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HomePopularStage 3 Breast Cancer 10-year Survival Rate

Stage 3 Breast Cancer 10-year Survival Rate

It Was Estimated That In :

Understanding Breast Cancer Survival Rates
  • 118,200 Canadian men would be diagnosed with cancer and 44,600 men would die from cancer.
  • 110,900 Canadian women would be diagnosed with cancer and 40,000 women would die from cancer.
  • On average, 628 Canadians would be diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 232 Canadians would die from cancer every day.
  • Lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer are the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer in Canada .
  • These 4 cancers account for 46% of all new cancer cases.
  • Prostate cancer accounts for one-fifth of all new cancer cases in men.
  • Lung cancer accounts for 13% of all new cases of cancer.
  • Breast cancer accounts for one-quarter of all new cancer cases in women
  • Colorectal cancer accounts for 11% of all new cancer cases

Regional Recurrence Within Three Years Carries A Less Favorable Prognosis But Overall Survival Statistics Are Still Good

Generally speaking, if the breast cancer returns regionally lymph nodes) within the first five years following original treatment, the overall likelihood of survival is thought to be somewhat poorer.

Five-year overall survival after an isolated chest wall recurrence is 68% and after intra-breast recurrence it is 81%.

In one 2010 medical research study, the ten year overall survival rate was estimated at 84% for women without recurrence. However, this figure goes down to 49% for women with a locoregional recurrence and 72% for women with a second primary tumour.

A large 2015 study examined the impact of the time of the disease free interval on survival rates. For women with a locoregional recurrence that happened in the first 18 months, the ten year overall survival rate is around 30%. The overall 10 year survival rate for those whose recurrence happened within 3 years goes up to 50%. Furthermore, for those who suffered a recurrence after 3 years the ten year overall survival rate increases to 70%.

This recent study clearly demonstrates that the longer the time span since the primary prognosis and treatment to the recurrence, the better the long-term prognosis.

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The rate of distance breast cancer metastasis and overall survival is most favorable for women in which the recurrence occurred locally and after five years.

However, women with a same-breast recurrence within five years have a distant metastasis rate of about 61%, which are slightly poorer odds.

Prognostic Indicators In Stage Iii Breast Cancer Pts Treated With Nac

We compared DFS and OS curves between pts with NIN < 4 and pts with NIN 4, and a greater number of NIN was significantly correlated with poor prognoses. Tausch et al observed that an increased number of involved nodes and an increased ratio of involved to removed nodes were significantly correlated with worse DFS and OS in univariate and multivariate analyses . We compared DFS and OS curves between pts with NIN < 4 and pts with NIN 4 . A high number of NINs was a significant prognostic indicator correlated with DFS and OS . In the current study, the Ki-67 index was indicated to be as an independent prognostic factor for OS . However, achieving pCR subsequent to NAC was not associated with the Ki-67 labeling index . Since the median percentage of Ki-67 was 21.3% , we compared the DFS and OS curves with a cut-off value of Ki-67 at 20% . A high percentage of Ki-67 was suggested as a prognostic indicator correlated with OS , while there was no significant difference between the DFS curves .

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Symptoms Of Lobular Breast Cancer

Lobular breast cancer sometimes begins without symptoms. It may show as an abnormal area on a mammogram, which leads to further examination.

Spotting ILC on a mammogram can be difficult because the cancer cells spread in a line rather than in a distinctive lump, as in IDC. Magnetic resonance imaging imaging is reported to provide more sensitive images that may show the cancer better.

The first symptom of ILC is sometimes a thickening or hardening of a portion of the breast. This thickening can be felt by touch, but it feels different from the classic lump associated with IDC, the more common breast cancer.

Other symptoms of ILC may include:

  • swelling or fullness in a part of the breast, or in the whole breast
  • a change in the skin texture in a part of the breast
  • dimpling in the breast

The exact cause of ILC is currently unknown. But there are some risk factors that are associated with ILC. These can include:

  • taking hormone replacements, for menopause for example

Although people can be diagnosed with lobular breast cancer at any age, its most common in women ages 55 years and older. Research suggests that hormone replacement therapy after menopause, especially with progesterone, may increase the risk of this type of cancer.

Survival Of Breast Cancer Based On Stage

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Statistics are given below for the overall survival rates for breast cancer based on certain stages of disease development.

I made this page many years ago, when there was nothing like this data available on the internet. Recently this page has been up-dated with the most recent statistics that we can find. Prognosis will be even better than the numbers here suggest because modern targeted treatments have improved a lot.

Breast cancer staging is determined by many factors and these include:-

  • The presence and size of a tumor
  • Whether the tumor is node negative or positive, this means whether lymph nodes are involved or not
  • If the cancer has metastasized beyond the breast

If breast cancer is diagnosed and it is determined that there is no metastasis to the lymph nodes then the chances of survival are extremely good.

Once breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes the mode of treatment tends to shift to the chemotherapy medicines, and the odds of survival are somewhat lower.

