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HomeChemoWhy Would You Do Chemo Before Surgery For Breast Cancer

Why Would You Do Chemo Before Surgery For Breast Cancer

Before Surgery Or Radiotherapy

Are There Benefits to Chemotherapy before Breast Cancer Surgery?

The aim of chemotherapy before surgery is to shrink a tumour so that you need less surgery, or to make it easier to get all the cancer out. Shrinking the cancer with chemotherapy might also mean that you can have radiotherapy to a smaller area of your body.

Having chemotherapy before other treatments in this way is called neoadjuvant treatment. Sometimes doctors may call it primary treatment.

Possible Side Effects Of Chemo For Breast Cancer

Chemo drugs can cause side effects. These depend on the type and dose of drugs given, and the length of treatment. Some of the most common possible side effects include:

  • Hair loss

Chemo can also affect the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow, which can lead to:

  • Increased chance of infections
  • Easy bruising or bleeding
  • Fatigue

These side effects usually go away after treatment is finished. There are often ways to lessen these side effects. For example, drugs can be given to help prevent or reduce nausea and vomiting.

Other side effects are also possible. Some of these are more common with certain chemo drugs. Ask your cancer care team about the possible side effects of the specific drugs you are getting.

Sex Contraception And Pregnancy

You can still have sex during treatment. Its thought that chemotherapy drugs cant pass into vaginal fluids or semen, but this cant be completely ruled out as chemotherapy drugs can pass into the blood and some other body fluids. Most treatment teams will advise using barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms during treatment, and for a few days after chemotherapy is given.

If you havent been through the menopause, its important to use contraception because chemotherapy drugs can harm a developing baby in the first three months of pregnancy. Its still possible to become pregnant even if your periods become irregular or stop completely.

Your specialist will usually recommend barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms. The contraceptive pill is not usually recommended because it contains hormones. Emergency contraception such as the morning after pill can still be used.

An interuterine device can be used as long as its not the type that releases hormones. If you have a coil in place that does release hormones, such as the Mirena or Jaydess, when youre diagnosed, you may be advised to have this removed.

Find out more about how breast cancer and its treatment can affect sex and intimacy and read our tips on how to manage these changes.

Read Also: Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer Prognosis

Prompt Surgery Is Better

Because Im a surgeon Ill take a look at Bleicher et al first. This study looks at two large cancer databases, the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results -Medicarelinked database and the National Cancer Database . The SEER-Medicare cohort included Medicare patients older than 65 years, and the NCDB cohort included patients cared for at Commission on Canceraccredited facilities throughout the United States. Analyses performed assessed overall survival as a function of time between diagnosis and surgery and evaluated five intervals . It also looked at disease-specific survival at 60 day intervals. The patient cohort included women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer that had not metastasized beyond axillary lymph nodes who were treated with surgery first. Patients with inflammatory breast cancer were excluded, which makes sense because inflammatory cancer is generally treated first with chemotherapy. The SEER-Medicare cohort included 94,544 patients 66 years or older diagnosed between 1992 and 2009, while the NCDB cohort included 115,970 patients 18 years or older diagnosed between 2003 and 2005.

The tale is told by this graph, from the SEER-Medicare cohort and the NCDB cohort :

You might wonder why there is less of an effect of treatment delay in stage III disease. So did the authors:

Time To Chemotherapy After Surgery

Should You Have Chemotherapy Before Surgery for Breast ...

After surgery for early-stage breast cancer, many women also have adjuvant chemotherapy .

The period of time between surgery and chemotherapy depends somewhat on how well someone does with surgery since the surgical site needs to be relatively well-healed before chemotherapy begins. But once the incision are healed, what is the optimal time to begin this treatment?

