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HomeMust ReadDoes Planned Parenthood Screen For Breast Cancer

Does Planned Parenthood Screen For Breast Cancer

Roe Has Collapsed And Texas Is In Chaos

Conservatives Oppose Cancer Screenings At Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood Provides Breast Cancer Screenings

What is Planned Parenthood really about? the ad begins. Breast cancer screenings? From there, it plays a brief clip of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards from August 2015 saying that the organization does not have mammogram machines at our health centers.

The ad implies that not having mammogram machines means that the organization does not provide breast cancer screenings. That just isnt true. According to Planned Parenthoods 2014-2015 annual report, it performed more than 350,000 breast cancer screenings in that time period. In total, cancer screeningswhich also include screenings for HPV, which can cause cervical cancer, and Pap tests, which can help detect itmade up 7 percent of the services provided in that time frame.

As Rewires Editor in Chief Jodi Jacobson has previously noted, Mammograms are only one part of comprehensive breast health strategies that begin with breast health education and self-awareness, collection of personal medical histories and risk factors, and conducting clinical breast exams.

As the Washington Posts Michelle Ye Hee Lee explained in a 2015 fact check on Planned Parenthoods breast-related services, mammograms do not reflect the core clients of the organization.

Planned Parenthood Provides Prenatal Care

And Planned Parenthood Provides Abortions

When Should I Get A Mammogram

There are 2 types of mammograms: screening mammograms and diagnostic mammograms. Screening mammograms are ones you get as part of a regular checkup if youve had no symptoms. They let your doctor see whats normal for your breasts and if there are any changes since your last mammogram.

Mammogram guidelines vary. Most people with breasts should get screening mammograms every 1-2 years starting at age 40. You may need get one before you turn 40 if someone in your family had breast cancer at a young age, or if you have cysts in your breasts, which can hide the symptoms of breast cancer.

Diagnostic mammograms focus on potential breast problem areas. Your doctor might recommend a diagnostic mammogram after discovering a lump during a clinical breast exam or after an abnormal screening mammogram.

Mammograms: An Emotional Tinderbox

Breast cancer: Two words that rightly terrify women. It doesnt matter what race, age, or color. According to MD Anderson, one of the nations leading cancer hospitals, breast cancer takes the lives of about 40,000 women per year. In addition, there are about 265,000 new diagnoses each year. Fortunately, the five-year survival rate is almost 90%. The earlier the cancer is caught, the better a womans chances.

So its natural that women are scared. Its natural that they want to be screened and tested. Its natural that they dont want to lose a part of themselves. And its natural that they dont want to die. Couple these fears with a lack of money, and you have a recipe for anxiety. Many women struggle financially. They often wonder how theyll pay for a doctor, and they fear needing extra tests.

So where do low-income women turn when they need testing?

If you ask the average person, you may find that he/she recommends Planned Parenthood. After all, politicians have falsely claimed for years that the organization offers mammograms.

Recommended Reading: Chances Of Getting Breast Cancer Twice

Am I At Risk For Breast Cancer

Anyone can get breast cancer, but there are some things that can increase your risk, including

  • being a cisgender woman

  • inherited mutations to genes that are related to breast cancer

  • being more than 50 years old

  • a blood relative who has had breast or ovarian cancer

Having 1 or more risk factors does not mean youll definitely get breast cancer. And some people will get breast cancer without having any of these risks.

Many risk factors are out of your control, but there are some things you can do to help lower your chances of getting the disease. Talk with your doctor or nurse about breast cancer screenings and what you can do to stay healthy.

What Type Of Cancer Screenings Does Planned Parenthood Offer

Breast Cancer Tweet Backs Up Planned Parenthood

In its 2018-2019 annual report, Planned Parenthood listed the services it currently provides. This list included 566,186 cancer screening and prevention services. Under this umbrella are things like pap tests and HPV vaccinations. Also included in that number are 265,028 services for breast care. This refers to the same kind of breast exam that a woman can do on her own at home. The doctor will feel for lumps. He also checks for any other problems. If he finds something of concern, he will provide a referral for a mammogram at an outside facility.

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How Can I Get A Mammogram At A Low Cost

You may be eligible for free or low-cost screenings if you meet these qualifications:

  • You have no insurance, or your insurance does not cover screening exams.
  • Your yearly income is at or below 250% of the federal poverty level.
  • You are between 40 and 64 years of age for breast cancer screening.
  • You are between 21 and 64 years of age for cervical cancer screening.
  • Certain women who are younger or older may qualify for screening services.

Low-cost mammograms are also available through the following programs and clinics:

  • The CDCâs National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program will provide free or low-cost mammograms for women who meet certain criteria.
  • Planned Parenthood offers breast exams and referrals for locations to get a mammography.
  • Do They Offer Birth Control And Sti Testing

    Can Planned Parenthood provide you with free or low-cost birth control and STI tests? Yes!

    Can numerous other organizations do the same? Yes!

