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HomeFactsBest Tea For Breast Cancer Prevention

Best Tea For Breast Cancer Prevention

Green Tea Effects On Breast Cancer

What’s The Best Tea To Prevent Cancer? Here Are 6 of The BEST !

Test tube and animal studies have found that green tea polyphenols significantly hinder the development of breast cancer cells.

A human study involving more than 400 women with different stages of breast cancer noted that the women who drank the largest amounts of green tea had the most minimal spread of cancerous cells.

These effects were especially significant in premenopausal women with early-stage cancer.

The researchers also observed that the breast cancer patients in the early stages of the disease who drank at least 5 cups of green tea every day before being diagnosed with cancer had lower chances of experiencing a recurrence after finishing treatment.

In comparison, women with late-stage breast cancer experienced minimal to no improvement after green tea consumption.

The impact of green tea on breast cancer prevention is still unclear.

Researchers concluded from a large study that drinking green tea or other types of tea had no effect on reducing breast cancer risk.

However, when they split the samples by age, they observed that the risk of breast cancer development in women below 50 years who drank at least 3 cups of tea daily was reduced by a significant 37% compared to those who didnt drink tea.

Fighting Cancer With Color

Fruits and vegetables are rich in cancer-fighting nutrients — and the more color, the more nutrients they contain. These foods can help lower your risk in a second way, too, when they help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight. Carrying extra pounds increases the risk for multiple cancers, including colon, esophagus, and kidney cancers. Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables.

Pass Up The Deli Counter

An occasional Reuben sandwich or hot dog at the ballpark isn’t going to hurt you. But cutting back on processed meats like bologna, ham, and hot dogs will help lower your risk of colorectal and stomach cancers. Also, eating meats that have been preserved by smoking or with salt raises your exposure to chemicals that can potentially cause cancer.

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Green Tea Effects On Ovarian Cancer

During a recent Chinese study involving patients with ovarian cancer, researchers discovered that women who consumed at least one cup of green tea daily had an increased maximum lifespan with the disease compared to those who did not drink green tea.

Women that drank the most tea lived the longest.

However, some studies have found no positive effects of green tea on ovarian cancer.

A Randomized Controlled Trial Of Green Tea Extract Supplementation And Mammographic Density In Postmenopausal Women At Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer

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*Corresponding Author:

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Prevention Research Online .

Clinical Trial Registration: identifier: NCT00917735.

Corresponding Author:

  • R01 CA127236, T32CA186873, and T32CA132670
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
  • Cancer Prev Res

  • Accepted Manuscript September 13 2017
  • Hamed Samavat, Giske Ursin, Tim H. Emory, Eunjung Lee, Renwei Wang, Carolyn J. Torkelson, Allison M. Dostal, Karen Swenson, Chap T. Le, Chung S. Yang, Mimi C. Yu, Douglas Yee, Anna H. Wu, Jian-Min Yuan, Mindy S. Kurzer A Randomized Controlled Trial of Green Tea Extract Supplementation and Mammographic Density in Postmenopausal Women at Increased Risk of Breast Cancer. Cancer Prev Res 1 December 2017 10 : 710â718.

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    Wait What Are Free Radicals

    Of course, it may be hard to grasp this connection unless you know the definition of free radicals. So lets take a step back.

    Free radicals are the highly reactive oxygen molecules produced by everyday external life factors, such as air pollution, smoking, chemical exposure, and radiation. And when you dont neutralize free radicals with antioxidants in the body, cells become damaged and injured which increases your risk of serious health problems down the line, such as cancer.

    Oolong Tea Extract May Stave Off Breast Cancer

    New research finds that oolong tea can damage breast cancer cells and that people who consume large amounts of this tea have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

    Despite recent advances in screening procedures and treatment, breast cancer remains both the most common form of this disease and the second leading cause of cancer death among women.

    According to estimates by the American Cancer Society, more than 250,000 women in the United States developed breast cancer in 2017, and more than 40,000 died as a result.

    In this context, researchers are still in need of more effective prevention and treatment strategies. Moreover, given the side effects of chemotherapy, the need for nontoxic alternatives is also dire.

    With these aims in mind, scientists have investigated the potential benefits of green tea for breast cancer and found that certain compounds have anti-cancer effects. However, few studies have examined other types of tea and their role in breast cancer prevention.

    Now, a study looks at the potential benefits of oolong tea. Chunfa Huang, Ph.D., who is an associate research professor in the department of internal medicine at Saint Louis University in Missouri, led the new research.

    Huang and colleagues their findings in the journal Anticancer Research.

    , and triple-negative breast cancer cells.

    The researchers treated these cells with different concentrations of green, oolong, black, and dark tea extracts.

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    Green Tea To Treat Cancer

    There is very little research into whether green tea or green tea extract can help treat cancer.