Recommended Reading: Breast Cancer Advanced Stage Symptoms

Why Is Chemo Sometimes Given First

There are two general reasons for this strategy:

  • hoping that chemo will shrink the breast tumor and make it possible to avoid a mastectomy, or
  • needing to immediately systemically treat a newly diagnosed cancer.
  • The first reason is much more common, and, increasingly, women with large tumors hear a recommendation to begin with chemotherapy. Giving chemo this way is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

    This study, called the BrighTNess trial, looked at the addition of the PARP inhibitor, veliparib, to the standard chemotherapy before surgery for early triple negative breast cancers. As you know, triple negative breast cancers are those that are HER2, estrogen, and progesterone negative. This means that they will not be helped by Herceptin or any of the hormonal therapies. The theory is that PARP inhibitors prevent the natural repair of both healthy and cancer cells by PARP enzymes during treatment. By making it impossible for those enzymes to do their job, the hope is that more cancer cells will be eliminated.

    Did you have neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Did it change your surgery? Join the BIDMC Cancer Community and share your story.

    Success For Certain Cancer Types

    Certain factors are considered in the choice to give neoadjuvant chemotherapy. These include the size of the tumor, evidence of lymph node involvement as well as the type of breast cancer.

    Some specific types of breast cancer are more likely to respond to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Dr. Moore says.

    Unless the tumor is very small and shows no lymph node involvement most patients with either triple-negative breast cancer or HER2-positive breast cancer will be candidates for chemotherapy either pre-operatively or post-operatively.

    In the best cases, this therapy can completely eradicate all visible tumor from the breast, producing what is called a pathologic complete response. This means a pathologist finds no trace of the invasive tumor in the breast or lymph nodes after treatment.

    Thats good news not only in the short term, but also over a patients lifetime as the presence of a complete response is generally associated with an excellent prognosis.

    For patients who do not have a complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, additional treatments can also be administered in the post-operative or adjuvant setting to improve long-term outcomes. In this way, treatments can be individualized. Often this means applying more intensive treatments to those at higher risk.

    Read Also: Triple Negative Breast Cancer Brca

    Will The Nhs Fund An Unlicensed Medicine

    It’s possible for your doctor to prescribe a medicine outside the uses it’s licensed for if they’re willing to take personal responsibility for this ‘off-licence’ use of treatment.

    Your local clinical commissioning group may need to be involved, as it would have to decide whether to support your doctor’s decision and pay for the medicine from NHS budgets.

    Page last reviewed: 28 October 2019 Next review due: 28 October 2022

    Complementary And Alternative Treatments

    Chemotherapy Before And After Surgery – How Common Is It?

    Some people with breast cancer might be interested in exploring complementary or alternative treatments like vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, and massage.

    These treatments are used alongside traditional breast cancer therapies to treat cancer or relieve cancer symptoms and uncomfortable side effects of treatments like chemotherapy. You can explore these treatments at any stage of breast cancer.

    Examples of alternative therapy include:

    • using massage to relax
    • using peppermint tea to reduce nausea
    • using cannabis to relieve pain

    While some alternative medicine treatments might help you feel more comfortable, its important to keep in mind that many are unproven and could be harmful to your health. To be safe, talk with your doctor about alternative treatments youre interested in pursuing.

    Breast cancer that spreads to other parts of the body can cause pain, such as bone pain, muscle pain, headaches, and discomfort around the liver. Talk with your doctor about pain management.

    Options for mild to moderate pain include acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as ibuprofen.

    For severe pain in a later stage, your doctor may recommend an opioid such as morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, or fentanyl. These opioids have the potential for addiction, so they are only recommended in certain cases.

    While breast cancer stage has a lot to do with treatment options, other factors can impact your treatment options as well.

    Read Also: How Likely Am I To Get Breast Cancer

    Hormone Therapy For Breast Cancer

    About 2 of every 3 breast cancer cases are hormone-receptor positive. This means the breast cancer cells grow by attaching to hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Hormone therapy, also called endocrine therapy, stops these hormones from attaching to cancer cells, thus stopping their spread.

    There are different types of hormone therapy but most work by altering levels of estrogen and preventing estrogen from connecting to cancer cells.