    Planned Parenthood does not have a monopoly on these services, but many people claim that lower-income individuals rely on them specifically for affordable options. The obvious questions are: what enables Planned Parenthood to offer their services for such low cost?, and are there other institutions that canand do these procedures as well?

    Contrary to the impression some people seem to have, Planned Parenthood employees do not just volunteer all of their services out of the goodness of their hearts. They rely heavily on tax dollars to pay their wages, and, as they themselves point out, other healthcare organizations do the same. For instance, the $528 million they received in tax money in 2015 could just as easily have gone to any other womens health clinic.

    Even after Planned Parenthood began refusing the federal money available to them , states simply stepped up and provided the money. In New Jersey alone, almost $10 million in tax funds immediately went to Planned Parenthood to replace the lost federal funds. And again, they could have done that for any other institution, and any donor to Planned Parenthood can just as easily donate elsewhere.

    In other words,Planned Parenthood is not offering low-cost services by donating them.

    Don’t Miss: Does Getting Hit In The Breast Cause Cancer

    Chart: Why Planned Parenthood Does Not Help Poor Women

    Robert Gehl reports defenders of public funding for Planned Parenthood justify the hundreds of thousands of abortions they perform annually like to point out all the breast cancer screenings they perform.

    Like that makes it all okay, right?

    Except its a lie.

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    Hillary Clinton made the same comments during the third Presidential debate Wednesday night, claiming that Planned Parenthood provides cancer screenings and should still receive taxpayer money.

    As Breitbart reports, this is mostly false.

    The idea that Planned Parenthood provides these kinds of services like mammograms is highly misleading because they dont actually administer the procedures. They only provide referrals to other facilities who can actually do the screenings.

    The Washington Post put it thusly: Rather, the situation is similar to other clinics where patients are referred to a licensed facility that can provide biopsies, X-rays or other specialized services. It is slightly more accurate to say that women have access to mammograms via Planned Parenthood, though its still slippery language.

    In their defense, Planned Parenthood does provide Pap Smear tests and HPV testing, which can screen for cervical cancer, but they most certainly do not screen for breast cancer.

    At the debate, Clinton promised to continue to support Planned Parenthood from proposed de-funding and reiterated her support for Roe v. Wade.

    Susan G Komen Affiliate Shutting Down Saw Donations Drop After Funding Planned Parenthood

    Planned Parenthood Is Health Care | Planned Parenthood Video

    The breast cancer foundation Susan G. Komen for the Cure continues to suffer after its highly-politicized decision to continue supporting the abortion chain Planned Parenthood several years ago.

    The foundations Arizona affiliate plans to shut down completely this summer because of a continuing drop in participation and donations, AZ Central reports.

    At its height, Susan G. Komen Arizona had more than 30,000 people participating in its annual Race for a Cure in Phoenix, according to the report. Last year, about 7,500 people participated in the fundraising event, affiliate Executive Director Christina Mencuccini said.

    On Wednesday, Mencuccini announced that the affiliate canceled its 2017 race and will close completely at the end of July. She said the donations that they already received will be returned to the donors.

    Heres more from the report:

    Mencuccini attributes the lower participation and donations to the fact that Arizonas weather permits many organizations to hold races and outdoor fundraising events.

    Were competing for the same donors, sponsors, volunteers and participants, Mencuccini said. Its a very competitive marketplace, especially here in Arizona where we have more than one season of 5K events.

    Komens funding of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain also has been a big influence in the decline.

    Recommended Reading: Baking Soda And Breast Cancer

    Does Free Mean Low

    Free mammograms and discounted mammograms must be done with the same quality and care as full-price breast screening. Just because the service is free does not mean that the quality is low.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does annual inspections at clinics that do mammography. They check up on the machines and all the staff that are associated with their mammography program.

    You can easily search for FDA-approved mammography providers by zip code, state, city, or name of the facility. Once you find the facility closest to you, call and ask about low-cost and free mammograms.

    Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report Is Out: Another Unhappy Tale

    Cathy Ruse is Senior Fellow for Legal Studies at Family Research Council. This article appeared in The Hill on January 28, 2018.

    This year, like every year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the nation looked back to a ruling from seven men on the bench while tens of thousands of people came to Washington to the March for Life.

    And the March for Life was filled with young women, many holding signs that read: Defund Planned Parenthood.

    Despite the news of President Cecile Richards‘ upcoming retirement, according to the abortion organizations recently released 2016-2017 report, they had a pretty good year.

    Revenue way up. The nations abortion giant brought in $1.46 billion dollars. Thats billion with a b, an increase of more than $100 million from 2015-2016.

    Abortions down slightly. Planned Parenthood aborted 321,384 babies last year, down from 328,348 babies in the 2015-2016 period. This decline follows the national trend: Fewer women have turned to abortionists every year for the last several years.

    While Planned Parenthood persists in claiming that abortion is just 3 percent of its business, this statistic has been widely discredited. It conflates the number of clients with number of services: For instance, a pregnancy test, counseling, and medication is each counted as a separate non-abortion service for every one abortion client.