An updated page on breast cancer survival rates. A new page on Breast cancer TNM stage.

Don’t Miss: How Do You Know Breast Cancer

What Are The Treatment Options For Stage 3 Breast Cancer

Another way a doctor may describe stage 3 breast cancer is if its operable or inoperable. This will determine further treatments.

If a cancer is operable, this means a doctor believes most or all of the cancer can be removed with surgery.

Inoperable cancer is still treatable with systemic therapy, but surgery isnt the right option because doctors feel they cant remove enough cancerous cells.

Treatment options for stage 3 breast cancer may include:

  • Surgery: known as a mastectomy, to remove cancerous tissue and also to remove lymph nodes
  • Hormone therapy: to slow or stop the growth of cancerous cells, if hormones are driving their growth
  • Chemotherapy: involves taking medications to kill fast-growing cancer cells
  • Targeted therapy: uses your genes to attack cancer cells without harming healthy cells

Your doctor may also recommend a combination of two or more treatments.

What Is The Survival Rate For Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

The survival rate for this malignancy varies depending on the stage the patient is at. For example:

  • If invasive ductal carcinoma has not spread beyond the breast, the five-year survival rate is approximately 99%.
  • If the cancer has spread to nearby structures or lymph nodes, the five-year survival rate is approximately 86%.
  • If the malignancy has spread to a distant area of the body, the five-year survival rate is approximately 27%.

When considering these numbers, its important to remember that they are just general benchmarks and should not be used to predict a specific persons chances of survival. There are a number of factors that can influence a patients prognosis, such as:

  • Whether the cancer is new or recurring
  • How far the cancer had progressed by the time it was diagnosed
  • The cancers hormone-receptor status and HER2 status
  • How quickly the cancer cells are growing
  • How the cancer is responding to treatment
  • The patients age, menopausal status and overall health

Plus, reported survival rates will of course be dated, and as newer treatment methods are developed, these rates will likely improve.

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Multivariate Cox Regression & Kaplan Meier Analysis

Multivariate Cox regression was performed, and the data is shown in . In addition, Kaplan Meier survival probabilities were calculated. In our study, increasing age and tumor size were among the independent factors affecting mortality. Patients who were diagnosed at an older age had reduced survival as well as those whose tumors were larger at diagnosis . These findings are similar to those of previously reported, albeit smaller studies .

Mortality Rates Versus Number Of Breast Cancer Deaths

Mistletoe Patient Perspective – The Davis Family – Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer

Sometimes its useful to have an estimate of the number of people expected to die from breast cancer in a year. This numbers helps show the burden of breast cancer in a group of people.

Numbers, however, can be hard to compare to each other. To compare mortality in different populations, we need to look at mortality rates rather than the number of breast cancer deaths.

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Diagnostic Tests That Inform The Clinical Stage

Many methods are used to detect and stage cancer. Some of the common tests include:

Biopsy: The doctor uses a needle to extract breast tissue or fluid, which is then sent to a lab. There, various techniques are used to examine different attributes, such as hormone receptor or HER2 status.

Tumor markers: Rapidly dividing cancerous cells interrupt some of the normal mechanisms of cell growth. This causes the cell to overproduce certain molecules. Lab tests detect these compounds, known as tumor markers, in blood or tissue samples.

Imaging techniques: Several different scans are used to examine characteristics of your cancer. Below are some of the noninvasive imaging techniques you might encounter:

  • MRI scans use magnets and radio waves to generate detailed pictures of your tissues.
  • CT scans use X-rays to look at your organs. Nuclear scans trace the flow of an injected safe radioactive dye in your body.
  • PET scans are similar to nuclear scans but specifically examine glucose consumption in the bodysince cancer cells use more glucose than normal cells.
  • Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves to see inside your body.

Stage 3a Breast Cancer

If you are diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer, it means that one of the following applies to you:


The tumour is less than 5 cm and breast cancer cells have been found in:

  • 4-9 lymph nodes in the armpit. or
  • 1 or more lymph nodes under the breastbone

The tumour is larger than 5 cm and breast cancer cells have spread to 1-9 lymph nodes.

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National Cancer Control Indicators

Cancer survival can be used as an indicator of cancer prognosis at a population level as well as indicate the effectiveness of treatments provided.1

Relative survival refers to the probability of being alive for a given amount of time after diagnosis, compared with the corresponding probability for the general population of similar demographic characteristics. The measure 10-year relative survival at diagnosis answers the question: “what is the probability that an individual will survive for at least 10 years after a cancer diagnosis compared with the corresponding probability for the general population?.

Breast Cancer Survival Rates

Breast Cancer Statistics in Australia

Survival rates of breast cancer patients alter and it would depend upon the phase of the cancer you are presently going through. What is this rate all about? You will be able to distinguish the breast cancer survival rates in a lot of methods such as:

1. Time abreast of diagnosing, a patient is rendered 5-10 years to live on.2. Return there are moment when return of the cancer happens after the cancer cells were previously removed.3. Dying risk as equated to others with the identical health precondition.