    Hormone therapy is most often used after surgery to reduce the risk of cancer returning but is sometimes used before surgery. Its a long-term treatment taken for at least 5 to 10 years.

    Where To Find Breast Cancer Treatment Near Me

    Breast cancer patients should consult with their doctors and specialists to determine the best options for treatment. Neoadjuvant therapy may work best for some patients but others may require more traditional chemotherapy after their mastectomy. No matter what type of breast cancer they have, all patients need a customized therapy to avoid undertreatment or overtreatment. Your doctor or specialist can put together the right therapy and treatment options to provide you the best possible outcome.

    For lab work and consultation about breast cancer and surgery options, get in touch with the BASS Medical Group experts. We offer laboratory exams that can determine your cancer diagnosis and provide other types of medical assistance as needed. Contact us today for more details.

    Also Check: Breast Cancer Final Stage Symptoms

    Summary Of Surgery Timing

    Though we don’t have a solid answer on how soon surgery should be done after a diagnosis of breast cancer , it would seem earlier surgery is ideal .

    Delaying for a lengthy period of time can be dangerous, with studies finding that those who delay over six months are twice as likely to die from the disease. This is important to keep in mind for those who have breast lumps they are “observing” without a clear diagnosis. Any breast lump needs to be explained.

    What Is Neoadjuvant Therapy

    Treatments of Breast Cancer

    Neoadjuvant therapy is a treatment approach which focuses on this type of reverse order. The idea is to first shrink the tumor with chemotherapy before any next steps, specifically surgery.

    This approach not only can improve surgical options, but also allows for a better assessment of the patients response to the chemotherapy, Dr. Moore says. It can also inform better recommendations for follow-up treatments after surgery. The approach doesnt work for everyone, but its certainly worth discussing with your doctor to find out if youre a candidate.

    You May Like: What Is Adjuvant Therapy For Breast Cancer

    Where Is Chemotherapy Given

    Unless youre having chemotherapy as tablets, youll normally be given your treatment at hospital as an outpatient or day case. This means youll be able to go home on the same day.

    You may be at the hospital for a short time only. However, because of tests, waiting times and how long it takes to prepare and give the chemotherapy drugs, some people are there for most of the day. You may be asked to have blood tests a few days before you have your chemotherapy.

    You might find it helpful to take things to help pass the time as well as snacks and drinks. You may be able to take someone to go with you to keep you company. Talk to your chemotherapy nurse to find out if this is possible.

    In some areas chemotherapy may be given in a mobile treatment centre or in your home.

    With some types of chemotherapy you may be given your first treatment as an inpatient and may need to stay in hospital overnight.

    Studies On Time To Surgery And Survival

    Several studies have been done, but there are some differences in how these were conducted that can affect the results. For example, some studies have looked at the time between a definitive diagnosis and surgery, and others have looked at the time between the onset of symptoms and the time of surgery. Some have looked at averages of all people, whereas others have separated out people based on age, tumor type, and receptor status. Studies can also be skewed, as doctors may recommend surgery sooner for women who have more aggressive tumors. Let’s look at time to surgery and survival rates in different groups of people.

    Also Check: What Are The Symptoms Of Stage 1 Breast Cancer

    Breast Cancer: Types Of Treatment

    Have questions about breast cancer? Ask here.

    ON THIS PAGE: You will learn about the different types of treatments doctors use for people with breast cancer. Use the menu to see other pages.

    This section explains the types of treatments that are the standard of care for early-stage and locally advanced breast cancer. Standard of care means the best treatments known. When making treatment plan decisions, you are strongly encouraged to consider clinical trials as an option. A clinical trial is a research study that tests a new approach to treatment. Doctors want to learn whether the new treatment is safe, effective, and possibly better than the standard treatment. Clinical trials can test a new drug and how often it should be given, a new combination of standard treatments, or new doses of standard drugs or other treatments. Some clinical trials also test giving less treatment than what is usually done as the standard of care. Clinical trials are an option to consider for treatment and care for all stages of cancer. Your doctor can help you consider all your treatment options. Learn more about clinical trials in the About Clinical Trials and Latest Research sections of this guide.

