancer diagnosis while also addressing the social determinants of health. Its program can:

  • Diagnose and treat breast cancer
  • Provide genetic testing and subsequent referrals if needed
  • Determine eligibility for funding through community organizations
  • Overcome transportation barriers
  • Connect patients with resources and support groups

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Breast Cancer Risk Before Menopause

A pooled analysis of data from 7 studies found higher blood estrogen levels increased breast cancer risk in premenopausal women .

Study selection criteria: Prospective nested case-control studies with at least 100 breast cancer cases, pooled analyses and meta-analyses.

Table note: Relative risks above 1 indicate increased risk. Relative risks below 1 indicate decreased risk.

This table shows breast cancer risk related to total estradiol levels.


Risk of Breast Cancer in Women with Higher Estradiol LevelsCompared to Women with Lower Estradiol LevelsRelative Risk

New York University Womens Health Study

Nurses Health Study II

UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening

Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study

Study of Osteoporosis Fractures Research Group


* Relative risk for estrogen receptor-positive and progesterone receptor-positive breast cancers was 2.8 . Relative risk for estrogen receptor-negative and progesterone receptor-negative breast cancers was 1.1 .

Relative risk for ER-positive cancers only. Relative risk for ER-negative breast cancers was 1.65 .

Results are for estradiol blood levels measured in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Results for estradiol levels measured in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle were not statistically significant.

|| Relative risk for women with higher levels of free estradiol compared to women with lower levels of free estradiol was 1.75 .

How Common Is It

New Statistics Revealed For Women With Breast Cancer

Breast cancer isnt common in women under 40.

A womans risk of breast cancer throughout her 30s is just 1 in 227, or about 0.4 percent. By age 40 to 50, the risk is roughly 1 in 68, or about 1.5 percent. From age 60 to 70, the chance increases to 1 in 28, or 3.6 percent.

Out of all types of cancer, though, breast cancer is the most common among U.S. women. A womans risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime is about 12 percent.

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Relative Risks In Research

You can put your knowledge of relative risks to work right away.

Our Breast Cancer Research Studies section has research summary tables on topics ranging from risk factors to treatment to social support.

These tables show research behind many recommendations and standards of care related to breast cancer discussed in this section.

If you dont know how the research process works , our How to read a research table section is a good place to start before looking at the tables.

Learn more about breast cancer research.

Positive Mammogram Results And Statistics

If you see the word positive on a mammogram report, and its a call-back, the word positive is for STATISTICS. The statisticians want to score true positive and false positive.

Screening Mammography Programs are copy-cats of each other and they all have statisticians. Somewhere, long ago, a statistician wrote a sample letter to explain mammogram results to patients. The statistician used the word positive in the results. The same letter wording was then copied from state to state, province to province, country to country.

Furthermore, statisticians calculate accuracy using 4 values: True positives, True negatives, False positives, False negatives.

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The Likelihood Of Diagnostic Call Back Mammogram Being Breast Cancer Increases Over The Years Of Annual Breast Cancer Screening

Specialists estimate that over a 10 year period, about one third of the women who had a call-back for a diagnostic mammogram will have benign breast disease. So, in other words a false positive radiologist-accuracy-statistic.

However, the more regularly a woman has breast cancer screening, for example every year or 2 years, the greater the chance of breast cancer if a call back is necessary. So, the chances of detecting breast cancer naturally increase over time with regular mammograms.

Blood Estrogen Levels And Breast Cancer Risk

Breast Cancer: 1 in 8 Will Be Diagnosed

This summary table contains detailed information about research studies. Summary tables are a useful way to look at the science behind many breast cancer guidelines and recommendations. However, to get the most out of the tables, its important to understand some key concepts. Learn how to read a research table.

Introduction: Estrogens are natural hormones important for sexual development and other body functions. Before menopause, they are produced mainly in the ovaries. After menopause, they are produced mainly in fat tissue.

Women have different sources of estrogen before and after menopause. So, its important to look at studies of estrogen and breast cancer risk by menopausal status.

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Example Of The Impact Of A Relative Risk

Using our example of the exercise study above, we can show how absolute risks affect the number of extra cases.

Inactive women have a 25 percent higher risk of breast cancer than active women .

Since older women are more likely to get breast cancer, a lack of exercise has a greater impact on breast cancer risk in older women than in younger women.

First, lets look at the women in the study ages 70-74 years.

The study finds 500 women per 100,000 who are inactive develop breast cancer in one year. This is the absolute risk for women with the risk factor, lack of exercise.

The study also shows 400 women per 100,000 who are active develop breast cancer in one year. This is the absolute risk for women without the risk factor.

The relative risk is 1.25 for women who are inactive compared to those who are active.

Among women ages 70-74, being inactive led to 100 more cases of breast cancer per 100,000 women in one year .

Now lets look at the women in the study ages 20-29.