Survival rate is normally classified established upon the breast cancer phases. Phase 0 signifies that the cancer is even so noninvasive. The cancerous cells could just be detected in the walls of the swelling or mass within the breast.

As you progress to Stage 1, the tumor gets already developed approximately 1 inch long and it represents to be regarded fast-growing. Phase 2A occurs as the tumor is already 1 to 2 inches extended.

The phase 2B relates to tumors approximately 1 inch stressed just a few of the secondary lymph nodes are already stricken. As the tumor extends to preceding 2 inches and has already affected the lymph nodes, it is already classed as phase 3A of cancer and as the tumor encroaches upon the skin of the breasts, the breast cancer is in phase 3B. The elevated breast cancer is categorized below phase 4 wherein additional organs of the physical structure are already contaminated with the cancer cells.

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Survival Rate With Metastatic Breast Cancer

Many people wonder about the life expectancy for stage 4 breast cancer . Itâs important to note that everyone is different and survival rates vary widely. There are some people who survive many years and even decades with stage 4 disease. At the same time, itâs important to understand that stage 4 breast cancer isnât curable.

It can be helpful to look at current statistics and consider the many variables that affect life expectancy. While itâs important not to raise false hope, it may help to know the reality that there are some long-term survivors.

Some people want to know the statistics, but many donât. If youâre living with stage 4 breast cancer, there is absolutely no requirement that you know the prognosis. The information provided here is only for those who truly wish to know what the current research iseven this research has many limitations.

Survival depends on mortality. You start with 100 percent of the people in the group.

100 percent mortality rate = survival rate

Say, the mortality rate in the group of people is 5 percent. Survival would be 95 percent .

Similarly, the number of people in a group who survive depends on the number of people who die. Say, 500 people are in the group and 1 person dies. This means 499 people survived .

Age And Stage For Breast Cancer Prognosis

Stage 1 Breast Cancer: The highest survival rates for stage I breast cancer tends to be for women aged 50 to 69 years. Women under 39 have the poorest overall survival rates for stages I and II breast cancers.

Stage II, III and IV Breast Cancers: Women between the ages of 40 and 49 showed the highest survival rates for more advanced breast cancers. Conversely, as we have seen, women over 70 years showed the lowest survival rates for Stages III and IV breast cancer.

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Importance Of Regular Screenings For Breast Cancer

Regular screening can also help improve survival rates by ensuring that breast cancer is detected and treated early.

A 2021 study reported that Black and Hispanic women actually met U.S Preventative Services Task Force breast cancer screening guidelines at a higher rate than white women.

However, the study also highlighted that not meeting the guidelines was associated with socioeconomic factors like lower income and lack of access to health insurance. Overall, public health agencies are trying to ensure that all women are able to receive timely screening and treatment.

Hormonal Breast Cancer Survival Rate

Life Expectancy with Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

What is breast cancer? What are the symptoms of breast cancer? What is the cause?

  • Personal history of breast cancer: A family history of breast cancer. Some of these cases originated from a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are second. Typically, this gene acts as a tumor suppressor that protects against breast cancer, but a woman can inherit copies of genes containing mutations that promote the development of the disease If they do, the risk for breast cancer may be as high as 80 percent. It is estimated that between 5 and 10 percent of all breast cancer cases stemmed from inherited mutations of the BRCA1 or BRCA2. Rare mutations in another gene that can affect the risk of breast cancer, but not to BRCA1 and BRCA2.
  • Giving birth after the age of 30: increased risk of breast cancer in women who have never had children or who first gave birth after the age of 30.
  • Exposure to Estrogen: Throughout a womanâs life, the less he has to be exposure to estrogen , the lower the risk of disease. For this reason, women who start menstruating late and reach menopause early are at risk because of lower estrogen levels are highest during a womanâs reproductive years.

How is breast cancer diagnosed?

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Can You Live 10 Years With Metastatic Breast Cancer

Doctors used to consider metastatic breast cancer , or stage 4, as rapidly progressing in all instances.

Now as many as 10 percent of people with stage 4 breast cancer can achieve long-term and relapse-free survival. This is because of new targeted treatments, like human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 drugs.

Stage 4 is cancer thats spread outside of breast tissue and nearby lymph nodes to other locations in the body.

Understanding more about manageable stage 4 cancer can help doctors know who can benefit from aggressive treatment. There are three categories of information that doctors assess:

  • patient characteristics

, the chance of a woman dying from breast cancer is about 2.6 percent.

Breast cancer is common, but in many cases, its curable if its detected early.

Your outlook for breast cancer is better with early detection. Even so, there are people who survive metastatic disease.

According to the ACS , the 10-year relative survival rate for women with breast cancer is 84 percent, and the 15-year survival rate is 80 percent. These statistics include all stages of cancer.

Its important to remember that long-term statistics include people who received their diagnoses many years ago. This means that these statistics dont reflect the more recent improvements in cancer treatment.


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