    Which Treatment Plan Is Right For Me Does It Matter If Cancer Has Spread To The Lymph Nodes Or Other Body Parts

    Oncologist- Q& A Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

    If cancer has spread to lymph nodes or other body parts, Chemo is more likely necessary.

    If it is contained in the breast, we will conduct a genomic test, known as Oncotype DX, from a sample of the removed mass. Women may not need chemo treatment if the following characteristics are present:

    • The diagnosis is early stage. .
    • Cancer has not reached the lymph nodes.
    • The tumor is less than five centimeters.
    • The HER2 protein is negative.
    • The woman is sensitive to estrogen.
    • Genomic test results are below 25.

    To clarify, HER2 is a protein that surrounds all breast cells. The protein naturally stimulates growth. But when a woman expresses HER2 receptors, this is called HER2 positive, which indicates a more aggressive breast cancer may be present.

    Results of Genomic tests range from 0-100. These numbers indicate a Recurrence Score. It has been shown that a score of 10 or less is a low chance of recurrence and that scores greater than 25 are high risk for recurrence, but for years the unknown has been the middle range, 11-25, until TAILORx was published.

    This clinical study now gives doctors confidence in providing radiation and Endocrine Therapy over Chemotherapy if the criteria are met.

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    Neoadjuvant And Adjuvant Systemic Therapy

    For women who have a hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, most doctors will recommend hormone therapy as an adjuvant treatment, no matter how small the tumor is. Women with tumors larger than 0.5 cm across may be more likely to benefit from it. Hormone therapy is typically given for at least 5 years.

    If the tumor is larger than 1 cm across, chemo after surgery is sometimes recommended. A woman’s age when she is diagnosed may help in deciding if chemo should be offered or not. Some doctors may suggest chemo for smaller tumors as well, especially if they have any unfavorable features .

    After surgery, some women with HER2-positive cancers will be treated with trastuzumab for up to 1 year.

    Many women with HER2-positive cancers will be treated with trastuzumab followed by surgery and more trastuzumab for up to 1 year. If after neoadjuvant therapy, residual cancer is found during surgery, trastuzumab may be changed to a different drug, called ado-trastuzumab emtansine, which is given every 3 weeks for 14 doses. If hormone receptor-positive cancer is found in the lymph nodes, your doctor might recommend one year of trastuzumab followed by additional treatment with an oral drug called neratinib for 1 year.

    Cancer Researchers Worry Immunotherapy May Hasten Growth Of Tumors In Some Patients

    Depending on characteristics such as how many tumor cells, blood vessel cells, and immune cells are touching each other, the tumor microenvironment can nearly triple the chance that a common type of breast cancer that has reached the lymph nodes will also metastasize, Condeelis and colleagues showed in a 2014 study of 3,760 patients. The discovery of how the tumor microenvironment can fuel metastasis by whisking cancer cells into blood vessels so impressed Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, that he featured it in his blog.

    The new study took the next logical step: Can the tumor microenvironment be altered so that it promotes or thwarts metastasis?

    To find out, Einsteins George Karagiannis spent nearly three years experimenting with lab mice whose genetic mutations make them spontaneously develop breast cancer, as well as mice given human breast tumors. In both cases, paclitaxel changed the tumor microenvironments in three ways, all more conducive to metastasis: The microenvironment had more of the immune cells that carry cancer cells into blood vessels, it developed blood vessels that were more permeable to cancer cells, and the tumor cells became more mobile, practically bounding into those molecular Lyfts.

    Pre-op chemo may have unwanted long-term consequences in some breast cancer patients, the Einstein researchers wrote.

    Don’t Miss: What Is Hr Positive Breast Cancer


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