    In 2012 an American study looked at taking a green tea extract called polyphenon E. They gave it to 42 patients. They all had a type of leukaemia called chronic lymphocytic leukaemia . The people in the trial were not taking any other kind of treatment.

    The researchers found that in a third of people the number of leukaemic cells lessened. Their lymph nodes also shrank. This was a small trial, but the results were promising. We need larger trials before we will know whether green tea or its extracts can help people with cancer.

    In another review study in 2018 researchers looked at using green tea and turmeric in people with CLL. They found limited evidence and mixed results that it might work.

    Research has shown a possible interaction between green tea and the drug bortezomib . This early research suggested that green tea might stop Velcade from working well. But we need much more research to find out if green tea has the same effect on humans.

    Speak to your doctor if you are taking Velcade and you want to drink green tea. You might have to avoid green tea or the extract EGCG. Some people take EGCG as a supplement in liquid or capsules.

    What Is White Tea Made Of

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    White tea is made from uncured and unoxidized tea leaves of the same plant. Black tea and herbal teas such as yerba maté, chamomile, mint, sage, and Essiac⢠tea are covered in other webpages. Green tea has been shown to have neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive properties and may reduce the risk of stroke.

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    How Might Tea Help Prevent Cancer

    Among their many biological activities, the predominant polyphenols in green teaEGCG, EGC, ECG, and ECand the theaflavins and thearubigins in black teas have antioxidant activity . These chemicals, especially EGCG and ECG, have substantial free radical scavenging activity and may protect cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species . Tea polyphenols have also been shown to inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in laboratory and animal studies . In other laboratory and animal studies, tea catechins have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis and tumor cell invasiveness . In addition, tea polyphenols may protect against damage caused by ultraviolet B radiation , and they may modulateimmune system function . Furthermore, green teas have been shown to activate detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase, that may help protect against tumor development . Although many of the potential beneficial effects of tea have been attributed to the strong antioxidant activity of tea polyphenols, the precise mechanism by which tea might help prevent cancer has not been established .

    Water And Other Fluids Can Protect

    Water not only quenches your thirst, but it may protect you against bladder cancer. The lower risk comes from water diluting concentrations of potential cancer-causing agents in the bladder. Also, drinking more fluids causes you to urinate more frequently. That lessens the amount of time those agents stay in contact with the bladder lining.

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    Green Tea For Fighting Cancer

    Regular consumption of green tea can do wonders for your health.

    Numerous studies suggest that green tea can offer multiple good health benefits.

    This includes helping with weight management, alleviating skin inflammation, improving blood flow, supporting blood sugar control, and fighting cancer.

    Green tea packs a nutritional punch, including alkaloids, proteins, volatile compounds, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements.

    This tea is said to possess the highest levels of powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols.

    Antioxidants are chemical compounds that inhibit the production of free radicals.

    These can have negative effects on the body, like damaging our DNA, destroying our healthy cells, and causing cell death.

    Researchers believe that the negative effects of free radicals on DNA have a significant role in the development of different types of cancers.

    The main polyphenol and a key active ingredient in green tea are catechins.

    These include epicatechin , epigallocatechin , epigallocatechin-3-gallate , and more.

    EGCG, the most active and prevalent catechin present in the tea, is thought to be responsible for the anticancer properties attributed to green tea extracts.

    Most scientific studies into the possible use of herbal teas for cancer treatment and prevention primarily focus on EGCG.

    The catechin has also been found to possess powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    Ginger Tea Effects On The Treatment And Prevention Of Cancer

    Strategy 3, Vitamin D &  Green Tea: Lifestyle Strategies to Combat and ...

    Some clinical studies have found that the polyphenol compounds in the ginger root may help prevent and treat different types of cancer.

    This includes colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, and pancreatic cancer.

    Please note that while this herbal tea for cancer is associated with multiple health benefits, consuming excess of it can cause an upset stomach and loose stools.

    Ginger tea is also related to other side effects like slowing down blood clotting. Hence, it should be avoided by people.

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    Are There Safety Considerations Regarding Tea Consumption

    Tea as a food item is generally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Safety studies have looked at the consumption of up to 1200 mg of EGCG in supplement form in healthy adults over 1- to 4-week time periods . The adverse effects reported in these studies included excess intestinal gas, nausea, heartburn, stomach ache, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, and muscle pain . In a Japanese study, children aged 6 to 16 years consumed a green tea beverage containing 576 mg catechins or 75 mg catechins for 24 weeks with no adverse effects . The safety of higher doses of catechins in children is not known.

    Aluminum, a neurotoxic element, is found in varying quantities in tea plants. Studies have found concentrations of aluminum in infusions of green and black teas that range from 14 to 27 micrograms per liter to 431 to 2239 g/L . The variations in aluminum content may be due to different soil conditions, different harvesting periods, and water quality . Aluminum can accumulate in the body and cause osteomalacia and neurodegenerative disorders, especially in individuals with renal failure . However, it is not clear how much of the aluminum in tea is bioavailable, and there is no evidence of any aluminum toxicity associated with drinking tea .