The study finds 5 women per 100,000 who were inactive developed breast cancer in one year. And, 4 women per 100,000 who were active got breast cancer.

Here again, the relative risk is 1.25.

However, in women ages 20-29, being inactive led to only 1 extra case of breast cancer per 100,000 women .

So, the same relative risk of 1.25 led to many more extra cases of breast cancer in the older women than in the younger women .

Clinical Considerations And Recommendations

How should individual breast cancer risk be assessed?

Health care providers periodically should assess breast cancer risk by reviewing the patients history. Breast cancer risk assessment is based on a combination of the various factors that can affect risk Box 1610111213. Initial assessment should elicit information about reproductive risk factors, results of prior biopsies, ionizing radiation exposure, and family history of cancer. Health care providers should identify cases of breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, pancreatic, and other types of germline mutation-associated cancer in first-degree, second-degree, and possibly third-degree relatives as well as the age of diagnosis. Women with a potentially increased risk of breast cancer based on initial history should have further risk assessment. Assessments can be conducted with one of the validated assessment tools available online, such as the Gail, BRCAPRO, Breast and Ovarian Analysis of Disease Incidence and Carrier Estimation Algorithm, International Breast Cancer Intervention Studies , or the Claus model 34.

Is screening breast self-examination recommended in women at average risk of breast cancer, and what should women do if they notice a change in one of their breasts?

Should practitioners perform routine screening clinical breast examinations in average-risk women?

When should screening mammography begin in average-risk women?

How frequently should screening mammography be performed in average-risk women?

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Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer

The term risk is used to refer to a number or percentage that describes how likely a certain event is to occur. When we talk about factors that can increase or decrease the risk of developing breast cancer, either for the first time or as a recurrence, we often talk about two different types of risk: absolute risk and relative risk.

Screening For Breast Cancer

When should you get a mammogram? | Breast cancer statistics and guidelines

Women aged between 50 and 74 are invited to access free screening mammograms every two years via the BreastScreen Australia Program.

Women aged 40-49 and 75 and over are also eligible to receive free mammograms, however they do not receive an invitation to attend.

It is recommended that women with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, aged between 40 and 49 or over 75 discuss options with their GP, or contact BreastScreen Australia on 13 20 50.

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What Causes Breast Cancer In Your 20s And 30s

Breast cancer happens when cells in the breast begin to grow and multiply abnormally. Changes in DNA can cause normal breast cells to become abnormal.

The exact reason why normal cells turn into cancer is unclear, but researchers know that hormones, environmental factors, and genetics each play a role.

Roughly 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are linked to inherited gene mutations. The most well-known are breast cancer gene 1 and breast cancer gene 2 . If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, your doctor may suggest testing your blood for these specific mutations.

Breast cancer in your 20s and 30s has been found to differ biologically in some cases from the cancers found in older women. For example, younger women are more likely to be diagnosed with triple negative and HER2-positive breast cancers than older women.

Here are some statistics about breast cancer in women under 40:

General Considerations For Screening

The goal of screening for cancer is to detect preclinical disease in healthy, asymptomatic patients to prevent adverse outcomes, improve survival, and avoid the need for more intensive treatments. Screening tests have both benefits and adverse consequences .

Breast self-examination, breast self-awareness, clinical breast examination, and mammography all have been used alone or in combination to screen for breast cancer. In general, more intensive screening detects more disease. Screening intensity can be increased by combining multiple screening methods, extending screening over a wider age range, or repeating the screening test more frequently. However, more frequent use of the same screening test typically is associated with diminishing returns and an increased rate of screening-related harms. Determining the appropriate combination of screening methods, the age to start screening, the age to stop screening, and how frequently to repeat the screening tests require finding the appropriate balance of benefits and harms. Determining this balance can be difficult because some issues, particularly the importance of harms, are subjective and valued differently from patient to patient. This balance can depend on other factors, particularly the characteristics of the screening tests in different populations and at different ages.

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What Is The Average American Womans Risk Of Being Diagnosed With Breast Cancer At Different Ages

Many women are more interested in the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer at specific ages or over specific time periods than in the risk of being diagnosed at some point during their lifetime. Estimates by decade of life are also less affected by changes in incidence and mortality rates than longer-term estimates. The SEER report estimates the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-year age intervals . According to the current report, the risk that a woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer during the next 10 years, starting at the following ages, is as follows:

  • Age 30 . . . . . . 0.49%
  • Age 40 . . . . . . 1.55%
  • Age 50 . . . . . . 2.40%
  • Age 60 . . . . . . 3.54%
  • Age 70 . . . . . . 4.09%

These risks are averages for the whole population. An individual womans breast cancer risk may be higher or lower depending on known factors, as well as on factors that are not yet fully understood. To calculate an individual womans estimated breast cancer risk, health professionals can use the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, which takes into account several known breast cancer risk factors.


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