    Don’t Miss: Don Harrington Breast Cancer Center

    What Are The Treatments For Breast Cancer

    If youre diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor will talk with you about your treatment options.

    Sometimes people get more than 1 type of treatment. It depends on what type of breast cancer you have and how far its spread. Here are some common types of treatment:

    • surgery a doctor removes the tumor from your breast

    • chemotherapy medicine that fights cancer

    • radiation therapy high-energy rays that kill cancer cells

    • hormone therapy medicine that blocks estrogen and keeps cancer cells from growing

    • Biological therapy works with your immune system to fight cancer

    Free Breast And Cervical Health Screenings

    CHART: Why Planned Parenthood Does NOT Help Poor Women

    If you live in Nevada or New Mexico, you could qualify for a free breast and/or cervical cancer screening. Click your state below or call 1.800.230.PLAN to learn more

    The Women’s Health Connection provides a free yearly breast exam, Pap test, and pelvic exam for Nevada residents ages 40-64 who qualify, based on income and lack of insurance. The program also covers mammograms for individuals ages 50 to 64.

    The Breast and Cervical Cancer Program provides free yearly breast exam, Pap test and pelvic exam for New Mexico residents who qualify, based on income and insurance.

    • For individuals age 21-29 who qualify, the screening includes a clinical breast exam, pelvic exam, and Pap test.
    • For individuals ages 30 and up, the screening includes a clinical breast exam, pelvic exam, Pap test, and mammogram referral, if indicated.

    Recommended Reading: Baking Soda And Honey For Cancer

    Who Needs A Cancer Screening

    All women should be screened for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and colon cancer, says Anjali Malik, MD, a board-certified radiologist in Washington, D.C. If they are high risk, for example, smokers or people with a family history, women should also be screened for lung cancer. And women with genetic syndrome, taking certain medications, or with family history, should be screened for uterine and pancreatic cancer as well.

    But what if you are otherwise healthy and you have no cancer risk factors?

    Even people who are in great physical health can develop cancers due to a variety of factors, says Jeff Fortner, Pharm.D., associate professor at Pacific University School of Pharmacy in Hillsboro, Oregon, and a member of the SingleCare Medical Review Board. Some of these are outside of their control, such as family history, exposure to cancer causing substances, and aging. While other factors are controllable such as diet, alcohol, and tobacco consumption.

    Planned Parenthood Out Of Cancer Screening Program

    Poor, uninsured women in Texas will no longer be able to obtain government-subsidized breast and cervical cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood clinics starting Sept. 1. This story is part of our 31 Days, 31 Ways series.

    Throughout August, The Texas Tribune will feature 31 ways Texans’ lives will change because of new laws that take effect Sept. 1. Check out our story calendar for more.

    *Clarification appended

    As part of the GOP’s ongoing fight against Planned Parenthood, poor, uninsured women in Texas will soon be unable to obtain government-subsidized breast and cervical cancer screenings at the organization’s clinics.

    In an effort to boot Planned Parenthood from the joint state-federal Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program, Texas lawmakers wrote a provision into the state budget to prohibit clinics affiliated with abortion providers from receiving taxpayer funding for breast and cervical cancer screenings. That state budget takes effect Sept. 1.

    Cutting off the dollars Planned Parenthood received from the cancer screening program had long been a goal of Texas Republicans, who have likened directing any state funds to Planned Parenthood affiliates to endorsing abortion. Their efforts have intensified in recent weeks, following the release of a series of undercover videos including one from Houston showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing fees for providing tissue from aborted fetuses to medical researchers.

    Read Also: How To Donate To Breast Cancer Charity

    What Cancer Screenings Does Pp Offer

    In its 2018-2019 annual report, Planned Parenthood lists the services it currently provides. This list included 566,186 cancer screening and prevention services. Under this umbrella are things like pap tests and HPV vaccinations. Also included in that number are 265,028 services for breast care. This refers to the same kind of breast exam that a woman can do on her own at home. The doctor will feel for lumps. He also checks for any other problems. If he finds something of concern, he will provide a referral for a mammogram at an outside facility.

    Some Planned Parenthood facilities have allowed a mobile unit to park outside. This mobile unit offers free mammograms to PPs clients. A few affiliates, such as Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania, have created a healthcare fund. This fund helps needy patients obtain services they cannot afford. In addition, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention runs the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programa program for low-income women to get access to services. Some PP facilities will help women apply for this program.

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    Susan G. Komen Foundation Backlash

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    What Services Does Bcn Provide

  • Screening services:
  • Pap test / Human papillomavirus test
  • Diagnostic testing for women with abnormal screening results
  • Follow-up guidance and support services
  • Community education on breast and cervical cancer
  • Are you Eligible for BCN Services?

    If you or someone you know may qualify for BCN services , please call the Division of Cancer Prevention Hotline at .

    To become a BCN Provider or to find out about a provider near you call the Division of Cancer Prevention Hotline at .

    To speak to the program manager or staff about guidelines or issues with the Best Chance Network: Contact the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Program at .


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