    Biological Effects Of Green Tea Capsule Supplementation In Pre

    • 1Department of Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • 2Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • 3Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • 4Department of Chemical Biology, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA
    • 5Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA

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    Does Green Tea Help With Cancer

    Using Green Tea to Help Prevent Cancer and Treat Cancer. Tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and premature death in general, with each additional cup of green tea a day associated with a 4-percent lower mortality risk. So, perhaps â drinking several cups of tea daily can keep the doctor away,â as well as â¦

    Does The National Cancer Institute Recommend The Use Of Tea To Prevent Cancer

    Green Tea and Cancer Protection

    NCI is a research institution. It develops evidence-based research results for others to interpret. In general, therefore, NCI does not make recommendations about specific medical or dietary interventions.

    Moreover, as noted above, the evidence regarding the potential benefits of tea consumption in relation to cancer is inconclusive at present.

    Selected References
  • Seeram NP, Henning SM, Niu Y, et al. Catechin and caffeine content of green tea dietary supplements and correlation with antioxidant capacity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006 54:15991603.

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    Flaxseeds Ground Or Whole Could Fend Off Cancer

    Shopping for healthy fats will inevitably lead you to flaxseed oil, but this is an instance when your best anti-cancer nutrition choice is the seed itself, ground into a flour-like dust.

    When you use milled flaxseed, it has a component called lignans, explains Marian. According to a study published in June 2014 in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, lignans may possibly decrease cancer growth, which could make it useful in a breast cancer management diet. You can buy ground flaxseed or grind the seeds yourself using a coffee grinder. Then sprinkle the flaxseed on salads or include it in muffins.

    How You Have It

    Green tea, like other teas on the market, comes as ready-made tea bags or leaves. You add boiling water to it.

    There are different views on how many cups you should drink each day to get a possible benefit. Manufacturers often suggest having between 3 and 5 cups a day.

    Most green teas contain caffeine. So, it will act as a stimulant and keep you awake if you drink it before going to bed. Some manufacturers sell decaffeinated green tea. It is uncertain whether removing the caffeine could reduce the possible antioxidant effects.

    EGCG, the helpful substance in green tea, is available as green tea extract. People take it as a supplement in liquids, tablets or capsules.

    Manufacturers sell green tea as a herbal supplement in most countries. So, manufacturers dont have to prove that they are safe or even that they have any health benefits.

    This means that the product or dose might not have been through tests to see if it works. Keep this in mind when buying supplements.

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    Views On Tea In Cancer Prevention Reports

    In 1991, The International Agency for Research on Cancer stated there is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of tea drinking in their report on Coffee, Tea, Maté, Methylxanthines and Methylglyoxal. They concluded tea is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.

    The United Kingdom Department of Healths Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy published in 1998, made the following conclusions on tea:

    • No relationship found between the consumption of tea and pancreatic cancer, but there is a possibility of bias or confounding.
    • Insufficient evidence exists to draw conclusions on tea consumption in relation to bladder cancer.

    The World Health Organization report into Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases published in 2003, does not specifically mention tea and its association with cancer risk.

    Guidelines by the American Cancer Society state that epidemiological studies on tea have had mixed findings, therefore tea has not been proven to reduce cancer risk in humans.

    The World Cancer Research Fund Report into Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a global perspective published in 2007 found that the evidence was too limited in amount, consistency and quality to draw any conclusions on tea and cancer risk. However, there was limited suggestive evidence that high-temperature drinks increase the risk of oesophageal cancer.

    Using Green Tea To Help Prevent Cancer And Treat Cancer

    Pin on Cancer Awareness and Prevention

    7 min read

    Image Credit: ORIENTO / Unsplash. This image has been modified

    Tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and premature death in general, with each additional cup of green tea a day associated with a 4-percent lower mortality risk. So, perhaps drinking several cups of tea daily can keep the doctor away, as well as the morticianbut what about cancer?

    As I discuss in my video Can Green Tea Help Prevent Cancer, there is growing evidence from laboratory, epidemiologic , and human intervention studies that tea can exert beneficial disease-preventive effects and, further, may actually slow cancer progression. Lets review some of that evidence.

    Green tea may be able to interfere with each of the stages of cancer formation: the initiation of the first cancer cell, promotion into a tumor, and then subsequent progression and spread, as you can see at 1:24 in my video. Cancer is often initiated when a free radical oxidizes our DNA, causing a mutation, but, as you can see at 1:44 in my video, we can get a nice spike of antioxidant power of our bloodstream within 40 minutes of drinking green tea. This increase may, in turn, lower oxidative damage to DNA and so decrease risk of cancer.

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